November 2016 Moms

Pee or amniotic fluid leak?

I'm 33w5d and last night had my first experience with leaking. I was sitting on the couch and had just put a heating pad on my back and suddenly felt like I'd peed myself a bit. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom then thought nothing of it other than to admonish myself for not taking kegel practice seriously. But this morning it happened again within minutes of me going to the bathroom. And then again an hour later. 

Combined with that is the fact that starting Friday I'd been experiencing major back pain. I had DH put some KT tape on it last night because it had gotten so intense I couldn't really function for most of yesterday. The KT tape has made all the difference, I'm barely experiencing any pain right now. But I can't help but wonder if all that pain, along with the leaking, is something I should worry about. 

So, those of you who have had leakage, how do you know it's pee and not amniotic fluid?

Re: Pee or amniotic fluid leak?

  • in my personal experience I only have pee leaks when coughing, sneezing or if (like this morning) I go to squat down too quickly and don't have an empty bladder. But always something I did causes it. I haven't experienced just sitting and having a leak for no reason, but that's not to say it doesn't happen. As always, check with your Dr if you are concerned. You can also wear a pad and check to see if the fluid is yellowish... amniotic fluid should be perfectly clear I think.
  • @rspalding001 - I did put a pad in after the last time (around an hour and a half ago), so will check it next time it happens for color. I thought it was odd to be leaking without something like a sneeze preceding it. If this keeps happening, I'll definitely call the dr this afternoon!

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  • I keep having little gushes here and there.  I think it's cervical mucus.  It's watery, but still a little stickier than I think pee or fluid would be.  It is hard to tell.  I went in once with my last pregnancy because I couldn't tell if my water had broken or if I peed.  Turned out to be pee :wink:  It is so hard to tell!
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


  • I had a really scary pee/fluid thing happen in an airport away from home at 25 weeks. (It was pee. That was an expensive discovery.) 

    The whole way to the hospital, EMS kept telling me that since it was clear and it was a one-time thing that it was almost certainly pee. You could try smelling it, though that didn't help my situation. I hadn't sneezed or coughed; doctor said it was either an involuntary spasm or baby kicked me in the exact right spot. You can also try laying down after it happens for 30 minutes, and then standing to see if any more leaks out, which could be a sign of amniotic fluid. 

    Honestly, if you're worried, just go get it checked. I was SO embarrassed when they told me all was well, but both the ER nurse and my doctor confirmed that that is the most common reason pregnant women come into the hospital (if not in labor.) 
  • I've leaked a few times and have had to call my dr to confirm it's either pee or discharge I will say her main question is if it happens more then once when switching positions and since you said it's happened a few times I would definitely call or go in. It's better safe then sorry. 
  • I'm willing to bet it's just pee, sometimes a big kick can force some out. Or sex or just an increase in discharge are possible too. 
  • Call your Dr for sure I was leaking last pregnancy and they put me on bedrest immediately and gave me steroid shots to help develop baby's lungs since they were sure she was going to be early. Luckily she waited until 38 weeks but I thought it was just pee too until I had a sonogram and my fluid was low. Amniotic fluid smells sweet unlike urine. But call your without enough fluid your baby could be in serious danger. 
  • At my childbirth class, they told us to put on a pad for an hour or two to see if it continues, then call in and be prepared to tell them: when it happened, how much was there, what color was it, and what odor, if any, did it have.  Hope that helps.
    Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016
    TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019

  • Called the dr's office and they wanted me to go to the bathroom, put on a clean pad, lay on my left side for 20 minutes then see if it happened when I stood up. If it did that then it could be a leak and to go to the hospital. I took a break from work and went home to do it - and it didn't happen! Guess it's just pee or other vaginal discharge. 

    Thanks ladies for all the responses! 
  • I'm lurking from December and thought I would chime in since I've leaked. I was 38 weeks at the time. I was out shopping and doing lunch with the kids and kept feeling wet. To the point it happened a few times and my pants were uncomfortably wet  so I decided to go home. I still wasn't convinced yet until I had a small gush standing up after going pee. After that I tried the laying down thing (which worked the last time my water broke) but nothing really happened. I still kept feeling wet though so I went in and it was my water. So I guess I would say if you keep experiencing this and you are wet more than you have been in the past I would go get checked. 
  • My question is how can you tell if you're in the shower and your water breaks? 
  • camcbeth said:
    My question is how can you tell if you're in the shower and your water breaks? 
    I think about this just about every day lol
  • Me too @jennihaze because with my first I never had a gush of water. I had a trickle and I don't know if I would have been able to tell the difference if I was in the shower. 
  • camcbeth said:
    My question is how can you tell if you're in the shower and your water breaks? 
    If it's a pop and a gush, you'll feel it, I promise. If it's more of a trickle you'll know in a few minutes when you get out and it keeps coming.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • camcbeth said:
    My question is how can you tell if you're in the shower and your water breaks? 
    If it's a pop and a gush, you'll feel it, I promise. If it's more of a trickle you'll know in a few minutes when you get out and it keeps coming.
    Yes, you would continue to leak and stay wet. You may think you're peeing yourself, try sitting on the toilet. If it's amniotic fluid you can't stop the flow. 
  • Hi! I leaked with my first pregnancy! it first happened the night before my due date then again the morning of so my dr said to come into the hospital. He did a swab check and said it wasn't amniotic fluid. We were so bummed and left and the next day went to my scheduled 40 week apt. My dr said for fun we could check another time and sure enough he came back into the room with a big smile on his face and said head to the hospital!! He explained that the babies head most likely moved so and closed it up so when they checked the day before at the hospital they didn't get any amniotic fluid in the swab. 
    Because I was leaking yet not in labor I had to be induced because the here is a higher chance for infection. We also had to stay in the hospital an extra night to be monitored for fever etc. because we didn't exactly know when my water started to leak.
    In regards to ur water breaking, after I was on patocin my water did eventually break and for me it was a really weird feeling I'll never forget and you definitely will know even if you are in the shower
  • I had a "leak" happen twice this pregnancy. They kept telling me it was most likely pee but sent me to the hospital to check. It wasn't.  I had bacterial vaginosis. The second time was two weeks later and I had terrible stomach and lower back pain with it.  I still had infection but it was worse. So,  it's not always pee! Haha

  • in childbirth class last night she said the easiest way to tell is if it is happening to do kegels - if it is pee it will stop the flow; if it doesn't stop then you know
  • I wonder about the water breaking thing when I'm lap swimming as well!  Particularly during flip turns...
    Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016
    TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019

  • flash86 said:
    I had a "leak" happen twice this pregnancy. They kept telling me it was most likely pee but sent me to the hospital to check. It wasn't.  I had bacterial vaginosis. The second time was two weeks later and I had terrible stomach and lower back pain with it.  I still had infection but it was worse. So,  it's not always pee! Haha

    How did they treat the BV? I'm always so paranoid I have this and not a yeast infection...
    Me: 33 | DH: 34
    TTC #1 Oct 2015
    BFP Mar 26, 2016 - DD born Nov 2016 <3
    TTC #2 since Mar 2017
    DX: MF June 2019, varicocele embolization Jan 2020, good improvement (14 mil, low motility)
    IUI#1 Aug 2020 - BFN
    IVF #1 Dec 2020 (ICSI) - ER, freeze-all - 15 retrieved, 15 mature, 15 fertilized. 4 embryos frozen, all day 5 blasts!
    FET #1 Feb 2021 - BFN
    FET #2 Apr 2021 - BFP 5DP5DT!! Beta #1 13DP5DT (17DPO)  = HcG 1,238. Beta #2 17DP5DT (21DPO) = HcG 8,269

  • flash86 said:
    I had a "leak" happen twice this pregnancy. They kept telling me it was most likely pee but sent me to the hospital to check. It wasn't.  I had bacterial vaginosis. The second time was two weeks later and I had terrible stomach and lower back pain with it.  I still had infection but it was worse. So,  it's not always pee! Haha

    How did they treat the BV? I'm always so paranoid I have this and not a yeast infection...
    Believe me, if you have it you KNOW it. At least for me, there's a terrible smell and a ton of watery discharge and itching. They treat it with antibiotics and the symptoms go away within 24 hours or so after starting them. 
  • I ageee with @MrsMaryK2016 you WILL know. The itching is not even comparable to a yeast infection. I couldn't even work it was so bad. It was almost hard to walk because it felt so swollen like it was just going to fall out hahah (TMI coming) one night it was so bad j just have been scratching in my sleep and woke up covered in blood. It's horrific. You will know the difference I can promise that. 
  • kristah2 said:
    I ageee with @MrsMaryK2016 you WILL know. The itching is not even comparable to a yeast infection. I couldn't even work it was so bad. It was almost hard to walk because it felt so swollen like it was just going to fall out hahah (TMI coming) one night it was so bad j just have been scratching in my sleep and woke up covered in blood. It's horrific. You will know the difference I can promise that. 
    Seriously the worst! And, unlike a yeast infection, it doesn't go away with a Monastat. So if you really aren't sure try treating it over the counter and if it doesn't go away or comes back then it's time to call the gyno. 

    I'm like weirdly passionate about telling women about this because I had never heard of it before until it happened to me and I was so embarrassed,  I put off treatment for a while and just hoped it would go away! 
  • So my daughter, three years ago, I went all day wetting my pants and I seriously went to my bed and cried because I was so upset. Then I got on Google, ended up going to the hospital to check and we were having a baby. It was amniotic fluid.  It wasn't until the next morning that I had her, so I noticed that when I had to stand up more fluid would gush out then it was originally, it became quite noticeable, mostly when I stood. 

    I would say if you aren't sure, go see the doctor. At my hospital you would go directly to labor and delivery and get checked out. Worse they can tell you is it isn't amniotic fluid, but if it is then they need to know because of an increased chance of infection the longer you go after your water breaks. 

    Good luck 
  • Someone asked how can you tell if your in the shower when your water breaks 

    Sometimes it's hard to tell. With my daughter is thought I was peeing my pants, couldn't tell, had to get seen, then I could tell that it gushed when I stood after sitting in the bed for awhile. 

    For my son it was much easier, there was no gush of fluid thay I remember, but I could feel a pop inside, like a waterballoon popping inside. Very distinct.   So if that happens you should be able to feel it where ever you are, but if it's a slow leak like with my daughter you sometimes can't tell and have to go in and get checked out.  They see the fluid under a microscope and can tell you if it's urine or amniotic 

  • Had the same thing happen yesterday! A slow leak but enough to be dripping on the carpet. Went to the doc for them to tell me it was pee.... I still dont believe that it was pee considering I had already gone to the bathroom and this liquid was very clear and NOT coming out of the pee hole!
  • edited October 2016
    @BabyTaylor88 -  I've been more likely to leak some right after I go to the bathroom, not sure if it's the angle of my bladder that traps some until I stand up or if relaxing to pee relaxes my vagina enough to release some discharge, but it's been unstoppable and usually very clear just like you describe it. Mine has been little enough to be stopped by a pantyliner-type pad even though it's now a regular occurrence, but if you find it happening in large amounts, you should definitely go back to get it checked again - better safe that sorry.
  • I went to the emergency room Monday at 3am because of a huge gush while I was peeing. I have never peed that much even when my bladder feels full to the max. The ER didn't even want to touch me and said I needed to wait until my appointment that was at 10:20am. I asked about getting a swab or ph test and the Dr. seemed annoyed with me and again stated I needed to wait. He didn't want to risk infection by poking and prodding if I was leaking. Even with my past history from my first labor with DD. I leaked (and knew it) and had a fever within 7 hrs of the initial leaking and delivered her within 9 hrs. So I was not very thrilled to wait about 8 hours to find out if I was leaking. My Dr. checked me and said I wasn't leaking, but that it must've been the baby's head moving releasing more urine than normal!? I still am not convinced it was just urine. I'm not one to go to the Dr. let alone the ER just for s&g. It's expensive too. It felt like such a huge gush. However I'm still sitting on my couch 4 days later and at 38 weeks. 
  • Antibiotics. The second round since it was bad I got iv fluids as well.
  • It's kind of rare to have your water break spontaneously before labor starts. If your doc says it's pee, there's no reason not to trust them.
  • @whaat I hear that a lot! But with all 3 my water broke before any labor started. My first two my water broke and it was hours without any signs of contractions and so I needed pitocin. With my 3rd my water broke first again but contractions started without a few minutes after. I guess my body likes to do things backwards.
  • Same here @leighry! My water broke with DD and 15hrs later still no contractions! Needed pitocin to get things going. 

    MMC 01/26/12 

    MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13

    BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!

    <3Madeline Lorraine H. <3 Born 11/12/13 @9:10pm, 7lb6oz

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    MC @ 13wks 01/15/15 

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