I'm not sure anyone would have ever had this experience, but I'm frustrated, confused and not sure what happens next. I had an egg retrieval on Sunday, and they got 12 eggs. I got a call on Monday saying 11 fertilized. They told me not to expect a call until Saturday- they would freeze all Friday and call Saturday.
Here's the wrinkle- I live just outside Orlando, and hurricane Matthew was threatening us majorly. I started my period Friday and called as I was supposed to, but the office was closed for the storm. The on call nurse called back today, and I asked for an update on the embryos. She said she would get one and call me back. Five hours later, she called. Apparently they were concerned about the power going out, so they froze my embryos on Thursday (day 4) and are going to defrost on Monday and see if they keep growing. I told her I was greatly concerned as I know there is a risk to freezing and refreezing, and no one had advised me what was going on. She said she would have the weekend doctor call me, but of course that didn't happen. Apparently the doctor called other patients to advice them this was occurring, but I never was told. Oh, and on top of all this, I don't even know how many were frozen on Thursday.
I understand a hurricane is a crisis, but how did they do this without my consent? And honestly, how do you operate a practice in Florida without a better plan in place? My embryos were day 4, and now are subject to a freeze, thaw, and another freeze. And honestly, they have to defrost and then keep growing??
This is such a stressful time anyways, and this is just making it worse. I'm terrified that this whole cycle was for nothing. I'm trying to stay positive, and failing right about now. Has anyone heard of anything like this?!? Any ideas on how to not go nuts while I wait?!
Me: 37. DH:37
Trying to conceive since May 2015
Diagnosis: MFI- told to go straight to IVF
Egg retrieval: late January 2016- 7 embryos on ice
FET #1: April 27- transferred 2- BFN- (beta 4, CP)
FET #2- July 27- transferred 2-
Beta August 8
Re: weird one- freeze in middle of the incubation?
TTC for 8 years.
Started in 2008 with timed intercourse, ovulation testing, no official monitoring.
OB-GYN recommended Clomid and timed intercourse, attempted for 6 straight months.
First surgery June 2009 (OB-GYN): diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis and large hydrosalpinx on right tube.
Second surgery (July 2009, RE performed this): Right tube had to be removed, lots of adhesions removed.
Attempted "trying on our own" as per RE recommendations, unsuccessful 5-6 months.
HSG performed December 2009: left tube open.
February 2010: started Femara and timed intercourse, attempted 6 months, no BFPs.
Took a break for a while.
January 2011: started IUI process, ovaries never properly responded to medications, 6 failed attempts, never actually completed an IUI.
Took 2012-2014 off due to depression and frustration (side note: did complete grad school to become a nurse practitioner- great distraction).
2015: started seeing RE again, went through tons of testing and HSG, left tube now blocked, only option is IVF.
September 2015: Started first official IVF cycle, cancelled in October due to large cyst on left ovary.
October 2015: started on birth control for 2 months.
December 2015: attempted to start another IVF cycle, cysts on both ovaries on initial ultrasound, left was huge, cancelled to aspirated cyst.
January 2016: Cyst back, surgery for ex-lap, cyst and adhesions removed.
March 2016: Attempted second IVF cycle, estrogen way too high, cyst back, cancelled again.
April 2016: Third attempted IVF cycle, 7 eggs retrieved, 2 mature (but not great) embryos made to fresh transfer, neither implanted.
May-Sept 2016: Break to regain sanity.
Sept-Oct 2016: Attempted fourth IVF cycle, very successful, cyst still on left but we ignored. 7 mature "great looking" eggs retrieved, 4 mature embryos made it to day 5 transfer. Transfer aborted due to large amount of endometriosis fluid in uterus.
FET of 2 embryos completed on 12/12/16.
12/22/16 1st Beta 179 BFP!!!
12/24/16 2nd Beta 449!!
EDD 8/30/17 with two girls!!!!!
Audrey (4lb 8oz) and Olivia (6lb 6oz) born 8/10/17!!
Because of my borderline AMH, I decided to do two cycles of IVF prior to my first FET. This was what my RE recommended in order to have enough embryos to have 2-3 children (hopefully).
After my first cycle we froze all fertilized embryos at day 1. After my second retrieval we thawed the embryos from the first cycle and grew them to day 5 with all the fertilized embryos from the second cycle. My embryos were then biopsied for CCS testing and frozen again. (This was done in this way in order to save some money on the CCS testing). All the day 1 embryos survived the freeze/thaw. We ended up transferring an embryo from my first cycle and again it survived the freeze/thaw. This procedure is pretty standard at the clinic I use and they assured me that less than 1% don't survive the thaw.
Trust me I understand your concern (and I know our situations are a little different) but in my (limited) experience the freezing technology is really advanced and they rarely lose an embryo. Best of luck to you!
@Ange15 . Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know that! It was definitely reassuring to hear that... I had never heard of defrosting and growing more, and knowing it worked for you was such good news!
Trying to conceive since May 2015
Diagnosis: MFI- told to go straight to IVF
Egg retrieval: late January 2016- 7 embryos on ice
FET #1: April 27- transferred 2- BFN- (beta 4, CP)
FET #2- July 27- transferred 2-
Beta August 8