November 2016 Moms

TMI Tuesday - 10/4

Too much information! 

Re: TMI Tuesday - 10/4

  • TMI- when I pee I feel so much pressure in my vagina it takes me a minute before I can bare to stand up. Thanks baby! 
  • Do not, I repeat DO NOT use any type of at-home hair removal products on your lady areas if they are already swollen and tender from pregnancy. You will give yourself a chemical burn which will hurt more than any other pain in your life. 

    Should you not take this warning and find yourself screaming when you pee on your burned bits, use a water bottle to flush while you pee and a mixture of Dermaplast numbing spray and coconut oil is a nice salve while you sit in agony for 24 hours. 

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  • @kristah2 omg!!! Yes, when I pee I have to pee very slowly and I mean slow like hardly any pressure in my stream or my insides hurt so bad that it takes a minute to gather the strength to wipe lol. 

    Me: 28 <3 DH: 29

    #1 DS: 11/24/2016

    #2 EDD: 11/15/2017

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  • So this is sooooo silly, but sometimes pooping makes me nervous. I sometimes have discomfort in my abdomen when going (almost like an IBS attack without the runs) and I'm always scared I'm somehow having the baby without realizing it. Again, I know this is really silly, my anxiety sometimes gets the best of my rationality. 
  • desoky01 said:
    So this is sooooo silly, but sometimes pooping makes me nervous. I sometimes have discomfort in my abdomen when going (almost like an IBS attack without the runs) and I'm always scared I'm somehow having the baby without realizing it. Again, I know this is really silly, my anxiety sometimes gets the best of my rationality. 
    I get this too. I have IBS as well and the other night my stomach was so bad I honestly couldn't tell if I was in labor or just having a bad IBS moment. Tears and laying on the floor. Then finally after a good hour of pain, I was a bit better. There is way too much anxiety involved with IBS alone, then add pregnancy on top of it. 
  • Does anyone else feel like their baby is kicking them right in the urethra? Because OUCH!
    BFP#1 Mar 29/16, EDD Nov 22/16
    TTC #1 since Jan/15
    Married Since June/13
  • @thenali bladder punching bag :expressionless:
  • Ummmmm so I realized yesterday while cleaning up after secksytime with DH, I have a varicose vein on my labia majora?! Whoa now, where did that come from? Anyone else? Legs are still vein free, however!

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