
How do you deal with your overexcited child?

I have a 4 year old and she is a wonderful little girl; however, she tends to get overexcited about certain things and will repeat herself multiple times. For example, I recently told her that her birthday party is coming up in a week. Just like any kid, she gets very excited; however, she'll then keep bringing it up multiple times every day until the event actually happens. She'll ask questions and then repeat the same questions even after I've answered them. I'm not sure if this is normal child behavior or not. Do you have an overexcited child? If so, how do you handle it?

Re: How do you deal with your overexcited child?

  • DD is 6 and she is like that as well. I tend to hold off on telling her things until the day before if possible. Ive also noticed she worries about things she shouldn't. For example, thurs & fri we were in Mexico and we went to El paso for a party. She kept asking over and over when the party was, whos party it was, if we could go to the party already, where we were going to sleep after the party, What time we were gonna head back home, how far the house we were staying @ was from the party etc. @ that point she was driving me a little crazy and just told her she didnt Have to worry about things like that because shes just a child, that we(DH & i had everything figured out (though, i cant completely blame her i am the same way).

    Whats worked best for me is like i mentioned, holding off on telling her things until the day before or day of. Also, i let her look @ the calander to show her how far the event is and she calms down. If i find myself answering the same question over and over by the 3rd time i say "didnt i tell you already?" sometimes she'll say "yes but i just want you to tell me again." or she'll say yes and wont ask me again unless shes super anxious and excited. I think its pure excitement and curiosity, i dont have a complete cure for it lol. I feel my daughter will always be that way. Hope something works for you!
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