May 2017 Moms


I think there may be a few of us floating around in this group and thought it would be fun to have a thread together for fun stories and support :)
A few questions:
What grade do you teach?
When/How are you thinking of telling your class?
How long are you taking off?
What are you excited about/nervous about?

I teach Kindergarten and am going to tell them around 3-4 months or once I start showing, don't know how though. I want to take the full 3 months off and may be able to take longer if they don't count summer into that (crossing fingers but doubting lol). I'm excited about finally prioritizing my family over work, but nervous about the same thing. I'll also be missing the first month or so of next school year (we start at the end of July) and am nervous about coming in late and having someone else set up my class. I can't wait to be a real mom and not just a teacher mom, although I do love all my little ones! Can't wait to hear from all of you!

Re: Teachers?

  • I know what you mean about the "teacher mom" feelings. I used to work in early childhood education (infants-preschool), but I haven't for the past 2 years, so I can't answer your questions. Lol.
    I just wanted to say that I totally identify with the childless mom thing. I'm very mothering/nurturing to everyone in my life: my old students, my siblings, my niece (the only next gen in the family... until May), etc. People in my life aren't always so receptive to it though because "I don't have kids" therefore what do I know. Maybe I really don't know anything about loving and caring for people, but I doubt that. I'll find out this spring. 
    I also wanted to chime in to say good for you for putting yourself and your family first, and I hope you get the time off when you want it. 
  • I am a Principal of a small preschool/ kindergarten program. I do not plan on telling the staff/ families until I can no longer hide it or early December if possible. Given my position and that I also manage all bookkeeping I anticipate that I will have a "working maternity leave" and still answer emails and run payroll. By doing this I think I will try and extend my maternity leave to 12 weeks and not start back official until August. Unfortunately my job is very time consuming but I have many benefits of flexibility, understanding Advisory Committee/ Church community.  DH and I have not discussed what plans would be for next year, staying home is not an option for currently but given my commute and I would be dropping kids off at three different locations I am already very anxious about this transition. 
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  • @museic, I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that if you qualify for FMLA (if your school/district has more than 50 employees and if you have been there at least a year) they have to give you 12 weeks at any point in the year.  That means you should be allowed to take as many weeks as you need to get to summer break and then "go back to work" over the summer and then take the remaining weeks of your 12 once school starts back up again.  I am not an FMLA expert, but I am almost positive you don't have to take all 12 weeks in a row once the baby is born.
  • Correct, if you qualify for FMLA you can take that at any point.  I'm due at the end of May so I'll only need a couple weeks at the end of the school year.  I'm undecided if I'll take the remaining 9-10 weeks at the start of the school year.
    dx: Unexplained IF (mild MFI) TTC since May 2011, 1 year trying, and then 3 TI, 2 IUI = BFN
    IVF #1 (May 2013): Antagonist Protocol:
    24R, 18M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 2 early blasts, no frosties = BFN
    IVF #2 (August 2013): Lupron Stop Protocol:
    28R, 23M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 1 partially hatched blast, 7 frosties = BFP
    EDD 5/23/14, blighted ovum (6w6d), D&C (8w6d)
    FET #1 (April 2014): transferred 2 5d blasts = BFP
    C.J. born 01/09/15

    FET #2 (September 2016): transferred 1 5d blast = BFP
    EDD 05/26/17
  • What grade do you teach? High School Special Education (I'm the case-manager for all students in the ED program and I teach cross-cat English)
    When/How are you thinking of telling your class? Knowing my kids one will just ask me if I'm getting fat. I'm guessing after Christmas Break there will be no way to hide it.... We recently read Lamb to the Slaughter and quite a few of my kids were commenting and asking why I don't have kids yet...
    How long are you taking off? Since I'm due May 15 and School ends May 30 I'm not sure... I'd love to however, It really scares me to have another person start the school year with my kids. The population I work with need consistency and if the classes don't get started like I want them to I might get screwed for the rest of the school year... 
    What are you excited about/nervous about?  Right now I'm soo excited about everything! I just want to be able to hold the baby in my arms. I'm most nervous about sleep haha I don't do well on no sleep.... 
  • What grade do you teach? College -- mostly sophomores, juniors, and seniors
    When/How are you thinking of telling your class? Maybe like on the last day of the semester? I definitely will tell faculty in my dept first, and then the students I do research with before I announce anything to my students in the classroom. I might wait until the end of the semester to even tell my department chair and fellow faculty. I haven't decided. And I might not say anything at all to my classroom students. When I come back for the spring semester the new students will surely know right away!
    How long are you taking off? no time. We get 6 weeks paid but only during the school year. I didn't want to disrupt the semester--especially spring when my classes are more important--so that's why we went for May (and would have gone for June, July or August as well). But it means I get no leave. If you have a baby over the summer you're off contract and you get no leave of any kind (even though everyone works throughout the summer on their research, which I'll just have to skip doing much of the summer.) If baby comes roughly on time I'll be able to get through finals and hopefully grading those finals. I'll miss graduation but that doesn't really count as "taking leave" IMO.
    What are you excited about/nervous about? being overwhelmed with 3 kids! I'm also worried about all of the summer work time I'm missing out on. I'm thinking about taking unpaid FMLA in the fall so I can recoup the lost research time.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would think your leave under FMLA would be unpaid, though.

    I am a school social worker. We end school the first week of June (Due May 30th) and return the Tuesday after labor day. I plan for the summer to be my leave. Baby #1 was born end of June. I took no additional leave beyond the summer break,  Baby #2 was born end of March.. that was the best timing..I took off that time through the summer,  Baby #3 end of August.. terrible timing.. I took off 6 weeks total. :( This one being due May 30th.. is hit or miss of getting any time off before the school year is done.. and I'll return when the year begins again.

    DS1 -6/25/11

    DS2 -3/23/13

    Missed MC D&C 8/26/14

    DD - 8/26/15

    LO#4 due 5/30/17

  • What grade do you teach?  I teach High School Computer Programming
    When/How are you thinking of telling your class?  The last couple of pregnancies my first class, of the day, has figured it out because of morning sickness.  Then they spread it to whoever would listen.  The whole student body knew before I told my principal.  So, I am hoping I can keep it quiet for a little while longer this time.  I am hoping for a sticky baby and my loss last May was hard on the students.  I would like to tell them before they leave for Christmas break.
    How long are you taking off?  It will depend on when I have to go on FMLA for bedrest.  I am high risk because of my previous losses.
    What are you excited about/nervous about?  I am trying not to be excited yet.  I have my first OB appointment today and my first MFM appointment on Friday.  I am nervous about another loss.  I really don't want to get attached but I know I already am.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    EDD: 06/25/2006  M/C: 11/03/2005
    EDD: 04/08/2012  M/C: 09/03/2011
    EDD: 12/27/2012  Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
    EDD: 12/07/2013  M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
    EDD:  07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016

  • I teach grade three 

    If all goes well at my next appointment I may tell them at Halloween by dressing up as a "Mummy" 

    I will be taking the full year we get of Mat leave in Canada. It will be great because I'll go back for May and June then be off again for the Summer.

    I am still worried/ nervous and can't wait to hear the heartbeat hopefully this Friday! 

  • What grade do you teach? I teach grades 1 and 2 English Language Learners for .7 and I'm the District ELL Director for .3 

    When/How are you thinking of telling your class? Haven't thought about it. I suppose when I start showing, someone will say something.

    How long are you taking off? I'm surprised at how many people aren't planning on taking more time off after the summer. I definitely plan to use the entire 3 months paid + summer so I'll be taking a total of around 5 months. I'm due May 15 and school ends June 15 (assuming no snow days). I'll probably be going back at the end of October/beginning on November. I agree that it's a bit scary thinking of someone else starting the school year in my position/ setting up my classroom, but I want to spend as much time as I can with my baby before putting him/her in daycare. We're not close enough to any family so we will either be finding a nanny or daycare. 

    What are you excited about/nervous about? I'm so excited to be a mom. I'm a bit nervous about finances, but it will work out.
  • What grade do you teach? 3rd

    When/How are you thinking of telling your class? I haven't gotten that far yet.  

    How long are you taking off? My due date is the end of May, so I'll only have to miss a couple weeks of actual work. 

    What are you excited about/nervous about? I'm so excited that I heard the heartbeat of my baby today. It's a happy feeling for anyone, but after my last ultrasound confirming bad news, I'm more happy than I thought possible. 
  • I teach grade one/two

    I plan on telling my principal and then staff first in Nov once first tri is nearing an end. Maybe on my birthday (the 4th). The kids I won't say anything to though, until it becomes obvious though I am sure they will all know before that since I teach a colleague's child.

    I will be taking the full year we get of Mat leave in Canada.

    I am excited for my ultrasound this week but scared too. I'm terrified of losing this baby, still. PTSD from previous losses, I guess. 
    2 angel babies Jan 2015 and Nov 2015
    BFP Sept 2016
    Fingers crossed for a sticky rainbow baby!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • I teach special education. This year I work with 5 & k. 

    TW: I'm not telling for quite a while...a third grade teacher lost her baby at 24 weeks last spring. Untelling is horrible.

    I'm taking the end of the year off probably last week of May through end of September.

    I'm excited and nervous for my ultrasound next Tuesday.
  • I'm jealous of all the moms from Canada!  If I had the option of a year I'd take it. Since we get such a short amount here, weighing the pros and cons even if I can take the remainder of my Fmla in the beginning of the school year, since it's such a short time  I don't think I will, probably cause more stress for me. 
  • What grade do you teach?  I'm a school psychologist for an elementary and middle school
    When/How are you thinking of telling your class? I don't have a class.  I'm hoping to tell people once it becomes obvious.  Hoping for after Thanksgiving.
    How long are you taking off?  I'm due mid May and we usually go to school until late June.  I'll take that off plus the summer.  I'll go back to work for the first day of school in September.
    What are you excited about/nervous about?  I'm very cautiously optimistic about everything still.  I'm trying not to get too excited just in case anything happens.  It's still so early.  I have a dating u/s on Thursday morning and I cannot wait to hear the heartbeat.  
    Me: 36  DH:35
    Married: 7/10/2016
    TTC#1 - May 2016
    BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016  
    BFP 5/5/2017  - CP
    IVF #1 - June 2017  - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo.  7/9 Beta #1 - 161 
    <3 Adam <3 Born on 3/18/18

  • What grade do you teach? Freshmen English
    When/How are you thinking of telling your classes? Not sure yet. I'm not going to miss much of school unless there's bed rest involved, so hopefully I can wait until I'm showing. I'm betting my colleagues will spill the beans.
    How long are you taking off? I can't imagine letting someone else start of my year next year. Those first few weeks are crucial. I've had to take a couple days here and there already because of morning sickness and it's ROUGH coming back. I think I'll just take the end of the year, which should be about three weeks, and the summer.
    What are you excited/nervous about? Growing this baby is pretty scary. It's like there's an alien in there making me feel miserable. I'm excited for the maternal urges to kick in. Also, my husband is absolutely the cutest and most excited about this pregnancy so he's getting me through.
  • mllek44mllek44 member
    edited October 2016
    What grade do you teach? High School French
    When/How are you thinking of telling your classes? I really don't like most of my colleagues so I'm going to put off telling my school for as long as I can. I'll tell my teacher friends and the office after my first OB appointment. Not sure when I'm going to tell my students. I think I may just let them figure it out themselves. 
    How long are you taking off? I am going to take off about a week before my due date (if I need bed rest or not). I am terrified of going into labor at school. Plus I live a half hour away from my work and I'd rather be closer to the hospital when I time comes. My school will get out around mid-May, so I'll just take off a few weeks and then use the summer. I'm too much of a control freak to let someone else start my class in August. 
    What are you excited/nervous about? I agree with some of the other people saying how weird this feels (this being my first baby). It is like a little alien taking over. I'm really excited about telling my parents (for my mom this will be the first granbaby). 
  • What grade do you teach? High School ESL
    When/How are you thinking of telling your classes? Maybe around Christmas. I haven't really thought too much about it yet. 
    How long are you taking off? I need to talk to HR to see how that works. I had planned on going back after summer, but it looks like with FMLA, I might get more time. 
    What are you excited/nervous about? After having a loss then IF struggle before I had my DD, I am nervous, of course, about losing this baby. I'm excited about how excited DD will be about being a big sister. I pray it all works out, and that next summer we get to have a blast together!
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

  • Hi! I am a 5th grade teacher. I will probably tell my class when I start showing. How will everyone tell the parents? Will your principal or will you have to send a letter/email? School ends June 9th and I am due May 10th. I plan on taking that time off as well as 6 weeks to the start of the following school year. Since it is still early in the pregnancy, I am also nervous and scared of a miscarriage. But, everything seems to be going well so I am trying to think positive! After my 13 weeks mark is when I will probably become more excited and less nervous. 
  • What grade do you teach? I have an atypical teaching position. I'm a homeschool supervising teacher, so I mainly work directly with families, but I also teach weekly enrichment classes for middle schoolers and 4-5th graders. 

    When/How are you thinking of telling your class? My husband and I are planning a trip to Disneyland over Thanksgiving break. (All of the students know how much we love Disney!) We'll probably do a mini potoshoot there. When the students come back we always share what we did over the break, so I'll show them the pictures at that point. 

    How long are you taking off? I'm due May 7 and my classes end May 8, so as long as baby doesn't come too early, I'll take a week or two off at the end of the year, and then have the rest of May, June, July, and most of August off. 

    What are you excited about/nervous about? Most excited to meet this new little person and for our little family to grow. Most nervous about...oh my goodness, I'm nervous about something new everyday. So, I just try to think my happy little thoughts and stay positive.  
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • sarah0985sarah0985 member
    edited October 2016
    What grade do you teach? 4-5 year olds 

    When/How are you thinking of telling your class?
    I don't think I will specifically. In the culture I teach in, it really isn't a thing. If they ask, I'll tell them once I've let the adults know. 

    How long are you taking off? My edd is May 1 so I'll be out until we go back to work in August. I get 2 months from date of birth 

    What are you excited about/nervous about?
    working with kids this young is so physically taxing I'm worried about the physical toll once I get bigger. 
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
  • Finally a thread I can relate to! I have taught kindergarten and first grade for eight years. I am currently teach first grade. This is my first child so I am also looking forward to being someone's mom not someone's teacher mom. I don't plan on telling my students until they ask my why I'm getting fat. Lol. Im planning on taking a couple weeks off before the baby comes. We get out of school the first week of June and I am due the 27th of May and then using the rest of the summer. We don't come back from vacation until Mid August. I am especially nervous about finding a name for my child that doesn't cause my blood pressure to rise or remind me of a past student. So far my DH and I can't agree on one. :) 
  • @cnsdjs- I completely agree on the name- so many of been ruined! Then names I typically wouldn't like end up being favorites!
  • I'm with you on the nervousness! I miscarried at 7 weeks last time I was pregnant which was my first pregnancy. Took 2 years to become pregnant again. I too am a bit paranoid. Although I'm 9 weeks now and doc says all is good with a strong heartbeat. I'll feel more comfortable after the first trimester. Good luck to you and continue to think positive! 
  • What grade do you teach? 2nd Grade
    When/How are you thinking of telling your classes? Going to tell parents at parent teacher conferences, won't tell kids until around winter break. 
    How long are you taking off? I will probably go in the last day of school, or the teacher workday, so everything can be put away like I like. I am due May 9th, and school is out June 17th this year. So it really depends if I go early or not, really don't have days on the books!
    What are you excited/nervous about? I feel nervous all the time, this is an IVF baby and I am still technically paying for this baby, so I think I will feel very relieved after 1st trimester is over. I am also nervous because DS will be 11 when this baby comes, and there is quite a gap, like having 2 only children, lol, but I am so excited to hold that sweet baby in my arms. I am so ready!
    Me- blocked Fallopian Tube, and Endometriosis (31) & DH 0% morphology (44)
    June 2013- Married in Jamaica and started TTC 
    August 2014- (temp everyday and opk and clomid used 5 cycles)
    September 2015- Hysterscopy and Laproscopy, fixed one tube, and couldn't fix one.  Removed polyp. 
    October 2015-  1st IUI - BFN
    December 2015 - 2nd IUI  - BFN
    June 2016 - IVF Consultation
    July 2016 - Start IVF Process
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