My hubby and I have agreed on 3 kids total, but disagreed on the timing, were both no spring chickens so when we finally decided to go for our 3rd baby, oh no, we fight! We put off TTC our 3rd for 3-4 months. Finally we reconcile and decided to TTC again my hubby from the moment he made his deposit said theres a baby in there. I disagreed and didnt want to get my hopes up because we only had sex the one time during my fertile period. Finally the TWW was over and guess what?? No period by the 27th day! I waited one more day to take a test and lo and behold I get my BFP with nice dark lines! Im in absolute shock because we only had sex that one time. Now I'm 10wks.
Whats your story, was your pregnancy planned, unplanned? Did you fight like we did and put it off? Please do share.
Re: What is your pregnancy story?
congrats and welcome!
my pregnancy story is a unique one. we already have one son who will be 7 in November. in 2014 my husband was diagnosed with Leukemia (AML) and underwent aggressive chemo to save his life. We didn't have time to freeze sperm, and we were told that because of the chemo, he would more than likely be sterile. So during his treatment we came to terms with having one child and moved on. We were both just happy that he survived cancer and loving our life together!
fast forward to July 2016 when I felt strange and had a period 5 days late. Turns out not only is he *not* sterile, but we're having twins!! our little miracles. Due in March
Me: 37
DH: 36
Married: 08-25-07
DS: 11-20-09
Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken
Me(38)PCOS/Hypothyroid DH(43)Low T/ED
MMC at 10 weeks 03/2011 DD born 01/2012 TTC #2 since 04/2014
BFP 8/26/2016
Me: 37
DH: 36
Married: 08-25-07
DS: 11-20-09
Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken
Me: 37
DH: 36
Married: 08-25-07
DS: 11-20-09
Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken
Work had me out of town for a month and when I returned, we celebrated! I'm 40, so wanted to schedule a mammogram. They stressed needing a pregnancy test, but I didn't think much of it. It was time for my annual, so I scheduled that first. At the appointment, my Dr.had the usual talk of not waiting too long between cycles and prescribed Provera. I was in the pharmacy getting it filled when they called me back up to say I was pregnant. Blood work confirmed. My hubby thought I w as joking. The transvaginal ultrasound on 11/9 confirmed 6w4d pregnant with heartbeat flicker shown. We are very excited and nervous for our first child!
So two years later still haven't conceived and my OB is telling me how I might want to look into fertility treatments and such, especially because now I'm 35, etc, etc... it was really hard not to feel depressed about it. Two years of crossing my fingers and looking for signs every. Single. Period. Ugh.
Then at two years and two months of trying I am at the bridal shop with my best friend trying on a dress as I am going to be her matron of honour. We joke about how now that I have a reason to stay one size (we were being measured that day) I would get pregnant. I am whistfully saying it's a problem I would love to have, and the lady taking my measurements says they will put off making the final order for two months "just in case" since my husband and I are actively trying. I say sure but... not likely to happen right now. What are the odds? If at all probably more months from now...
Well... a few weeks later I discover that not only am I pregnant, but I was about five days pregnant wile at the dress shop joking with my friend!
DS: 10/11/14