I can't remember if I have introduced myself do I will reintroduce. Also not sure if this is the right spot for help on my chart if not I'm very sorry.
My name is shanah I'll be turning 25 in a couple weeks, I'm married and we have one little girl who is 2. I am a stay at home mom right now as we just moved in may for my husbands job. We are from northern ontario,Canada.
We have started trying for our second child and had a miscarriage on September 7th. After the bleeding stopped I started to temp. This is my first time temping. Usually I just chart my period ( I have done that for years as it drove me nuts not knowing roughly to expect it).
My question with temping is I'm so confused fees I put in this mornings temp and fertility friend gave me a message saying my patterns changed and they can't see it ovulated? I swear I have ovulated I had my ewcm/watery and my slight cramping I normally get around ovulation. I haven't started opks but am looking into them. Here is my chart yesterday's and today's and the message if anyone can help me interpret it that would be great thank you.
There is one day missing of temp as my daughter woke up at 5:45 and didn't go back to sleep.
Re: New and chart help
I was 5 weeks with the miscarriage, everything miscarried normal no needing of d/c or medication and the doctor said we didn't need to wait but my period could take from 3-6 weeks to come back.
If I put a temp in then it puts the ovulation in. Yes I usually temp when I wake up between7-8