My son is currently on Enfamil Soy (Prosobee) and he's done wonderful so far aside from clumped poop (constipation). The cost is a bit heavy and I've always wondered whether store brands like Up & UP and Parent's Choice work just as well. My son's pediatrician says that the ingredients should be the same before we use it, but I've noticed that the generic brands have the same ingredients, but I don't know about how much. For example, Enfamil has 26% vegetable oil, but Similac uses less I think. The generics say nothing in regards to how much of each ingredient is in the formula.
I worry since my son spent his newborn days in a bad mood when awake and even having crying episodes lasting hours after bowel movements. After the GI put him on Soy, he now cries once every 2-3 days just for his bottle or when he wants to sleep. I'm just afraid of hurting his tummy by trying to save a few $$s. I'm curious to know what your children's doctors have said regarding this or any mom who has a sensitive baby and is using generic.
Same goes for diapers. Do all babies tolerate diapers the same?
My son is 4 months old.
Re: Generic vs Name Brand formula, diapers
You may also have to do some trial and error on the formula brands. I wouldn't think the ingredient percentages would differ a while lot going off brand, as long as they match, like your doc said. Like mine, your son also might not be as sensitive as he was as a nb, his digestive system has probably matured some.
I have a question: Did you do anything about your baby's constipation? My LO has pretty dry clumpy poops and I'm not sure if I should do anything about it. It's not painful for her to go, but she does have to put some effort in. Most of the constipation ease remedies I've seen say not to use them before 6 months. Obviously I don't want to give her the opposite problem but it would be nice if she didn't have to strain so hard.
Every 2 weeks though it seems, target runs a special and typically it's like "spend $100 on diapers/formula and get a $25 gift card" we've done that multiple times and save the gift cards for the next go around, you can't use them instantly, but you can use them the next day. That seems to be the best deal! Especially because you KNOW you will need the formula/diapers anyways and saving $25 is literally a free can of formula or a box of diapers next time in addition to the deal and ANOTHER gift card. Look out for the deal!