June 2016 Moms

Nursing tops/wardrobe, covers, nursing in public, etc.

So now that we are a bit more seasoned at nursing and caring for our babies, I was curious to see what you all do about nursing in public. Do you use a cover? Do you have any fashion suggestions that work well for you? My LO hates being covered when nursing, so I've basically given up on using the scarf. I bought a couple nursing tops from Old Navy and Gap (the kind that have 2 layers and you pull the top layer up, still giving good coverage of your stomach and chest) that I like and use when we're having company over or if I'm going out. Although I tend to try to time outtings so that I don't have to nurse in public or just nurse her in the car before I go into a store. Any ideas or tips? And now that cold weather is around the corner I'm feeling like I need to figure out a whole new nursing wardrobe. 

Also, mamas who are pumping at work, do you change into a pumping bra? I'm not back at work yet, but will be in November, so I'm looking ahead.  My school has a new "mom's room" that a lot of the teachers use for pumping so I don't know that I'll have full privacy while pumping. Ugh. So not looking forward to going back. 

Re: Nursing tops/wardrobe, covers, nursing in public, etc.

  • Good questions! Looking forward to others' answers.
    I'm using a nursing scarf/ cover, and if I don't have it I'll use her muslin blanket. I'm a complete amateur though, so I literally stick my whole head under the cover with LO, get her latched, and then come back out. Once she's latched I can pull it down if she doesn't want it over her head. Then I just keep it around us to provide some coverage for my belly and chest.
    I hadn't thought about what to wear in the pumping room when I go back to work (we have a lounge where other women will be as well). I'd love to hear what others do!
  • I have a private room at work that I go to in order to pump (empty office in my department's area that I demanded for pumping whenever I came back, luckily my managers are working moms themselves and understand) so I have less of a concern for being covered. I usually wear a nursing bra to work because it's just easier to not have to change bras again when I get home. I'll just snap down the cups and zip my Medela pumping bra over the top. Doesn't get in the way too much and helps me avoid having to completely undress and redress myself, just for the time sake. I usually just have my shirt hiked up to my collar bone and hope the sign on the door keeps people out
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
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  • I got a bunch of cheap camisoles from forever21 and made my own version of the undercover mama tanks. I wear them under a variety of shorts, including tshirts if I'm running errands for awhile and want tummy coverage. I'm a lot less shy about nursing without a cover unless I'm in very close proximity to people (a crowded restaurant for example) than I thought I'd be. I can usually keep myself covered between kiddo and my shirt. I also have a bunch of long, open front cardigans I'll start using to help cover once it cools off enough.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • I've only nursed in public a handful of times but I try to either be secluded from other people like in a corner with my back to everyone or I use the Muslin blanket. I also have those old navy nursing tops which I like a lot. 

    We have a private pumping room that I'm the only one currently using it. It's only for one person and we have an online calendar for it if there were more moms that needed it. I just wear my normal bra or nursing bra and I usually have a tank top that I just pull down.  My pumping bra is too annoying to get in and out of to do it at work.

  • Tawny87Tawny87 member
    edited September 2016
    I used to exclusively pump. Pumping tanks are the way to go in my opinion or a day wear pumping bra. Those strapless pumping bra things they sell are garbage in my opinion.

    ETA: target online has good pumping tanks for $20. I have switched to formula and I still wear mine.
  • According to the 2010 Break Time for Nursing Mothers Law, amended by Obama under the FLSA in 2013, employers are required to offer a completely private space to pump.  I read something about this being for hourly employees originally but I think this has changed, so you may want to approach your employer about it if you're not comfortable pumping in front of other people (I certainly wouldn't be!).  At least in California, where I live, this law holds true for any breastfeeding employee, hourly or not.  
  • I have tops from milk nursing that have the separation in the middle. I've learned how to feed DS while wearing him, but I have only been successful in these tops. Sadly I may need to purchase several more for winter, though.  Right now I've been using a cardigan over, but it's getting to be a bit chilly for me. I love my layers. 

    For my MIL,  or at the doctors,  I use a nursing cover that has the piece of plastic to let me look in. I have totally abandoned the scary as I need to see what I'm doing and often to hold my breast while nursing. Mostly I just avoid doing it in public, though. Wish I were a bit braver. Sometimes it's a bit confining. 

  • When I was breastfeeding, my go-to was the BeBe au Lait nursing cover. It allowed me to see Damien thanks to the rigid, curved neckline and gave great coverage. It was light enough that he didn't get hot too. 

  • When I was breastfeeding, my go-to was the BeBe au Lait nursing cover. It allowed me to see Damien thanks to the rigid, curved neckline and gave great coverage. It was light enough that he didn't get hot too. 

    This is what I use when I'm in public. I always wear a long tank and a nursing bra under my top for easy access.

    When I'm someplace that I'm a little more comfortable (or it's unbearably hot) I will use a blanket to cover the top of my boob/shoulder and her head covers my nipple.
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • I just wear a tank/cami under my regular shirt and pull it down while I pull my shirt up.  This way I'm completely covered once the baby latches.  I'm more comfortable doing it around other women/moms, but if there's nowhere else available I'll try to find a quiet area to do it no matter who is there.  You'd have to be standing right next to me actively looking to see anything and that's just when I'm getting him latched.  I could never get the hang of using a cover or a blanket.  
  • Part of me is so over trying to be discreet or find a private place to nurse... although I am very appreciative of the nice clean nursing lounge I'm currently in.

    I don't really care that much who sees except that today I'm at an outlet mall with my fam which includes my dad and 7  year old nephew. Woop womp.
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • Part of me is so over trying to be discreet or find a private place to nurse... although I am very appreciative of the nice clean nursing lounge I'm currently in.

    I don't really care that much who sees except that today I'm at an outlet mall with my fam which includes my dad and 7  year old nephew. Woop womp.
     Same here.  I said screw it to trying to cover up.  I feel like I need both hands to nurse still so I don't wanna hold a blanket over us.  Plus, he seems to hate the blanket anyway.  I don't care, look of you want and turn away if you don't.  I got a baby to feed.
  • meggyme said:
    I got a bunch of cheap camisoles from forever21 and made my own version of the undercover mama tanks. I wear them under a variety of shorts, including tshirts if I'm running errands for awhile and want tummy coverage. I'm a lot less shy about nursing without a cover unless I'm in very close proximity to people (a crowded restaurant for example) than I thought I'd be. I can usually keep myself covered between kiddo and my shirt. I also have a bunch of long, open front cardigans I'll start using to help cover once it cools off enough.
    I have never seen the undercover mama tanks. What a genius idea! I love the nursing tanks, but want more support from a bra. How did you make your own version? Did you buy the hooks or just do the band loop? I'm so going to do this! 
  • When I was breastfeeding, my go-to was the BeBe au Lait nursing cover. It allowed me to see Damien thanks to the rigid, curved neckline and gave great coverage. It was light enough that he didn't get hot too. 

    I hadn't seen these before. I'll have to look for one of these. Sounds more functional than the nursing scarf. 
  • I have tops from milk nursing that have the separation in the middle. I've learned how to feed DS while wearing him, but I have only been successful in these tops. Sadly I may need to purchase several more for winter, though.  Right now I've been using a cardigan over, but it's getting to be a bit chilly for me. I love my layers. 

    For my MIL,  or at the doctors,  I use a nursing cover that has the piece of plastic to let me look in. I have totally abandoned the scary as I need to see what I'm doing and often to hold my breast while nursing. Mostly I just avoid doing it in public, though. Wish I were a bit braver. Sometimes it's a bit confining. 

    I'm planning on layering up my t's and tanks with cardigans as well. That undercover mama tank idea is perfect for that.  I'm totally with you that I wish I was braver to just nurse without cover in public. I want to, but I think what holds me back partially is that as a teacher, I'm worried I'll run into students since I live in the same community that I teach in. Maybe as time goes by I'll get braver about it, but for now I'm just uncomfortable with it. 
  • arteduc8 said:
    meggyme said:
    I got a bunch of cheap camisoles from forever21 and made my own version of the undercover mama tanks. I wear them under a variety of shorts, including tshirts if I'm running errands for awhile and want tummy coverage. I'm a lot less shy about nursing without a cover unless I'm in very close proximity to people (a crowded restaurant for example) than I thought I'd be. I can usually keep myself covered between kiddo and my shirt. I also have a bunch of long, open front cardigans I'll start using to help cover once it cools off enough.
    I have never seen the undercover mama tanks. What a genius idea! I love the nursing tanks, but want more support from a bra. How did you make your own version? Did you buy the hooks or just do the band loop? I'm so going to do this! 
    I did the loops. There are tutorials on Pinterest, but basically you trim the straps in front long enough to fit around your bra strap and then put a couple stitches in it and cut off the rest of the strap.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • LO hated the cover whenever I tried using it (can't blame him with our 110 degree summers) so I got a bunch of nursing tops used on ebay and poshmark and just wear those all the time and nurse as discreetly as I can, a little away from people if possible.  I was able to use a muslin blanket a couple times recently when he was sleepy and now that it's cooler.  I was also finally able to nurse in the Ergo three times in the last two weeks.
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  • @vulpini, nursing while babywearing makes me feel like I've level-upped. I never got the hang of it with my son, but I've managed it a few times with my twins (separately) in our ring sling. 
  • How can you nurse while baby wearing? That would be amazing!! I have the Ergo and the K'Tan.. even just at home would be great
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • meggyme said:
    arteduc8 said:
    meggyme said:
    I got a bunch of cheap camisoles from forever21 and made my own version of the undercover mama tanks. I wear them under a variety of shorts, including tshirts if I'm running errands for awhile and want tummy coverage. I'm a lot less shy about nursing without a cover unless I'm in very close proximity to people (a crowded restaurant for example) than I thought I'd be. I can usually keep myself covered between kiddo and my shirt. I also have a bunch of long, open front cardigans I'll start using to help cover once it cools off enough.
    I have never seen the undercover mama tanks. What a genius idea! I love the nursing tanks, but want more support from a bra. How did you make your own version? Did you buy the hooks or just do the band loop? I'm so going to do this! 
    I did the loops. There are tutorials on Pinterest, but basically you trim the straps in front long enough to fit around your bra strap and then put a couple stitches in it and cut off the rest of the strap.
    I'm so doing this! I just bought a bunch of camis on sale at Target today, 2 for $16. My weekend project. Thanks for the info!
  • @laurenm2123 there are lots of YouTube videos that show how to nurse in the ergo carrier.
  • How can you nurse while baby wearing? That would be amazing!! I have the Ergo and the K'Tan.. even just at home would be great
    In the Ergo, I loosen the waist strap and lower it to my hips, so baby is lower.  Then I loosen the shoulder straps to lower him a bit more. I shift the whole thing a bit to the side I will be nursing on.  Then I clip up the hood for privacy and hold my boob up with my hand on the side to get the nipple to the level of his mouth (I have DDs, so even with the carrier straps loosened, he doesn't quite reach).  It's probably a bit obvious with my hand there, but I'm pretty covered up and he can nurse and fall asleeep in the carrier that way while I walk around.  Once he's done, I adjust everything back.

    I was only recently able to get it to work since before he wouldn't nurse without a nursing pillow and in any position except lying on his side.  He's 4 months now.  The first time it worked, we were on vacation and doing a tour of a cave.  We just got down into the cave and he started to cry.  It was either nurse in the Ergo, or turn around and leave with him while my husband and older son did the tour without us.  Thankfully it worked.  We were sharing the tour with a big church youth group and I don't think anyone noticed me nursing.  :-D
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