So now that we are a bit more seasoned at nursing and caring for our babies, I was curious to see what you all do about nursing in public. Do you use a cover? Do you have any fashion suggestions that work well for you? My LO hates being covered when nursing, so I've basically given up on using the scarf. I bought a couple nursing tops from Old Navy and Gap (the kind that have 2 layers and you pull the top layer up, still giving good coverage of your stomach and chest) that I like and use when we're having company over or if I'm going out. Although I tend to try to time outtings so that I don't have to nurse in public or just nurse her in the car before I go into a store. Any ideas or tips? And now that cold weather is around the corner I'm feeling like I need to figure out a whole new nursing wardrobe.
Also, mamas who are pumping at work, do you change into a pumping bra? I'm not back at work yet, but will be in November, so I'm looking ahead. My school has a new "mom's room" that a lot of the teachers use for pumping so I don't know that I'll have full privacy while pumping. Ugh. So not looking forward to going back.
Re: Nursing tops/wardrobe, covers, nursing in public, etc.
I'm using a nursing scarf/ cover, and if I don't have it I'll use her muslin blanket. I'm a complete amateur though, so I literally stick my whole head under the cover with LO, get her latched, and then come back out. Once she's latched I can pull it down if she doesn't want it over her head. Then I just keep it around us to provide some coverage for my belly and chest.
I hadn't thought about what to wear in the pumping room when I go back to work (we have a lounge where other women will be as well). I'd love to hear what others do!
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
We have a private pumping room that I'm the only one currently using it. It's only for one person and we have an online calendar for it if there were more moms that needed it. I just wear my normal bra or nursing bra and I usually have a tank top that I just pull down. My pumping bra is too annoying to get in and out of to do it at work.
ETA: target online has good pumping tanks for $20. I have switched to formula and I still wear mine.
For my MIL, or at the doctors, I use a nursing cover that has the piece of plastic to let me look in. I have totally abandoned the scary as I need to see what I'm doing and often to hold my breast while nursing. Mostly I just avoid doing it in public, though. Wish I were a bit braver. Sometimes it's a bit confining.
When I'm someplace that I'm a little more comfortable (or it's unbearably hot) I will use a blanket to cover the top of my boob/shoulder and her head covers my nipple.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I don't really care that much who sees except that today I'm at an outlet mall with my fam which includes my dad and 7 year old nephew. Woop womp.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I was only recently able to get it to work since before he wouldn't nurse without a nursing pillow and in any position except lying on his side. He's 4 months now. The first time it worked, we were on vacation and doing a tour of a cave. We just got down into the cave and he started to cry. It was either nurse in the Ergo, or turn around and leave with him while my husband and older son did the tour without us. Thankfully it worked. We were sharing the tour with a big church youth group and I don't think anyone noticed me nursing. :-D