Pregnant after a Loss

Would you be hopeful?

I mc over Labor Day weekend (so 26-27 days ago).  It was fairly quick, bleeding for 9 days total with spotting before and after included, and AF still hasn't shown, which is 3-4 days late for me.  My dr has been testing my blood every week, early last week it was at 87.  I took an hpt last week, Friday or Saturday hoping it would be negative so I'd know it was over and I could trust the tests again, but it was positive which that makes sense given the 87 hCG.  But the no AF and the BFP even if it was a left over has me confused but wanting to be hopeful. 

On one hand, I know I shouldn't be hopeful because even if my cycles were regular before mc, that doesn't mean they'll be the same after.  But then with my temps I want to be hopeful. They show a fairly clear high line at the beginning of mc and then it drops on 9.11 and then it spikes again on 9.15 (low on 9.16, but that temp was taken 1 hr earlier than normal) and stays consistently high, with the exception of one temp 9 days after the spike on the 23. Part of me wonders if the 87 was already a new pregnancy. I get my blood draw again on Thursday and it can't come soon enough!

I want to be hopeful, but I'm not sure if I should be!
Married 4.12.14
TTC 1 year 4 months
BFP  8.16.16
MC 9.1.16 @ 6 weeks
Trusting in God and hoping for the future!
Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

Re: Would you be hopeful?

  • Sorry for your loss and that you are going through this uncertainty. Your loss is very recent, so it doesn't surprise me that you might still have hcg in your system from the original pregnancy. It can take a long time to drop. How far along were you?

    In my case I bled again 23 days after the start of my miscarriage, but I am pretty sure it was just a continuation of my miscarriage as I passed more tissue at that time. My next cycle was 35 days, my usual being 27-29. It is not uncommon for some women to have long cycles after miscarriage while their body waits for the hcg to be low enough to ovulate again. 

    Hopefully your next beta test will give you some answers. If this isn't a new pregnancy for you definitely check out the TTCAL board (TTC after loss) they are wise and supportive women. 
  • I'm sorry for your loss. Honestly, no I wouldn't be very hopeful. Your cycle probably hasn't regulated yet since the loss. 


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  • So sorry for your loss. After my second loss I found out 5 weeks later I was pregnant again. It was a vvvvfaint line. I had blood work done and it was 22. She's 14 weeks old now. After my first loss it took 6 weeks for af to show. Best wishes!
  • I'm so sorry for your loss.  I just posted in the other thread you shared your story.  Praying you get some answers and clarity too.  The not knowing is the hardest part! 
  • I wouldn't be hopeful either. It's most likely leftover HCG. I'm sorry. It took me 56 days to get my first AF after my second loss, so I understand the agony of a long cycle after loss. 

    I second @BornReady that if you aren't pregnant, the TTCAL board is amazing! 
  • Thanks ladies.  I'll head over there and come back when I have for certain BFP story to share :smile:
    Married 4.12.14
    TTC 1 year 4 months
    BFP  8.16.16
    MC 9.1.16 @ 6 weeks
    Trusting in God and hoping for the future!
    Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
  • It sounds to me like it's too early to be a true positive - but I'm hoping I'm wrong! :) Good luck!!


    2010: son born 9/1 

    2013: 2 miscarriages + d&cs, both at 10 weeks: April & July

    2014: son #2 born 6/29

    2016: Baby girl stillborn at 21w6d 4/29 and baby boy stillborn at 20w 3d 11/16

  • Im
    soeru for your loss. How many weeks were you when you had your loss? What was your hcg em the dr first tested it post loss?

    everyone is different, but it took mine much longer to go down.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • @MWoodside I was 6 weeks when the bleeding started. The first time they measured my hCG was 5 days after the bleeding started and it was in the high 300s. Given the rate it dropped over the next two weeks to the 87 and assuming that it was a fairly constant drop, it could go either way, hence, more confusion.  

    Still no AF, still weird hanging on, or one can hope - new symptoms. Nausea that comes and goes, horrible hip pain like just before the BFP, fuzzy brain moments, dizzy spells, et cetera. I'll hear back on my blood draw tomorrow.

    I just want answers and no one has them for me since every woman and every pregnancy is different.  Hindsight is 20/20, but I want current sight.  It's just so frustrating to have the late period, the preg symptoms and not know if it's my mind playing with me as it adjusts to declining hormones or my mind playing with my hopes that there is a little bean trying to stick it out inside.  

    Tomorrow is just a day away .... (Thank you, Annie!)
    Married 4.12.14
    TTC 1 year 4 months
    BFP  8.16.16
    MC 9.1.16 @ 6 weeks
    Trusting in God and hoping for the future!
    Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
  • KyCade3013KyCade3013 member
    edited September 2016
    Hey, lurking from TTCAL. My m/c was 8/24 and they took a million blood draws to chase it down to 4 (negative) because I just did natural (7 week m/c). My first one was 400,000, 2nd was 300, 3rd was 26, 4th was 4. All the blood draws were 1-2 weeks apart. I've been temping and charting and I ovulated 10 days later than normal, however I'm still waiting for AF too. Is that possible in your case? You still could be, especially if you're trying. I've heard you are most fertile after a m/c and to "be careful" that cycle. 
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