Pregnant after a Loss

Pink fluid at 13 weeks.

13 weeks today and I woke up with wet underwear tinged with brownish pink. I am absolutely freaking out. I'm waiting for a call back from my midwives but I can't believe this. I haven't had sex in 3 days and I'm weaning off progesterone so my cervix should be less irritated. I cannot lose another baby. I've lost 3 already. I'm so scared. Is it amniotic fluid? (It's so wet.) I just don't understand why this would happen. Please send good thoughts my way. I'm so scared.


2010: son born 9/1 

2013: 2 miscarriages + d&cs, both at 10 weeks: April & July

2014: son #2 born 6/29

2016: Baby girl stillborn at 21w6d 4/29 and baby boy stillborn at 20w 3d 11/16

Re: Pink fluid at 13 weeks.

  • Thinking of you! Brown blood is old, so it's absolutely possible that it's just from your cervix being irritated from sex and the progesterone. 


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  • Thanks @waterfall213

    Update: the midwife on call said it's too early to be amniotic fluid, that there isn't enough to break yet (it was SO wet though. And it didn't smell like pee - it smelled like semen - TMI sorry!) She said unless I'm leaking more, it's red, or I have pain, they aren't concerned. I don't know what to do. I thought I'd heard of people having PPROM super early like this, but I'm hoping she's right. Gah. Not sure if I should call the MFM as well and ask his opinion. 


    2010: son born 9/1 

    2013: 2 miscarriages + d&cs, both at 10 weeks: April & July

    2014: son #2 born 6/29

    2016: Baby girl stillborn at 21w6d 4/29 and baby boy stillborn at 20w 3d 11/16

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  • I'm not sure I understand that there's not enough fluid at this point? Please know this isn't to scare you because I had found out at 7w5d I had lost the baby but was waiting for a natural mc to happen. At what would of been 12 weeks it finally started. I actually felt a gush which was the fluid. My ob said to expect it. I'm sure all is fine. My ob said I could expect some spotting as I came off of progesterone. But to be safe I would call the MFM. I seen one also as I as high high risk. thoughts and prayers!
  • Thinking of you! No words of wisdom except to rest. Please keep us posted 
  • I thought the same thing, @lilp2015! It seemed...not good advice or diagnosis to say that there can't be amniotic fluid at this point. I'm trying to keep hopeful because what are the odds I'd have 2 miscarriages, a stillbirth, AND a rupture of amniotic fluid? I can't be THAT unlucky, right?? (Wrong. I'm sure I can be. But still! I called the MFM and they don't have on call, so I'll ask them tomorrow. And maybe call the midwife back if I leak any more.)


    2010: son born 9/1 

    2013: 2 miscarriages + d&cs, both at 10 weeks: April & July

    2014: son #2 born 6/29

    2016: Baby girl stillborn at 21w6d 4/29 and baby boy stillborn at 20w 3d 11/16

  • @amwangel saying a prayer for you! I had some pink sporting early that went away,  though I know that's not super helpful. it could still be from the sex. Keep us posted. 
  • Thinking of you

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • thinking of you. 

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    Baby Boy M - 08/01/2013 

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  • I haven't had any more fluid since yesterday morning - so I have a hypothesis: it was a combo of progesterone leakage (I'm tapering it, but inserted a capsule the night before I woke up wet) and sex a few days before (I shoved the progesterone waaaaay up there and my midwife said the brown/pink fluid could very well have been leftover from sex.) 

    I can find a heartbeat and am not cramping at all - plus, my water has never broken naturally (I've given birth 3 times, 2 living children). And the fluid in my underwear dried hard (TMI). All of this together makes me think that the midwife was right and I don't need to be freaking out. 

    Fingers crossed there's no more fluid and, sorry husband, but no more sex! 

    I WILL call today and ask my ultrasound to be moved up a week, however. 


    2010: son born 9/1 

    2013: 2 miscarriages + d&cs, both at 10 weeks: April & July

    2014: son #2 born 6/29

    2016: Baby girl stillborn at 21w6d 4/29 and baby boy stillborn at 20w 3d 11/16

  • So glad it's gotten better! I used the progesterone suppositories starting at 24 weeks. The first morning I woke up with orangish discharge and freaked out! Then at 34 weeks I had some spotting which just happened to be in the bathroom at my ob's office. She said oh no big deal expect it with your cervix being so sensitive. Unless you fill a pad in a hour I'm not concerned. It scared me but I completely trusted her. I couldn't of asked for a better ob. My rainbow baby is 14 weeks old. Not sure how that's even possible!? Time goes way to fast! 
  • Oh good! I was worried about you.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • Glad to hear things seem to be better. Think your guesses may be right.  Hopefully you can get an US a bit soon to ease your mind too.
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