Hi ladies.
I'm cautiously posting here in hopes someone will understand what I'm going through.
I had a MMC where baby stopped developing at 6 weeks but we didn't find out until 8. Waited to MC naturally and ended up losing too much blood too quickly and had to be rushed to the ER for a D&C at 9 weeks on August 19. My hcg was down to 8 on Sept 8 and down to 2 on Sept 15. My doctor told me to wait one cycle to try again. I kind of just decided on my own to not prevent anything and relax. I think I ovulated around September 10ish and I got a positive pregnancy test today at 36 days post D&C. Kind of extremely shocked.
I called the nurse line and she seems skeptical and told me to test again in a week. They didn't want to do blood work yet. I thought that was kind of odd.
If my hcg was 2 last week and I got a positive test on a FRER test today that would mean my hcg should be at least 25, right? Is there a way for your hcg to rise again after dropping post D&C due to retained tissue or something?
Would you guys push for blood work or just wait a week and test? Since its already Friday afternoon I will wait until at least Monday to call back I guess.
Re: New Here - Intro
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
Congratulations! To me this clearly sounds like a new pregnancy!!
Looks like we are in slightly similar situations. My doctor ordered blood work today and I am going for the first round this evening. I would definitely push for a beta. FX'd for the both of us!
Me: 28 Him: 30
Married: 11/15/14
TTC: 02/2016
IF DX: MFI (low count & morphology) & mild PCOS
June 2016 BFP - MC @8w2d
August 2016 BFP - MC @6w1d
June 2017 - 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI = BFP 7/6/17!!
Beta #1 = 422 (14dpo), Beta #2 = 810, prog - 12.3 (16dpo), Beta #3 = 5023, prog - 18.9 (20dpo)