Anyone else told that their babe is likely breech at this point?
Tomorrow I'm 33 weeks. Having an ultrasound in a week and a half to see if babe has turned or if he/she is breech.
I've found some stretches to do at home to try to encourage movement to a head down position. Fingers crossed babe is head down before my ultrasound.
Re: Breech
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019BFP 3.8.16 EDD 11.20.16
NTNP: May 2015
TTC #1: late August 2015
PCOS Dx: January 2016, starting Femara Feb 2016
BFP: 2/29/16 - Happy Leap Day!
You do have options if LO doesn't flip. Look into spinning babies for exercises to do at home to encourage LO to flip. Closer to term, before scheduling a csection, your OB can try to do a version where they attempt to manually turn baby. But don't worry too much. Most babies do flip.
MMC 01/26/12
MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13
BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!
Madeline Lorraine H. Born 11/12/13 @9:10pm, 7lb6oz
DX with EA/TEF Type C & Tracheomalaysia
MC @ 13wks 01/15/15
Clint Kiszonas H. Born 11/21/16 @10:38pm, 9lb11oz
BFP 1/11/18, EDD 9/21/18