BFP #1: 1.22.16 MMC: 2.29.16 (
tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX) D&C: 3.2.16
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.16
RE appt: 6.27.2016-
saline sono all clear
Progenity: + carrier
Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
PCOS, hypothyroid,
MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
Clomid +
TI Cycle #1: 50mg Trigger 8.24.2016- BFN
75mg + IUI#1 9.25.2016-
BFP #4 10/6
Beta #1 15 Beta #2 38 Beta #3- 71
beta #4 171 Beta # 5- 21 Natural MC 10/21
HSG- clear
IVF Jan 2017
Egg Retrieval 1.22.17: 32 eggs retrieved,29 mature, 24 fertilized, 14 to blastocyst for biopsy
PGS results: 4 PGS normal 2 XX, 2 XY
FET: 3.13.2017 for 2 PGS embryos
Beta#1: 3.24.2017......... 78; Beta # 2 241; Beta #3 4198
Baby BOY due 11.29.2017
Re: ****TGIF 9/16***
I have mixed feelings about getting pregnant on the first cycle again, so I'm not going to be upset with a BFN and a BFP will freak me out, but also make me hopeful, I guess. Honestly have no idea how I will feel. Thank god for the PGAL-TTCAL group b/c I am going to be a freaking mess when I get that BFP.
@chloe97 sending you all the positive vibes for whichever outcome you feel better about.
Married 10/12
DS 11/14
Ectopic 2/16
PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
IUI x 3- BFN
Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
FET- 6/17- BFP!
Due Feb 15, 2017
thinking of you this weekend, @chloe97.
AFM- I promised myself I wouldn't test till 11 DPO (Tuesday) or not at all if I have a temp drop by then, so here's to hoping the crazies stay at bay all weekend.
DH and I are going to an Escape Room tonight for his birthday and then I'm surprising him with his brother and his girlfriend coming over to hang out and spend the night.
Tomorrow is my nephews 2nd birthday and then I'm going to visit my roommate from college who is up from NC!
This is DHs birthday dessert surprise! I made it this morning and it's currently in my fridge begging to be sampled!
Married 7/13
TTC #1 since 10/13
BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
IUI #1 2/25/16
@TScalei I completely understand the milestone issues. I fully expected to be dressing an infant in Cubs gear this October, then I was going to 8.5 months pregnant during the playoffs. Now I'm completely free and physically able to go to Cubs games with DH and my brother if we get tickets. I feel guilty about it. I'm promising myself I won't look ahead for my next pregnancy, but I'm already planning on getting my NIPT results around thanksgiving and I haven't even had a BFP yet. It's impossible for me.
@brooklyngirl18 @aera11, and @szwill86 for the well-wishes. I started researching oogenisis for a different post and had to stop myself bc I started down a rabbit hole of learning about aneuploidy, super fertility, and chance of having 2 Triploidy pregnancies in a row. I'm prohibiting myself from googling anything more about pregnancy or cancer or anything health related.
@Aera11 Virgin bloodies were my go to during pregnancy because I honestly couldn't tell the difference (besides for no buzz). Fake drinking is the worst, I wish people could just MTOB.
I had a ridiculous 18 day cycle last cycle - O'ed on day 12 and then had a 6 day LP, it was insane and scary and annoying. Emailed my OB and she thinks I had a very early chemical pregnancy but I don't know. Weird thing is I still feel PMS-y so I have of course convinced myself I have fibroids or something else crazy going on.... I know one weird cycle isn't terrible, so just trying to see what happens. And yes - I have tested and had multiple stark white BFNs so yeah, my uterus is not cooperating.
So I'm on CD 7 now but who knows what is happening. Just having sex whenever DH wants it, which is often.
Father in law is in hospital now with complications from chemo and radiation and I start class on Monday so our weekend will be lots of prep at home and work for both of us. Our lives feel so overwhelming and insane right now.
~~ married 8.11.07
~~ DD1 1.16.11 ~~ DD2 1.3.14 ~~
~~ BFP3 12.22.15 MMC 2.29.16 @ 13 weeks ~~
~~ 2 D&Cs (3.1.16 and 3.10.16) for MMC
~~ BFP4 10.27.16 MMC 1.23.17 @ 16 weeks ~~ D&E 1.26.17 ~~
Side note: any Bridget Jones fans? I want to go see the newest one and am going to try to convince DH to go. I don't think it'll be a trigger since it looks pretty light hearted.
@SoonToBeMommaHowe The pie looks delicious!
@ladipale I hope you had a good vacation in Hawaii. I am very sorry to hear FIL is not doing well with the treatment. Thinking about you and your DH.
AFM - High school football game tonight. Halloween/fall wreath making shopping on Saturday morning with a friend, then wine tasting, and lunch. It will be a nice girls outing. Grocery shopping, house cleaning, and laundry the remainder of the weekend.
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL!
E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
@SoonToBeMommaHowe that looks delicious!!! Nom nom nom.
@MimoCa welcome to our lair!
CP 1/25/16 4.5 weeks, developed Graves' disease
@aera11 I have read the books and didn't watch any of the movies. Loved the first book loads and loads. I am on the fence about the movies because If I watch the first two now, I will want to watch the new one. I cannot even watch the trailer without crying. If you go see it, let me know if you like it!
Well, this weekend my SIL was in town with her newest baby (third girl) who was born 3 days after we lost ours. The timing was so sucky. We hadn't told any of DH's family that we were pregnant/lost a baby, so he finally told them this weekend when they wondered why I wasn't around at all and why I was so against taking family photos this weekend. They were all very understanding. I don't know when I am going to be ready to see them. It is so hard because I want to feel happy for them, but every picture or post I see reminds me of our loss since they happened so close together. Ugh. So...the weekend was a bit sucky, but I am glad that we all made it through. I am ready for another weekend though!
Married: 06/14/14
Fur Babies: Samara (Lab) & Akiva (Pom)
Foster Parents
MC: 8/18/2016
And @waitingforblueskies the Escape Room was awesome. My DH loved it. He even said "well I've never saved the world on my birthday, that was pretty intense" lol. We escaped with 57 seconds left and beat the room by ourselves
Married 7/13
TTC #1 since 10/13
BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
IUI #1 2/25/16
BFP 01.03.2016 / MMC 6w5d D&C 02.2016 // BFP 05.06.16 / natural MC 05.12.16
Benched 06.2016-08.2016 / TTC again 09.2016! On a diet. Cranky.
BFP 10.02.2016 / NT scan at 12w looked normal / Anatomy scan at 20w everything ok
Team blue! / EDD June 11th 2017
DAVID ROGER was born on May 23rd at 37 weeks.
Architect, Peruvian living in Chile. I love art, opera and good chocolate.
Started PhD studies in Architecture on 2017.
Fur mom of a rescued miniature poodle called Luke Skywalker.