3rd Trimester

Birthing classes

Hello all,

This is my first babies. Looking for moms who have taken the Bradley classes or hypno birthing classes with previous pregnancies. Just curious what class you liked and if you had the choice which would you do again? Issue is for myself and dh we would have to travel at least a hour to attend either class. Any advice would be great. 
Married for 3 years
Me: 28 DH: 33
Together for a total of 6 years
Fur mommy to two rescue dogs
DX: PCOS and Insulin Resistance

Irregular Cycles
2010: Laproscopy with Hystroscopy ablation. Tubes were clear.
1/5/2016 : DH sperm analysis is excellent.
February: Switched to a new RE
Two failed clomid rounds
March 2016: New HSG and found tubes are open
April 2016: Round one Letrozole 2.5 mg. Ultrasounds day 13 &16. No follicle grouth
May 2016: Had to take a month off
June 9th 2016: Started Letrozole again but at 5mg
July 5th: bfp beta 31
July 7th: Beta 97
July 9th: Beta 231
July 11th: Beta 500
July 13: Beta 1400
Beautiful son born 3/16/17 @ 1:38pm

Re: Birthing classes

  • We are halfway through our Bradley classes (our drive is "only" 30 minutes) and I love them. I was scared to tears of giving birth before we started our experience, and I feel like we can handle it now. It also helps get DH involved/on board with everything that is going on. He would have never understood why I was trying to avoid pain medication and why breastfeeding is so important before this class and now he is my biggest cheerleader :)
    Me: 38, DH: 36 
    Married Jan 2008 
    DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18" <3 so in love <3
    Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020

  • Thanks for the info! How far along were you when you started your class?
    Married for 3 years
    Me: 28 DH: 33
    Together for a total of 6 years
    Fur mommy to two rescue dogs
    DX: PCOS and Insulin Resistance

    Irregular Cycles
    2010: Laproscopy with Hystroscopy ablation. Tubes were clear.
    1/5/2016 : DH sperm analysis is excellent.
    February: Switched to a new RE
    Two failed clomid rounds
    March 2016: New HSG and found tubes are open
    April 2016: Round one Letrozole 2.5 mg. Ultrasounds day 13 &16. No follicle grouth
    May 2016: Had to take a month off
    June 9th 2016: Started Letrozole again but at 5mg
    July 5th: bfp beta 31
    July 7th: Beta 97
    July 9th: Beta 231
    July 11th: Beta 500
    July 13: Beta 1400
    Beautiful son born 3/16/17 @ 1:38pm

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  • We are taking a general birthing class at our hospital and they don't focus on any one technique but rather multiple ways of relaxation and pain management. I agree it is so great to get your support person involved. Helps for them to understand better and we are learning what I do and do not find relaxing now rather than when I am in labor and snappy. I am 31 weeks and just started this week and its a 5 week class. Plus we get to take an infant CPR class and road safety class for free when we complete this class
  • Hypnobirthing is a bust, I took the class and it's just informational. Hardly hands on. Go with Bradley it's been around longer and hypnobirthing is just a branch off from Bradley. Hypnobirthing doesn't cover breech babies or complications and doesn't prepare you for other scenarios. You can buy hypnobirthing book online and it's better then class. You can have my book for free with relaxation CD if you do choose to do it. I'm due any day and I bought Bradley book after taking hypnobirthing 
  • @mackenzie07 We started our Bradley class at 21+ weeks. We were the least far along out of any of the couples, but the next one didn't start until November which would have been waaaay too late! I am excited to go tomorrow because I believe one of the other couples had their baby! (they were 34 weeks when they started which was also way too late, considering it is a 12 week class). 
    Me: 38, DH: 36 
    Married Jan 2008 
    DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18" <3 so in love <3
    Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020

  • I would suggest a birthing class in a hospital that gives you a myriad of information so you can make an informed decision. My Opinion of the bradley method is that it can make mothers feel guilty about using modern medicine to ease the pain of childbirth, setting you up for feeling guilt and failure. As long as you have a healthy baby in an environment that makes you comfortable that's what matters. Birth is natural no matter what method you use to bring your little one into the world.
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