
(re)Introduction (IVF success mentioned)

Hello!  I introed over on SecondaryIF, but I wanted to do so here as well. 

I was on the boards for a long while (under a different name - ARS0805...TheBump seems to have lost that name and defaulted to the waaaaay old name) back in 2012 and prior.  We had a successful IVF in 2012 and had a baby girl in 2013.  I have stage IV endo and it is back with a vengeance.  I started Lupron therapy 8/9.  My RE told us we needed to decide on either a FET or a hysterectomy ASAP.  

My husband and I have decided to move forward with a FET.  I start patches 10/7 with a projected transfer date of 10/27.  We have two embryos and they are frozen this will be a one shot deal.

Does anyone know if transfer dates are as likely to change during a FET as the retrieval dates change in a fresh?  

Just looking for a place to talk and discuss this crazy IF journey.

Re: (re)Introduction (IVF success mentioned)

  • Hey, welcome. The only date changes for FETs that I've heard of is if your lining isn't where it needs to be. Last cycle, my lining wasn't thick enough so the transfer date got pushed back a week. Good luck
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  • I have had 2 FETs so far and both of them were on the date that was scheduled. So hopefully your body will help keep you on track for what they have scheduled!! Good Luck :)
    Me: 29 DH:38
    First RE Consult 3/9/2016
    IVF ER 5/5/2016
    23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6
    Transfer canceled OHSS
    FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos
    Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN
    FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw)
    Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN
    IVF #2: Started stims 12/2 
    ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6
    Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX
    FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred
    2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP
    Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right!
    3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy
    3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry
    6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL! 
    10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
    *Praying that 3 is our charm*

  • Hey there and good luck with your FET!  My FET date was scheduled waaaaay in advance and was never changed.  FETs don't have to be so exact like egg retrievals do, they just need to make sure your lining gets to where it needs to be.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
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