Pregnant after 35


Hey ladies, just wanted to throw a post out to liven up this board. 
How many weeks are you?
Who have you told?
How many weeks when you tell work, family, close friends?
**child mentioned**
Me(38)PCOS/Hypothyroid   DH(43)Low T/ED
MMC at 10 weeks 03/2011 DD born 01/2012   TTC #2 since 04/2014
BFP 8/26/2016

Re: GTKY **

  • Hi!

    How many weeks are you?  17+3
    Who have you told? Immediate family and one friend 
    How many weeks when you tell work, family, close friends? As long as I can!
  • @CornchipLA You have such discipline!

    How many weeks are you?  9w2d

    Who have you told?  My parents, three girlfriends with whom I'd discussed ttc before - one because I saw her in person and I'm a really bad liar :(

    How many weeks when you tell work, family, close friends?  A good month or so (have second appointment/high risk ultrasound at 13 weeks on my 39th birthday next month - hopefully I'll be able to relax a little by then) before I'll stop trying to hide it from friends, not feeling a need to make an announcement or anything.  Work...I guess when I start showing.

    About me:
    Married 6/18/16 (Me 42, DH 44), TTC #2
    Natural BFP 8/10/16 --> mc our NIPT-normal little girl at 11w5d on 10/1/16 :(
    As of 12/2016:  AMH 1.42, FSH 6.1, AFC ~10
    Self-benched Nov-Dec 2016 for
    IVF #1 Jan-Feb 2017 (OCP, testosterone primed antagonist w/HGH - ER 2/2/17 - 12R, 7M ICSI'd, 3F, 0B)
    IVF #2 Mar-Apr 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 4/8/17 - 10R, 8M, 8F, 5B, 1 PGS normal)
    IVF #3 May-Jun 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 6/4/17 - 14R, 5F, 3B, 0 normal)
    **New RE**
    IVF #4 Sept 2017 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 9/28/17 - 33R, 18F, 10B, 4 PGS normals!)
    FET #1 (medicated) of one PGS normal 4AA XX 11/2/17 - Beta #1 11/11/17 (153), Beta #2 11/13/17 (324), mc at 5w1d on 11/19/17 :(
    IVF #5 Dec 2017 - Insemination of 9 frozen eggs from 2012 (8F, 1B, 0 normal)
    Jan 2018 - Natural cycle ERA (normal/receptive) & stimming for
    IVF #6 Jan-Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/3/18 - 17R, 6M, 4F, 0 blasts)
    IVF #7 Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/26/18 - 19R, 9M, 9F, 4B, 2 PGS normals)
    FET #2 Apr 2018 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 4AA- XX 4/5/18 - Beta #1 4/14/18 (67), Beta #2 4/16/18 (231)
    Rainbow baby girl born 12/16/2018 (via c-section, induced at 39 weeks)

    FET #3 Dec 2019 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 3BB XY 12/16/19 - Beta #1 12/24/19 (139), Beta #2 12/27/19 (482)

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    mostly everyone friends coworkers students 

    Already told them. Told most when we found out at 6 weeks2days

  • happyktmomhappyktmom member
    edited September 2016
    6wks 4 days
    I can't seem to keep my mouth shut but have kept it close to neighbors and a few close friends. There's 4 pregnant women at work right now so I told them but not the bosses ;)   haven't told the I'm laws yet. Maybe after first appt in 3 weeks!  Not sure when we will tell 4 year old DD...any insight on that?

    **child mentioned**
    Me(38)PCOS/Hypothyroid   DH(43)Low T/ED
    MMC at 10 weeks 03/2011 DD born 01/2012   TTC #2 since 04/2014
    BFP 8/26/2016

  • I think I'm only 4 weeks...haven't had appt yet and I'm not good at figuring it out. Lol! 
    Ive told my husband and a friend who happens to be a few weeks ahead of me. We are waiting to tell all family until we have heard the heartbeat and everyone else at 12weeks or after. 
  • How many weeks are you? 13 weeks, 1 day

    Who have you told? Everyone!

    How many weeks when you tell work, family, close friends?  We told our son at 8 weeks after we had an US and found out we were having twins, our families at 10 weeks and my work and the world at 12 weeks after our 12 week ultrasound.

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

    Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken

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