Hi ladies! I took a little break after our failed IUI. It was our last ditch effort because we have run out of money for now. So, for now, we are going back to strictly natural.
Anyways, the reason for this post...last cycle I used clomid for the first time, also did a trigger shot and progesterone that I have been doing for months. When my period started it was very weird, never got heavier than a light flow and almost entirely brown blood. It only lasted 3-4 days with no cramping. Now, almost a week after it stopped I am having some pretty bad cramping, especially over my left ovaries, nausea, and mood swings. This is very unusual for me and I even took a hpt this morning to be sure. Is this a side effect from clomid? Do I need to call my RE? Any advice would be welcome. TIA!
Re: Is this normal?
Could these be ovulation cramps for you? I think I would call the doctor just to check in. Hopefully it's just normal stuff! Good luck!
edited...for spelling...
For a lot of women, Clomid thins their lining and they have lighter, shorter periods. My periods are always varied but I also took 100 mg of progesterone on my Clomid cycles so my periods were pretty heavy.
You could possibly have a cyst, another lovely option with Clomid. I would call your RE and see if they could get you in to check it out.
Hi, TIA! I'm absolutely sure these are side effects of the treatment! And I'm sorry you're facing them. Some of them happened to me while passing ivf treatment with donor eggs. We passed 3 shots. Each time passed differently.
I agree with FatPony, consult you dr. You know, just to calm down with worries.
Good luck, hun!
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Take care and good luck!
I am still have lots of cramping mostly over my left ovary and pressure and heaviness feeling in my lower stomach. My breast/nipples still hurt and some other minor things. I am only cd 15 today so I know it is really too early to be experiencing anything like this.