March 2017 Moms

Guesses on the gender?!?

So I know some of us were able to find out really early... But my hubby and I have decided to wait until the 20 week ultrasound! Today we heard the heart beat for the first time and it was 173bpm! My initial gut feeling was a girl and if the faster heart beat wives tale is correct then we should be having a girl!

Anyobe else have any fun guessing gender stories?!

Re: Guesses on the gender?!?

  • Before we found out everyone around me always has something they use to guess the gender!!!! My mom was convinced they are boys bc I like sour stuff 

  • Everyone seems to ask me this and it's kind of annoying and also fun at the same time. I've had 2 dreams about a boy (one was last night...I dreamed that I was in childbirth and looked down and saw the twig and berries) and I'm craving salty stuff. All the other "old wives tales" point to girl. We were trying for a while and I was tracking everything, so I looked back on my app to see when we the Shettles method it looks like it's possibly a girl because it was 3 days before ovulation. Who knows?
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  • By every method I'm suppose to have boys lol.... Everyone thinks and I thought for sure! Nope.. Last we checked they are little girls :) 

  • @phil413 I had a dream that mine was a boy, low and behold we found out last week that it's a boy!
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  • I had a dream it was girl too and it ended up being a girl. HR has always been between 155-166 so far.
  • I had a vivid dream last night that I had two sons, a preschoolerca and a toddler. So I'm guessing right now this baby is a boy. :) 
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  • My gut says boy. I keep dreaming that lo is a boy. But we're team green, so we won't know until lo is here!
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

  • My husband had a dream years ago that we had a daughter. With the Sneak Peek results, my skin breaking out like crazy, and fast HR, I'm thinking it has to be a girl. Plus at my 13w3d u/s, they did not see a wiener. The tech said her guess was about 80% that it's a girl. :) We'll know for sure in 7 long weeks!
    DH: 29
    Me: 27
    Married 9/20/14 
    BFP: 7/3/16
    EDD: 3/13/17

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  • I think it's funny how some of these wives tales work and then some are just silly!! I have had a lot of baby dreams lately but I can never see a definite gender! Grrr! Lol
  • based on Heartbeat theory, DD was totally accurate, her hb was always in the 160's/170's, this time around, with the 2, one is high & one is around 150s, so who knows, could be b/g, g/g, who knows! I will find out next week if we have at least one boy in there once my genetic labs come back!
    Happily Wed DH in May 2010
    June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle 
    TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
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  • Based on the "Pizza Theory" (avid pizza cravings for girls) and Chinese calendar, it's a girl.  (Sooooo, probably a boy).  
  • @onefootinthebayou- the chinese calendar said boy for me and I'm having a girl- I do love pizza though so that part is true! :)
  • I went back and checked the chinese calendar for my 3 girls and it said girl for each. I was pretty impressed with that. This time it says boy. Pizza theory says boy! All of the old wives' tales say boy as well. I had a few dreams about boys but I had one where I gave birth to 7 babies (5girls, 2 boys)... So girl?! Lol Everyone thinks I am having a girl because we have 3 already. I kind of want to see what a son of mine could look like so maybe I am invested in having a boy? Anyway, I love the uniqueness of each babe despite sex/gender so I am happy either way.
  • Chinese calendar/heartbeat with my first said girl and that was "right". I was convinced back then it was gonna be a boy, so I was surprised.  Both Chinese calendar/heartbeat again point towards a girl. I really hope it's true cause we won't need to buy a single thing for this child, pretty much for the rest of her life ;)
  • We didn't find out for our first two, and both times I dreamed about the correct gender! It's interesting others have had that experience too! 

    This time I've dreamed of a girl so that's my guess!
  • @Bok Bagok The savings $$ are wonderful from hand-me-downs. Plus you relive sweet memories of the clothes your first baby wore. Having the same sex is convenient.
  • @jem89 I didn't even think about the whole reliving memories baby clothes thing, but you're right that would be fun!
  • It could be either girl OR boy for Chinese gender chart this time around because
    My guess is boy--with DD I threw up 5x a day in tri one and gained 15lbs already by this point (even with the constant vomiting and lots of exercise)) This time I've only gained 3-4lbs and only threw up a handful of times in tri one.   But only time will tell <3
  • With my son I knew in my gut that he was a boy and I never wavered. This time I'm not sure. So far the heart rate's been in the 150s, so I guess based off of that we're looking at a girl. Chinese gender chart also says girl. The chart said boy last time and was correct.
  • I have no idea...This pregnancy is the same as mine with DS and chinese gender chart says boy..I don't have a "feeling" though... DH and I are hoping boy again so I tend to think girl but I think thats just because I'm nervous about that outcome lol..Our boy name is set and I'm in love with it.. can't find one stinking girl name so fx for boy! lol we find out october 4
  • Heartbeats and Chinese gender calendar are all pointing towards girls. Everyone else keeps saying boys. I honestly don't know which I would prefer. My cravings are comfort food, not sour or sweet. It's kind of weird. Lol.
  • All of the old wives tales are 50/50 for me but a friend of mine did some magic voodoo with a needle and thread that says boy and I'm leaning that way as well (for no particular reason lol). I always wanted to have a boy first but I guess we will have to wait until the 20 week scan to find out! That seems soooo far away!

    Me: 26 Hubs: 28

    Married: 6/6/15 <3

    Baby Girl: 3/22/2017

  • SienaC said:
    All of the old wives tales are 50/50 for me but a friend of mine did some magic voodoo with a needle and thread that says boy and I'm leaning that way as well (for no particular reason lol). I always wanted to have a boy first but I guess we will have to wait until the 20 week scan to find out! That seems soooo far away!
    I do that too!  It has been accurate on everyone I've ever done it on :)  Mine says boy, so we'll see in a few weeks!

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  • I had someone do a pendant thing on me and it's supposed to show how many kids you'll have and if they're boys or girls. She did it to my sister it showed girl and girl (she has 2 girls) then boy (she's team green due in November) then it stopped. For me it showed girl, (I have DD) then boy and stopped. So we will see! She also did it to herself and it showed her boy then a girl which is what she has. 

    The Chinese calendar, how do you know which is the right one? I saw a few different ones and one showed boy one showed girl. 
  • @betsy538 My friend said that it had been accurate on everyone she's done it to as well! She even said that if you do the same thing to your partner it will match yours! Mine said boy, girl, boy (3 kids total) which is exactly what I want! I can't wait to find out if it's right! 

    Me: 26 Hubs: 28

    Married: 6/6/15 <3

    Baby Girl: 3/22/2017

  • @SienaC my husband and I match :) I checked him a while ago, two boys for each of us :smile:

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  • jem89 said:
    @Bok Bagok The savings $$ are wonderful from hand-me-downs. Plus you relive sweet memories of the clothes your first baby wore. Having the same sex is convenient.
    Right? I have almost all gender neutral clothes for newborn and 3 months, and I pulled them out a couple of weeks ago. I cried buckets!
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  • jem89 said:
    @Bok Bagok The savings $$ are wonderful from hand-me-downs. Plus you relive sweet memories of the clothes your first baby wore. Having the same sex is convenient.
    Right? I have almost all gender neutral clothes for newborn and 3 months, and I pulled them out a couple of weeks ago. I cried buckets!
    Ugh this is one reason I am sad to have a boy! I've been going through all my DD's clothes and I am so sad to be getting rid of all of them. I have like maybe 10 pieces of clothing for the first 6 months that can be used for a boy, apparently everything my daughter owned at that stage was pink. 

    Good news is my sister is having a girl in January, so I'm passing clothes on to her and will get to see my niece wear them. 
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  • kjd291kjd291 member
    edited September 2016
    That's one reason I'm hoping I get another girl--both for $saving purposes, and for memories <3 ETA-I also was only given pink everything for newborn-3mo. One con of announcing gender-people get excited and flood you with baby pink onsies. ;)

    @CanadianintheSouth that's so awesome that you can give them to your sister and be able to see your niece wear them!! I feel Iike giving clothes to family makes it so much easier to part with than just dropping them off at Goodwill. 
  • This is my first pregnancy. Chinese gender chart (I think to be most ~accurate~ you have to go by the lunar calendar which can be hard to convert for those that said there were two different results) says boy. Shettles method says boy I think (DTD one day before ovulation?) but my cycle was pretty irregular so that may not be accurate. HR was 180 at 8 week US and 170 on the Doppler last visit (12 weeks) so girl. No unusual cravings so far...possibly more salty foods than I usually go for so I think that's boy. 

    I don't have any "feelings" one way or the other but I have been hoping for a girl because I've always wanted to have a little girl to dress up in adorable bows and dresses lol. And we are set on a girls name. A boy would be great too though as my SIL is having a boy in November so they would be cousin BFFs growing up. 
    married 10.10.14 @ Turks & Caicos
    yorkie mama to Oscar
    FTM EDD 3.12.17
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