July 2016 Moms

Re: 8/22 Weekly Randoms

  • Is anyone having their SO give breast milk bottles in the middle of the night?  He'll give them when LO starts to cry but I'm too exhausted to get up and BF.  The downside is, DH has to go down to the kitchen, heat up water, then heat up the bottle. So the baby is crying for like 10 minutes during this process.  Does anyone else have a better system?
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  • Maybe a bottle warmer,  @kellz14? You could prepare a bottle and keep it in the bedroom in a cooler, all he would have to do is pop it in the warmer (I think most of them only take about a minute).

     I usually do my last pump around 11 and LO usually wakes up around 2:30-3, so I will take a bottle in the bedroom with me when I get back and feed that, since BM is OK at room temp for a couple hours. I will also admit that I have microwaved milk but I know it's not recommended. I check it carefully to make sure it's not too warm and our microwave is literally brand new so it heats pretty evenly. 
  • KASGKASG member
    @kellz14 I've given ours breast milk (and formula) cold. It was an accident but I've read it's okay. As for a better system, it's okay for breast milk to sit out for a few hours. Pump one around 11 specifically for that 3am (or whatever time) feeding and leave it out. 
    Me: 28
    DH: 29
    Married: 7/4/15
    TTC #1 since marriage
    BFP 11/17/15 -- EDD 7/31/16

  • @kellz14 will your LO take it cold? I've literally never warmed up a bottle and DD doesn't care (but she doesn't know the difference). 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • My DH gives DS a bottle at 11 so I can sleep but he has never once warned it up. I just found this out like 2 days ago too! I would have made him warm it up if I knew, but now that I know DS likes it room temp or even a little cooler I am glad DH doesn't have to do another step. 

    My random is that I am STARVING! All the time. I am counting calories, but by the end of the day I say screw it and eat what I want because I am so hungry I can't stand it. I guess I'll just have to get used to the idea of being 20lbs over weight for a while. It's not like I leave the house much anyways so there is no one to impress (DH says he likes my mom body so yay!) 
  • Thanks ladies! We haven't tried it cold or room temp... duh.. we should. :)  I never registered for a bottle warmer... I thought it was a gimmick,. Now I am seriously considering if the cold/room temp doesn't work out :)
  • @kellz14 - we did this for a while (now trying to save what I pump for work) but the kinde bottle warmer is awesome. You can totally keep it in your bedroom and it takes maybe 2 minutes to heat the milk. 
  • I love how our LO can sleep all day except for feedings and then tonight cries for two hours straight for absolutely no reason at all.....I mean which is...good or bad?! She is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • LF93LF93 member
    Okay Ladies, I'm looking for some advice. With Kyle's skin condition he needs his hands in bandages, since he's nearly healed now we only do the dressings for two days on/two days off. On the day's he doesn't have the dressings his hands do be all over the place and he's constantly poking or scratching himself in the eyes/face. I've tried to cut his nails but he goes crazy, I've tried it when he's sleeping but he always wakes up. My question is, do you think if I had his hands in mitts on the days his dressings aren't on is it going to affect development? Or should I just keep attempting to cut his nails? Also, as much as I want Kyle to find his hands we have to be very careful he doesn't put them in his mouth as the sucking could cause blisters!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
  • @lf93 I don't know too much about his condition but I know many parents who use baby mittens all the time and have no issue with development. I personally don't like them as babies use their hands to soothe themselves but you obviously have a special situation. 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • LF93LF93 member
    @sboston06 I don't know much about it either because it's so rare, the type of condition it is has a rate of less than 1 in a million! Even the doctors didn't know much about it. Right now he has a dummy to soothe him but he cries so much every time it falls out because he doesn't have his hands. I'm conflicted at the minute, I'll have to try google it again.

    Oh and his official diagnosis is 'Transient Bullous Epidermolysis of the Newborn' in case anyone was curious!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
  • @mrsmommya ha we have the same problem over here. One minute we have the happiest, calmest baby ever and the next he is screaming bloody murder. My husband asked if the devil was possessing him. 
  • @sboston06 what about filing his nails? I'm terrified to clip E's but file them almost every day. Seems to help!
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

  • @mrsmommya my LO is just a few days over 4 weeks and a couple days ago he started this thing where he will be sound asleep then he wakes up with a blood curdling scream. He hasn't done that in the past and I have no clue why all of the sudden that's the case. Also at night now when I try to feed he is SUPER fussy and cries which he didn't do before. 
  • Misery loves company....good to know it isn't just my baby. I guess they just want to cry sometimes.
  • @LF93 Maybe try clipping his nails while he is feeding? I had my baby with mittens for about 4 or 5 weeks because she would scratch her face all the time I've had them off for 2 weeks now and she's is doing fine. Sometimes I would only put them at night since during the day it's easier to pull her hands off her face.
  • LO decided to wake up every 40-60 mins all night. It's going to be a long day. 
  • LO decided to wake up every 40-60 mins all night. It's going to be a long day. 
    That was me yesterday! I feel ya mamma!
  • @kellz14 she just had two major blowouts that weren't the usual color and consistency so I'm paranoid something is wrong. 
  • Anyone know where I could sell my maternity clothing besides painstakingly posting every.single.article.separately on Ebay? We could really use the extra money. I know there are consignments near me locally but I was just curious if there is a larger venue? 
    whitehall, pa
    every adventure requires a first step- C.C.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I didn't notice last night that DH accidentally put a newborn size diaper on LO right before I put her to bed. She weighs over 12lb and I have no idea how he even got it to stay on her but guess who got to deal with the blowout aftermath this morning... Not him. 
  • @Jodi1980 You could try vinted, and sell them as a big bundle or piece them out. It's an online consignment shop.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
  • My FIL smokes a lot in the evenings. We went to visit last weekend and my husband asked him to change his shirt when he came back inside before he could hold her. It made my FIL a little upset. I've been thinking about it all week especially since we're going back this weekend. Did we overreact? Can she inhale some of the smoke off his shirt? I can't figure out if this is a stupid question or we're being overprotective parent. 
  • @babycakesday Your baby, your rules. FIL will just have to deal. 
  • I heard Facebook has these swap sites or something like that (if you are on fb). My friend has sold and bought things that way !
  • We make family and friends use a blanket or change shirts if they smoke and want to hold the baby. Definitely not an overreaction!
  • @jodi1980- I think there's a website called Thred Up but I don't know much about selling on it.  You could sell it as a lot on Craigslist too. 
  • I've been hunting for day care for months. I'm on a bunch of wait lists with nothing promising by the time I go back to work. I'm already not wanting to go back and this is making it worse.
  • @DachshundMomma I feel your pain. The day before E was born our child care provider said we should keep DD home for a couple weeks to bond with the baby. Then the week after he was born she told us she wasn't renewing her license and was going to get a job outside the home. Had she told me this sooner, I could have found somewhere else. The search has been a nightmare  :s
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

  • jwittwer said:
    @DachshundMomma I feel your pain. The day before E was born our child care provider said we should keep DD home for a couple weeks to bond with the baby. Then the week after he was born she told us she wasn't renewing her license and was going to get a job outside the home. Had she told me this sooner, I could have found somewhere else. The search has been a nightmare  :s
    I live in a relatively populated area and in our whole town of close to 10,000 people, including a very large military population there is 1 licensed facility. I've even looked into certified providers with in home care. Long wait lists meet me at every turn :/ 
  • Anybody else's lo have experienced a cough so soon? DD will be 5 weeks on Sunday, and for the past few days she has been coughing. Nothing too extreme, but enough to make me worry. She doesn't gasp for air after she coughs, but does occasionally while she's sleeping. We have an appointment later today, but I'm just curious if this has happened to anyone else. I need to stay off of Google because it's convincing me it's whooping cough... 
  • Mine had a small cough which her doc said was from her food sensitivity. Hope the doc tells you it's nothing go worry about. Whooping cough is so scary. 
  • KASGKASG member
    Mine has coughed a few times. I thought you meant if WE had a cough, which I do and think I'm coming down with a cold.
    Me: 28
    DH: 29
    Married: 7/4/15
    TTC #1 since marriage
    BFP 11/17/15 -- EDD 7/31/16

  • LF93LF93 member
    Has anyone gotten their period yet? I'm 4 weeks pp and I'm not breast feeding. I stopped bleeding maybe last week but just now I feel very crampy and I've had a bit of bleeding. Could it just have been delayed bleeding due to the birth do you think? I thought I'd be waiting months for my period to return!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
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