June 2016 Moms

How's Their Appetite?

What's your LO eating per sitting and per day? My 10 week old dd went from 4oz every 2-3 hours to 5-6oz in the same time period. I'm getting mixed info online but it just seems like a ton of formula in one day. Yesterday she had 36oz total. Anyone else's lo eating that much?  

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Re: How's Their Appetite?

  • edited August 2016
    My baby eats anywhere from 3 1/2 -5 ounces per feeding every 3-4 hours of formula. Sometimes she will take 5 other times she will only take 3 1/2 or 4 so I always just make 5 and if she doesn't finish it poor the rest out. Between 8-9pm right before bed she drinks 6 ounces but then will sleep till 5-6 am and she is 10 weeks old today.
    Daisypath - nBGk

    Lilypie - GQnA

  • Dd is 8 weeks and still eating 4oz six times a day. I would love to switch her to 5oz five times a day, but she's won't eat that much at once most of the time. I think she's around 13 lbs
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  • Natalie is 8 weeks and she eats 3 oz every two hours. I'm not sure how big she is as we haven't had our 2 month appt. at one month she was 10lbs and 21 1/2in. When do the start going longer between bottles? She sleeps a lot during the day and sleeps 4-6 hours at night.

    Married 6/18/2009

    TTC since 10/2010-BFP 12/23/2011

    Baby 2.0 BFP 10/16/2015

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  • We did another weighted feed and he's still at a little less than 4 oz.
  • Damien varies from day to day, it can be 5-7 times a day (I'm including the night feedings in this as well). He currently bounces between breastmilk from my breasts and from the bottle throughout the day/night so I think that's playing a role. I've noticed that he has less total feedings if the majority of the feedings are via bottle. Based on his bottle-intake, he drinks 3-4oz every 3-4hrs. At night he has stretches that range from 3-4.5hrs.
  • DS breastfeeds first and then has anywhere from 2.5-4 oz of formula either via feeding tube or bottle.  He eats every 3 hours on average during the day and does one 5-7 hour stretch at night. I did a weighed feeding once and he got about 2oz from me.

    On the rare occasion he skips nursing and just has a bottle (when we went out for my birthday and once on the weekend when DH lets me sleep) he has around 5-6 oz.
  • While I was out last night, DH was able to give him 6oz and he slept 5.5hrs before waking and drinking another 6oz via bottle. He woke up 4hrs later and took the boob, then again 3.5hrs later.
  • DD eats approximated 4 oz every 4 hours at night.  She's at about 24-28 oz a day.
    TTC #1 Since May 2011 ~ Everyone Welcome
    Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
    DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
    Sept '11-April '13 ~  Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
    January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
    February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!! 
    March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
    July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
    Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
    New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
    January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
    April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
    DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
    July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
    7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
    7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
    7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • 4 oz every 2 to 3 hours, mostly pumped breastmilk but she does get one bottle of formula each day.  She sleeps 10+ hours through the night so that's why she eats so often during the day.  I try to get a minimum of 24 oz in her each day, some days (when we are out of our routine) she'll take 28 or 30 oz but most days it's just 24 oz total.
    Me: 29
    The Mr.: 31
    EDD: 6/2/16
    Furbabies: 3 rescue dogs
  • My daughter is 9 weeks old. She drinks 3-4oz every 2-4 hours. dhe has a bottle at 7:45pm goes to bed at 8pm and sleeps till 5am has a 4oz bottle and usually goes right back to sleep till about 9am. she was born at 5.14lbs and now weighs around 10 1/2 lbs. Her 2 month check up is on Tuesday. 
  • Goocran17Goocran17 member
    edited August 2016
    So we went to the doc and she confirmed my suspicions of silent reflux. No wonder all she wants to do is eat! She prescribed zantac so we'll  see how that helps.

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  • Goocran17 said:
    So we went to the doc and she confirmed my suspicions of silent reflux. No wonder all she wants to do is eat! She prescribed zantac so we'll  see how that helps.
    Zantac is making a big difference for Damien but he absolutely hates taking it. I don't blame him! It tastes vile blah. Best of luck!
  • @vintagevix2016 how long did it take to see a difference?

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  • Goocran17 said:
    @vintagevix2016 how long did it take to see a difference?
    It was noticable within by day 2 of usage for us. He doesn't writhe about in discomfort anymore unless he is working on his morning poop, which I still can't figure out how to make that easier for him *shrug*. He also doesn't vomit as often but I don't know if that's the zantac or not because the ped. sid mention that it wouldn't necessarily stop that from happening. Happy coincidence I guess. I don't know if you had a grunting issue or not but I noticed that those pretty much disappeared when we started zantac as well.
  • Goocran17 said:
    @vintagevix2016 how long did it take to see a difference?
    It was noticable within by day 2 of usage for us. He doesn't writhe about in discomfort anymore unless he is working on his morning poop, which I still can't figure out how to make that easier for him *shrug*. He also doesn't vomit as often but I don't know if that's the zantac or not because the ped. sid mention that it wouldn't necessarily stop that from happening. Happy coincidence I guess. I don't know if you had a grunting issue or not but I noticed that those pretty much disappeared when we started zantac as well.
     For Preston's morning poop I set him in his rock n play with the vibrations on. If he has to poop, it always works.  
  • Levi takes a solid 4oz, sometimes 5 every 2-3 hours during day.  His last bottle is between 8:30-10:30pm and he will sleep until around 4-5am.  He will always take a little extra first thing in the morning and after a long nap.  He is 7 weeks old and about 12lbs.  
  • Goocran17 said:
    @vintagevix2016 how long did it take to see a difference?
    It was noticable within by day 2 of usage for us. He doesn't writhe about in discomfort anymore unless he is working on his morning poop, which I still can't figure out how to make that easier for him *shrug*. He also doesn't vomit as often but I don't know if that's the zantac or not because the ped. sid mention that it wouldn't necessarily stop that from happening. Happy coincidence I guess. I don't know if you had a grunting issue or not but I noticed that those pretty much disappeared when we started zantac as well.
     For Preston's morning poop I set him in his rock n play with the vibrations on. If he has to poop, it always works.  
    Our rnp doesn't vibrate. Lame. He'd love that! Our bouncer does though, hadn't thought to try that so I definitely will! 
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