Hi ladies...
I am thinking there has to be others in the sam situation. I don't feel Comfortable with my mil babysitting. I realize she raised two sons..but that was 32 years ago and after hearing stories of those children driving cars into neighbors yards when 3 years old and falling into pools i feel them surviving may have been through luck. I am also a little worried she may be starting to suffer from some dementia as she forgot her own sons middle name and birthday and repeats questions and things over and over. Last night she asked (well told me) that next week she is going to babysit while I go grocery shopping. I tried to avoid the conversation but was thinking maybe if go for a run on a trail near their house and be back in 30 min...but then she is holding baby sitting on the fireplace down low to the ground. I suggested she please sit in a chair as my brother In law had his bitey dog over and I was worried as he had been trying to jump up at baby when ppl were standing and holding him. She said "no its fine"..sure enough 5 mind later the dog bit my babies foot when she wasn't paying attention..now I feel bad for not forcing the chair issue. He just stole his sock luckily as it was loose but could have been his face. I am prob going to say I dot feel Comfortable with it and blame it on my anxiety and just say "pH sorry I'm over protective and crazy". She is prob gonna be mad as my mom babysits all the time..however she is amazing at it. Shea certified in infant lifesaving and cpr and also has a lot of anxiety and can spot a hazard a mile away...it's awesome haha. .it's spoiled and have too high babysitting standards maybe. What would you guys do? And if love to listen to mil rants as mine is driving me nuts.
Re: don't want mil to babysit
How. often do you see her? Can you just go to the grocery store and say you forgot? That won't work long term but may get you off the hook this time.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I'm sorry I know it's stressful!!
I say listen to your gut and do not back down. Our little one's are so precious and completely irreplaceable! Good Luck to you! Sorry that this has been so stressful for you.
(typing while nursing is hard)
How over whelming can cloth diapers be?! My MIL has never used them and we have the two piece system and she didn't feel like it was too much. Granted she out one on backwards but she realized what she did, laughed it off and fixed it. No big deal. Lol