Help! My once bottomless 16 month old pit is now the pickiest eater in the world. He will literally spit out and wipe his tongue off after trying pretty much every food he used to eat with no problem. Last night for dinner, after I first offered him ground turkey with beans and tortilla and mixed veggies and he spit it all out. I finally got him to eat cheese and a boiled egg. What are you all having success with feeding picky eaters? He won't even eat mac n cheese anymore ugh!
Re: Dealing with a Suddenly Pick Eater (X-posted)
Well it turns out that a day or so after I posted this, little guy started randomly throwing up the food he was eating, no diarrhea but threw up on me while he was napping, in his crib while he was sleeping, randomly standing. Borderline fever. My XH told me that he had been sick all weekend with stomach issues too. So I took him to the doctor and the doctor said it was a stomach bug-- pedialyte and saltines for him for the next couple of days.
About three days later he was back at 100% and he is now back to eating just about everything, still yucks out on chicken and meat sometimes but I've been putting it in the slow cooker so its nice and tender and he's been responding very well to that. That was my first encounter with a stomach bug and it was not fun! He did lose about a pound which was super scary but I think hes made up for it now.
We've been having this issue with our 16 month old. I can usually get her to eat a little more if I take her plate away and wait 5 min and then try again. She also will eat a little more if I use my fork, instead of her spoon.
We discussed this today with our Pediatrician, since we were worried about her weight, and she mentioned that we should offer her regular food and not special "other food". We should give her a chance to eat and if she doesn't like, to take the food away. I also like to add a little more milk to her bottle at night when she doesn't eat enough, but the Pediatrician recommended we don't do that.
I can't force her to eat. If she doesn't take it, I try something else. I don't know if this will make her picky later, it might, and I will probably regret it, but I can't wrap my head around not giving her dinner just because she didn't want peas.
I honestly think it's out of laziness though, like he doesn't want to take the time to chew it. He basically inhales what he eats and I have to actually force him to wait between bites or he won't take a break.