Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Re: In Need of Advice, Comfort, Booze, Whatever You Have to Offer... (Loss Mentioned)
Also, with my first I was told I had to wear a pad (which made it a bit harder for me.) As soon as the heavy bleeding was over, I switched to a menstrual cup (sanitized in boiling water first.) Although the cramps were there, not feeling the pad did make it a bit easier to start healing.
Sending T&P.
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Me: 28 DH: 33, Married May 2014
3 failed IUIs Dec '15 - Feb '16
IVF April/May 2016 - 1 failed fresh transfer. 11 snow angels.
Lawson arrived on 4/24/2017 at 7lbs 15oz, 21 1/2 inches long!
Surprise pregnancy!! Baby #2 due 10/11/18
Sorry the miscarriage board was a bust. I hang out on the TTCAL board and there are a great group of women there and we do a trouble TTCAL (IVF, IUI, etc) check-in. Definitely join on in if you're interested.
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
Me: 31, DH:33
TTC since October 2015: MFI
Summer 2016: 3 IUI's: BFN
October 2016: Switched RE's and began IVF cycle
December 2016: Retrieved 13 eggs, 12 mature, 9 fertilized with ICSI. 5 day ET of 2 blasts with 4 frosites left. BFP!!!! EDD: 8/30/2017
August 25, 2017: It's a Girl!!
April 12, 2019: FET, BFP!!! Baby BOY EDD: 12/29/2019
IVF: ER 7/16 40 follies, 23 eggs, 19 mature,
12 fert w/icsi, 6 blasts, 3 PGS norm, 1 unknown.
FET: 9/1/16 transferred 1 CP beta 5.9
FET 2: 11/15/16 transferred 1 CP again!
@BornReady I'm sorry to hear that you've had loss as well. I will have to check out the boards you mentioned... Thank you!
@kdanjou I'm sorry for your loss as well. Vegas would be awesome! That was a great idea... Too bad I head back to work next week and we are IF poor now, haha.
AFM, today is better than yesterday I guess because I kept busy. Yesterday I was an emotional mess from start to finish. I'd been keeping my head up pretty well... Saturday I went to a family function... A pig roast... in the middle of the woods haha. I'm thinking... Hmmm... I'm having a MC in the middle of the woods and there's only a port a john here... What am I thinking?! But at least it got me out of the house, haha. Yesterday though I think I just cracked. I lashed out at my mom because she told me to stop being so mad about everything all the time. I said, "I am mad about everything! I hate my life! I hate my job! I hate that I'll probably never have a family! I have NOTHING to be happy about!" Not true on pretty much all accounts, but I was very emotional. Then she tried to tell me that she understood and I said, "No... You don't understand. You can feel bad for me... You can empathize, sympathize, whatever... But until you've been in my shoes and felt this pain, you don't understand."
I was telling my BFF that I just don't feel like the same person I was years ago. I'm not as fun as I used to be... I don't have fun like I used to. Even if the baby stuff isn't directly on my mind, it's like I still never feel truly happy because I always feel like something is missing from my life. I just don't understand why this is happening to us. No one on either side of our families has had this kind of trouble TTC. I know it's possible something will work if we just keep trying... But sometimes I wonder, at what cost? Our marriage, because we are putting ourselves into debt with something that's not even guaranteed to work? DH sometimes doesn't have as much faith in the processes as me. But I know he wants it just as much. He just doesn't like spending the money on it.
It also doesn't help that one of my close friends is AGAIN PG on the very first try. This will be her third child because she wants a boy. Don't even get me started on the whole "we're trying again because we want a boy/girl" subject. I see red on that! How about don't look a baby gift horse in the mouth and be happy with what you get?! We've been TTC since before she had her first child. It's very difficult to see her oldest daughter because we should have a child that same age, but that's when I had the chemical. I feel like it will be more of the same when she has this baby. I'll always think I should've been having a baby that age too. I was just so inconsolable yesterday. I get upset too because my close gfs get together and have their kids play together. Well I don't get to be a part of that. My mom and brothers are obsessed with a friend of mine's kids and I feel bad because I know it's because I don't have kids for them to fuss over. All of this was just falling on my head yesterday.
Today I did some yoga... My first physical activity in more than a week because I stopped everything once my bleeding started. Then I headed into work. I don't go back until next week, but I wanted to get some stuff done. I was happy last night my bleeding seemed to be dwindling, but today it's back on. Today I actually feel my usual period symptoms. I often get uncomfortable digestive issues... Pains high in my stomach, stabbing pains in my rectal area, constipation, bad cramps. Maybe this is now my regular period? I've often wondered if these symptoms have something to do with me never getting/staying PG. My obgyn says no... My RE said she doesn't think so either. When I told her I haven't always experienced these symptoms, only the last several years and not with every single period, she said it's not uncommon for our bodies to change as we get older and for different things to happen during menstruation. She said it's probably just my hormones sometimes slowing down my digestion during that time of the month. As much as I hope she's right (she's the expert right, not my google searching lol), it would be nice to have an answer or reason as to why we're not having luck.
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Diagnosis: Mild Endo, DOR (AMH of 1.5), Poor Quality Eggs/embryos, Displaced Window of Implantation (ERA Post Receptive)
March-May 2016: 1 TI and 2 IUIs- BFN
June 2016- Laproscopy- found/removed mild endo and confirmed only 1 normal healthy ovary.
August 2016- IVF #1 with Antagonist Protocol- Cancelled (2 lead follies), converted to IUI- BFN
Oct-Nov 2016- IVF #2 with Estrogen Priming Micro Lupron Protocol, 2 eggs retrieved, day 3 transfer of 1- BFN
January 2017- New RE, IVF#3 with Estrogen Priming Antagonist Protocol, 12 eggs, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 day 5 early blasts transferred (none to freeze
May 2017- Sept 2017- Starting Donor Egg process! Waiting for donor to be available... and then she is pregnant at baseline
Oct 2017- Donor #2: 25R, 22M,18F, 12 blasts frozen! Fresh transfer cancelled due to thin lining with fluid
Nov 2017- Hysterscopy to remove polyp
Dec 2017- DE FET #1 on 12/8 on 2 perfect blasts- BFN and devastated
Jan-Mar 2018- ERA #1- Post receptive by 24 hours, ERA #2 RECEPTIVE with 4 days of Progesterone
Apr 2018- DE FET cancelled for lining issues
Jun 2018- DE FET #2 of two 1AA blasts- first BFP ever! Beta 10dp5dt- 378, Beta 14dp5dt- 2840, Beta 16dp5dt- 4035, beta 18dp5dt- 10916. Due on 2/20 with one baby after a vanishing twin
Baby Born born early @ 33.5 weeks due to Pre-e
Back for # 2!
I often think the same as you... What if this never happens for us? Which is when I get scolded by friends and family who say I need to believe and never give up. I wish there weren't so many of us going through IF struggles, but I am glad to not be alone. I never thought this would be DH and I either. I always say that I cursed us... Our original plan was to be married for two years and then begin trying. Well I was the one who pushed it back a year. I was enjoying us just doing things together... We had recently bought our house and still had a lot of fixing up to do on it. I just didn't want to worry about a baby at that time. So I pushed things back a year and even joked that it probably won't be easy for us now because I pushed things back and was pretty anti-kids for a while. And now look at us! I feel like any future advice I have to newlyweds is to stop preventing ASAP! You never know how long it's going to take! However, if you're not yet ready for kids, you can't make yourself be ready, I understand that. Thank you for reaching out to me today... I hope things get better for both of us soon.
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
If if it makes you feel any better, I was irrationally crazy this weekend. At the time, I told my husband I was ready to leave the marriage because I wanted all the hurting to stop (he's not emotionally or physically abusive). I just am tired of the supplements and felt overwhelmed, afraid that I can't be a good wife, mom, lecturer, etc. all at the same time. It's ok. As long as those closest to you know, they will still love you as you go through this. Hugs to you.
Me: DOR, poor egg quality, MTHFR
TTC since 3/2014
2015: 3 IUI's-BFN
12/2015: 1st IVF cycle-(9 follicles retrieved, 5 mature, 3 fertilized w/ICSI, transferred 1 excellent and 1 good embryo on day 3)-chemical pregnancy
3/2016: 2nd IVF cycle- canceled (3 follicles retrieved, 3 mature, all fertilized w/ICSI, 1 fragmented, 2 arrested)
3/2016: RE suggested donor eggs- taking an ivf break and to supplement
9/2016: 3rd ivf cycle-cancelled due to early ovulation
Oct./Nov 2016: 4th ivf cycle- EPP-AFC:5, retrieved 10, 10 mature, 8 fertilized with ICSI, 6 blastocysts biopsied and frozen. 3 CCS normal embryos
1/18/17: beta #1-104
1/20/17: beta #2-174
2/2/17: first u/s, heartbeat of 107 at 6w1d
7/20/17: baby boy born at 30+3 via emergency c-section
It's funny how you talk about cursing yourself! I wonder that too.... My DH and I were highschool sweethearts and got married at 25. Always planned to wait until 30, but at 27 started getting the kid itch and everyone in our lives started having kids. So 2 months before I turned 28 we started trying. Now over a year later and here we are. Glad we didn't wait any longer... But wonder if things would have been easier if we tried earlier, especially since I have DOR. Life is just really not fair... But I still have lots of hope for both of us! When we become mothers...nothing will phase us after this journey!
Diagnosis: Mild Endo, DOR (AMH of 1.5), Poor Quality Eggs/embryos, Displaced Window of Implantation (ERA Post Receptive)
March-May 2016: 1 TI and 2 IUIs- BFN
June 2016- Laproscopy- found/removed mild endo and confirmed only 1 normal healthy ovary.
August 2016- IVF #1 with Antagonist Protocol- Cancelled (2 lead follies), converted to IUI- BFN
Oct-Nov 2016- IVF #2 with Estrogen Priming Micro Lupron Protocol, 2 eggs retrieved, day 3 transfer of 1- BFN
January 2017- New RE, IVF#3 with Estrogen Priming Antagonist Protocol, 12 eggs, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 day 5 early blasts transferred (none to freeze
May 2017- Sept 2017- Starting Donor Egg process! Waiting for donor to be available... and then she is pregnant at baseline
Oct 2017- Donor #2: 25R, 22M,18F, 12 blasts frozen! Fresh transfer cancelled due to thin lining with fluid
Nov 2017- Hysterscopy to remove polyp
Dec 2017- DE FET #1 on 12/8 on 2 perfect blasts- BFN and devastated
Jan-Mar 2018- ERA #1- Post receptive by 24 hours, ERA #2 RECEPTIVE with 4 days of Progesterone
Apr 2018- DE FET cancelled for lining issues
Jun 2018- DE FET #2 of two 1AA blasts- first BFP ever! Beta 10dp5dt- 378, Beta 14dp5dt- 2840, Beta 16dp5dt- 4035, beta 18dp5dt- 10916. Due on 2/20 with one baby after a vanishing twin
Baby Born born early @ 33.5 weeks due to Pre-e
Back for # 2!
@Kp214 I am so sorry for your loss.
@JamieH2000 Thank you... I know, our poor mothers haha. My mom is honestly the best. I don't know what I would do without her. I feel bad that I sometimes hit her the hardest with my emotions and frustrations. I just feel awful that every time we have a letdown, it's like I'm letting her down too. I know she wants grandchildren in the worst way and I can hear the sadness in her voice, even when she's trying to pump me up and make me feel better. That shreds me more than just our own constant disappointments, is that I'm disappointing her too. We are planning to try again, with a FET as soon as we can. I'll talk to my RE on Wednesday to see what she thinks about the MC and what should be next. I will admit, the more I've read about many of the ladies here doing the PGS, I'm worrying we made a poor decision by not doing it. Being that there's the potential for me to suffer through 7 more MCs if none of the embryos are healthy enough. If we wouldn't have luck this next time, like you mentioned, we'd probably have to pump the brakes for a while due to finances. I'd do IVF all day everyday if it didn't break the bank! I'm glad you and your DH have thought out a plan. And you were smart not to wait longer to have kids! I guess when we're dealing with IF though, we always coulda woulda shoulda. I hope things improve for both of us soon.
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Trying to conceive since May 2015
Diagnosis: MFI- told to go straight to IVF
Egg retrieval: late January 2016- 7 embryos on ice
FET #1: April 27- transferred 2- BFN- (beta 4, CP)
FET #2- July 27- transferred 2-
Beta August 8
Diagnosis: Mild Endo, DOR (AMH of 1.5), Poor Quality Eggs/embryos, Displaced Window of Implantation (ERA Post Receptive)
March-May 2016: 1 TI and 2 IUIs- BFN
June 2016- Laproscopy- found/removed mild endo and confirmed only 1 normal healthy ovary.
August 2016- IVF #1 with Antagonist Protocol- Cancelled (2 lead follies), converted to IUI- BFN
Oct-Nov 2016- IVF #2 with Estrogen Priming Micro Lupron Protocol, 2 eggs retrieved, day 3 transfer of 1- BFN
January 2017- New RE, IVF#3 with Estrogen Priming Antagonist Protocol, 12 eggs, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 day 5 early blasts transferred (none to freeze
May 2017- Sept 2017- Starting Donor Egg process! Waiting for donor to be available... and then she is pregnant at baseline
Oct 2017- Donor #2: 25R, 22M,18F, 12 blasts frozen! Fresh transfer cancelled due to thin lining with fluid
Nov 2017- Hysterscopy to remove polyp
Dec 2017- DE FET #1 on 12/8 on 2 perfect blasts- BFN and devastated
Jan-Mar 2018- ERA #1- Post receptive by 24 hours, ERA #2 RECEPTIVE with 4 days of Progesterone
Apr 2018- DE FET cancelled for lining issues
Jun 2018- DE FET #2 of two 1AA blasts- first BFP ever! Beta 10dp5dt- 378, Beta 14dp5dt- 2840, Beta 16dp5dt- 4035, beta 18dp5dt- 10916. Due on 2/20 with one baby after a vanishing twin
Baby Born born early @ 33.5 weeks due to Pre-e
Back for # 2!
Me: DOR, poor egg quality, MTHFR
TTC since 3/2014
2015: 3 IUI's-BFN
12/2015: 1st IVF cycle-(9 follicles retrieved, 5 mature, 3 fertilized w/ICSI, transferred 1 excellent and 1 good embryo on day 3)-chemical pregnancy
3/2016: 2nd IVF cycle- canceled (3 follicles retrieved, 3 mature, all fertilized w/ICSI, 1 fragmented, 2 arrested)
3/2016: RE suggested donor eggs- taking an ivf break and to supplement
9/2016: 3rd ivf cycle-cancelled due to early ovulation
Oct./Nov 2016: 4th ivf cycle- EPP-AFC:5, retrieved 10, 10 mature, 8 fertilized with ICSI, 6 blastocysts biopsied and frozen. 3 CCS normal embryos
1/18/17: beta #1-104
1/20/17: beta #2-174
2/2/17: first u/s, heartbeat of 107 at 6w1d
7/20/17: baby boy born at 30+3 via emergency c-section
@gatorlorit Thank you... and I totally feel you on the struggle to be happy for others. I've kind of been avoiding my friend who is recently PG with her third (I mentioned her previously in this post). I feel really guilty about it because she doesn't think that I know, but another friend told me on the sly (because I've made it very clear that it's much easier for me to get a heads up on announcements if possible... So I can have an appropriate pleasant reaction and not flip double middle fingers lol) and since then I've had a few opportunities to get together with her, but have kind of made excuses. I should just get it over with and let her tell me, but I've just so not been in the mood lately. I'm sorry your FETs didn't work... That totally sucks. I hope you and your DH get some good news soon, however you decide to proceed.
@JamieH2000 Thank you! I appreciate your good vibes and positivity about at least one of the 7 frosties working... From your lips to God's ears! Thanks also for the info on PGS... I didn't realize it was still possible to test. Did I see in your stats you are doing IUI today? Sending good thoughts your way!
@MrsMcMilkshakes Thank you!
@Kp214 Thank you! I hope so too... 3 more days until I find out!
@Sasha29 Thank you for your kind words!
@Elyse1384 Thank you so much... I am realizing each day as I log in and hear from all of you just how lucky I am to have found the right place for me on this journey. I have wonderful friends, but it's not the same as having women to talk to who are going through or have been through what I am going through in this moment. Please do share your story with me! If you don't want to share on this post, please PM me. I am hearing that we can still do PGS, which I did not realize. As much as I don't want to worry about going through 7 more MCs, the testing is another expense... On top of the roughly 15k we've already spent... And the fact that a refreeze would be necessary also adds on wait time and I really don't want to wait... At least not for the next transfer. I guess it gives us something to think about. I've heard of several people I know having success with FET after a failed fresh cycle, so that gives me hope!
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Just my two cents- I'm older than you (37). I didn't do PGS, and transferred two awesomely rated embryos both times. The first time my beta was 4, the second time it was 11. They sent off bloodwork from my DH and I after the second time to have a karyotype done to see if there is a chromosomal issue that can explain why it keeps happening. I was told that if we had done PGS, we might have known ahead of time that they were going to fail, and not had them transferred. So I think our course of action now is to go back and do another retrieval and have PGS done on them all. I hate waiting, but I hate disappointment even more
Trying to conceive since May 2015
Diagnosis: MFI- told to go straight to IVF
Egg retrieval: late January 2016- 7 embryos on ice
FET #1: April 27- transferred 2- BFN- (beta 4, CP)
FET #2- July 27- transferred 2-
Beta August 8
@joneser1281, I experienced so many of the same thoughts and feelings as you have (I'm sure that's true for most of us). I'm so sorry for your loss and countless struggles. Infertility is a terrible road to travel. I want to share with you my journey and maybe give you some hope.
We got pregnant after a few months of ttc and then immediately had a mc, it was horrendous. My bleeding was over a week long and terrible.
We then couldn't get pregnant again on our own, with clomid, or with iuis, so we finally had to do ivf. Our first try we were blessed with an embryo that split. We got to hear both heartbeats and we're ecstatic, but our doctor told us to be cautious and warned they may not have split correctly. Unfortunately, she was right and the next week we had no heartbeats. We were devestated. My bleeding that time was more minimal as the doctor inserted some pills to help move my Mc along.
The worst part about this loss was the length of time it took my body to recover and get another period. It took about 3 months before they said I was OK to start my fet medications. We used those months to reconnect as husband and wife. We didn't talk about ivf or babies or injections. It was actually very nice.
During the beginning of the fet process, they found cysts and remnants of my Mc still inside so I had to have surgery to clean my lining up. We just added it to the list of hard things we needed to do just so we could have a child, something that came so easily to those around us. It took from Thanksgiving to the middle of April to reset and do our fet actual transfer. We went in very pessimistic. Got the bfp, remained pessimistic. Heard 2 heartbeats again, remained pessimistic. But then something happened, something amazing. It was finally our turn to have a happy ending.
Now, we have 2 beautiful, 8 month old children. All of the pain, hurt and heartache was completely worth it. We still think about the losses of our 3 other babies, but without those losses, we wouldn't have these 2 amazing kids.
I know it's hard and emotional. But I truly do suggest kind of forgetting about the infertility for awhile and try to have some fun again in the next few weeks. I think that it helped our relationship a lot to rekindle and refind ourselves. I know it sounds cheesy, but we believe our infertility helped us grow as a couple and have a very strong marriage. We've been through a terrible and tough battle and come out the other side still happy to be with each other.
@suchaglencoco Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry for your losses and so happy that you finally had some success! I definitely appreciate hearing stories like yours that have happy endings after the heartache. I hope to tell the same kind of story someday.
AFM, I am getting along alright I suppose. Hearing from all of you each day definitely helps! I've kept busy the last two days getting stuff ready for work (I start back next week). Today is a little bit of a lazy day around the house, but I hope to get some cleaning done. I also wanted to be at home today because my RE is supposed to call to talk about our failed cycle and what's next. I'm hoping she'll think it's fine to head into a FET. We probably will not end up doing the PGS. I just think it's going to be too much of an additional cost for us right now. It may/may not save us heartache, but when I think about the money we'll need to pay alone for the FET and meds... It's just too much to add on.
I have a few fun things planned the next few days, which will hopefully take my mind off things. I'm heading to a friend's house tonight for a makeup party... Tomorrow I will probably get lunch or go for a drink with a friend or two... I have a bridal (thank God it's not baby!) shower tomorrow evening... I think on Friday DH and I might go to the movies.
The other internal struggle I'm having is about drinking. In June we went on vaca (I had started the BCPs for IVF). Well I did not hold back my drinking. I am by no means a big drinker, but on occasion (and on vaca), I do like to throw them back and have a good time... and let's face it, with all of the IF disappointments, who doesn't need to drink once in a while! I had a final glass of wine on the 4th of July and that was it because I started my IVF injections July 8th. Of course I had nothing until this past Saturday (ya know, when I was having the MC in the middle of the woods at the pig roast lol) when I let myself have one beer. It was like 100 degrees out and I was tired of the questioning looks as to whether or not I was PG from my family because I wasn't drinking. Maybe I am a bigger drinker than I thought because everyone sure seems to notice if I'm not!
So now I'm debating on what to do. I obviously want to keep my body as healthy as possible if we're going to FET in the next month or two... But I am definitely craving some drinks after what we've been through. I sometimes think I am due for a night of fun and maybe having just a little too much... But don't want to feel guilty afterward. And it makes me mad that I even have to wonder about this when there are millions of people in this world who have conceived healthy children after a drunken night! Don't get me wrong... I would never even smell alcohol if I thought I was PG (I know you girls aren't judgmental to think that anyway), but what I'm talking about is the time in between being in active treatment... Is it better to stay away, or is it ok to have some fun... preferably with wine or beer. Lol. Pumpkin beer is already out and I love it! DH already bought some and I have held off even sniffing it haha.
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Me: 28 DH: 33, Married May 2014
3 failed IUIs Dec '15 - Feb '16
IVF April/May 2016 - 1 failed fresh transfer. 11 snow angels.
Lawson arrived on 4/24/2017 at 7lbs 15oz, 21 1/2 inches long!
Surprise pregnancy!! Baby #2 due 10/11/18
By the way, I'm a big fan of pumpkin beer too
Trying to conceive since May 2015
Diagnosis: MFI- told to go straight to IVF
Egg retrieval: late January 2016- 7 embryos on ice
FET #1: April 27- transferred 2- BFN- (beta 4, CP)
FET #2- July 27- transferred 2-
Beta August 8
@babylonghorn16 Thank you! It sounds like we're all on the same wavelength where the drinks are concerned. I did have a glass of wine last night at a friend's party, mainly because I was pissed off! I'll get to that in a sec... Then today I went to lunch with some gfs and had a beer... Basically to celebrate the end of summer... It was Summer Shandy so I figured it was ok haha.
AFM - This is why I was pissed and needed the wine yesterday... So DH and I had really been looking forward to yesterday because our RE was supposed to call and talk about our failed IVF cycle and next steps. I was told by the nurses that she couldn't give an exact time for her call, but it would be when she had some time between patients... So it was tentatively scheduled for 345, but really it could be anywhere from 830 - 430. Ok, so kind of annoying that there was no definite time slot, but whatever... DH and I both were able to make sure we were at home so it wasn't really that big of a deal. I kept busy during the day catching up on cleaning. So 345 rolls around and I'm on pins and needles. No call. At about 420 I see the clinic number come up on my phone... Perfect timing, as by then DH was heading out to visit a friend, but hadn't left yet. Is it my RE? No... It's the financial department from the clinic telling us they just finished the audit on our account and realized they didn't yet charge us for the ICSI that was performed during IVF... We weren't charged for it initially because they weren't certain they would do it until the ER day. Well WTF?! The RE can't call us to talk about why this failed, but they sure as hell won't miss getting money from us! I didn't even say anything about that we'd been waiting for the doctor to call because I knew this financial lady wouldn't know anything about it and I assumed she would still call. Well by 445 I knew they were closed, so I sent a message because they've been known to answer those after hours more so than answering the phone. No response.
So I head to my friend's that evening for a party, completely jacked. I mean, I know I'm one of hundreds of patients... But that call on that day was really important to us. We pay so much money and although I do really love our clinic... Sometimes I just feel unimportant. I realize they do this all day everyday, so a lot of times nothing fazes them. But this is like our whole world right now. Anyhoo, so I drank a glass of wine and bought some makeup at the party to make myself feel better lol. Ya know, spent more money that I should be saving.
So this morning I had a response to my mssg from the nurse about me not getting the original phone call and she said she didn't know what happened, but that she'd touch base with the doctor when she came in and would get back to me. I wrote back and explained that the doctor had called me later in the eve, but we missed each other. I also expressed how disappointed I was because I'd really been looking forward to talking with her and that DH and I made sure to be home all day because we really wanted to speak to her. Today I had a lot of running around to do, with going in to work, a meeting, lunch with friends, and a bridal shower. I said I hope I don't miss her again. Well of course I missed her call again! I was at work and out of the room where my phone was when she called, but she did say to call her back and have the nurses get her, regardless of what she was doing (within reason I guess haha). So I did call her and was able to reach her. She apologized again and said she'd had an appt cancellation yesterday and had the opportunity to get to a PT appt. I asked her if she was injured and she said well sort of...It's from working too much. So then I kind of felt for her... I'm sure she's incredibly busy and works a lot... She probably doesn't have much time off and seized the opportunity to see her own doctor when she had an appointment canceled. I'm not sure if she forgot about calling me, or was planning to call me all along later in the evening like she did, but I wasn't as mad anymore... because as wrapped up as I am in our troubles, I realized she's human too. I know when I'm working, it's difficult to take off, get to a doctor's appointment, etc. so I could understand better where she was coming from. Sigh! End rant. Haha.
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Oh and @gatorlorit Shit Sandwiches!! I love it! I feel like I have been eating shit sandwiches for like the past 3 months, its like can someone get some cake or a slice or pizza over here! On top of all of our IF issues life has to shit on us too. Last transfer DH totaled one of our cars the night before we were supposed to be there. Its like come on! Isn't having to deal with IF enough!!
IVF ER 5/5/2016
23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6
Transfer canceled OHSS
FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos
Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN
FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw)
Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN
IVF #2: Started stims 12/2
ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6
Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX
FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred
2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP
Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right!
3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy
3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry
6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL!
10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET