I have been reading your posts the last few days and have learned so much.
A little bit about me. I am 35 years old from Massachusetts. I am currently on the last few weeks of summer vacation before school starts again.
My husband and I have been married for a little over a month. We are TTC#1 and this is our third month trying. We were hoping for a honeymoon baby but no such luck. If we did conceive the plan was to greet the child with "Aloha" when he/she came in the room. We honeymooned in Hawaii. Guess we spared ourselves from endless eye rolling. Even though it's early on in the game, I'm a little nervous that we will have trouble conceiving. It does behoove me when I hear about people who have oopsie babies. I'm like, "I'm timing everything and still nothing, you look at your husband and you're pregnant??!!"
I have been off BC since 2/27/16. The last three months we have been timing BD during fertile periods. For this month, I figured I need to step up our game. Preseed, Weschler's fertility book and a basal body thermometer will be delivered by 8 pm tomorrow so says Amazon : ) I also bought an opk kit that I plan on using.
Happy Sunday
Re: Intro - Hi All : )
CP 1/25/16 4.5 weeks, developed Graves' disease
Husband: 40
TTC#1 since 9/2014
Unexplained Infertility - Trying naturally
If you are concerned about conceiving on your own it may be a good idea to schedule a pre-conception appointment with your doctor. That way they can start some testing to make sure you don't have any obstacles that may make getting pregnant more difficult. Since you are 35 and have been trying for a few months already its the perfect time to make that appointment.
Good luck to you and if you haven't already join us over on the Trying to Get Pregnant board. It is way more active on a daily basis. :-)
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
Stick around here, too...you'll get lots of commiseration from all of us "geriatrics"
Beloved SS: born 12/2011
TTC my bio #1/our #2 since January 2016
**TW** June 2016 had CP **end TW**
August 2016 - dx with DOR
Somewhere in here received recommendation to do IVF with donor eggs, elected not to; OH dx with Low T
May 2017 - began freezing sperm
June 2017 - OH began treatment for Low T
July 2017 - began doing 1 IUI via a midwife and 1 at home insemination each cycle
July 2018 - exhausted frozen sperm, officially NTNP since OH is probably shooting blanks
So for the next cycle I jumped on here, learned a ton, read TCOYF, got myself a Mabis (started temping on CD3), temped religiously, and got some Wondfo OPKs based on recs here, paid up for the FF VIP ($25 for the year - currently "paused" thanks to a heads up from BusinessWife) since I felt I got so much value from even the free version; I fully credit temping and paying more attention for (TW?)"working." No clue if it'll stick, but with me turning 39 in two months and DH being 41 it's encouraging. I at least am a believer!
Best of luck!
Married 6/18/16 (Me 42, DH 44), TTC #2
As of 12/2016: AMH 1.42, FSH 6.1, AFC ~10
Self-benched Nov-Dec 2016 for
IVF #1 Jan-Feb 2017 (OCP, testosterone primed antagonist w/HGH - ER 2/2/17 - 12R, 7M ICSI'd, 3F, 0B)
IVF #2 Mar-Apr 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 4/8/17 - 10R, 8M, 8F, 5B, 1 PGS normal)
IVF #3 May-Jun 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 6/4/17 - 14R, 5F, 3B, 0 normal)
**New RE**
IVF #4 Sept 2017 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 9/28/17 - 33R, 18F, 10B, 4 PGS normals!)
FET #1 (medicated) of one PGS normal 4AA XX 11/2/17 - Beta #1 11/11/17 (153), Beta #2 11/13/17 (324), mc at 5w1d on 11/19/17
IVF #5 Dec 2017 - Insemination of 9 frozen eggs from 2012 (8F, 1B, 0 normal)
Jan 2018 - Natural cycle ERA (normal/receptive) & stimming for
IVF #6 Jan-Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/3/18 - 17R, 6M, 4F, 0 blasts)
IVF #7 Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/26/18 - 19R, 9M, 9F, 4B, 2 PGS normals)
FET #2 Apr 2018 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 4AA- XX 4/5/18 - Beta #1 4/14/18 (67), Beta #2 4/16/18 (231)
Rainbow baby girl born 12/16/2018 (via c-section, induced at 39 weeks)
FET #3 Dec 2019 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 3BB XY 12/16/19 - Beta #1 12/24/19 (139), Beta #2 12/27/19 (482)
Thanks so much ladies for the warm welcome : )
@laurad75 - I always thought that I needed to wait 6 months before contacting doctor.... I went for my yearly in March and told her we were planning on starting in July. Perhaps I should give her a call to see what she says. Sometimes I wonder if I'm even ovulating.
I grabbed the easy @ Home opk kit to hopefully try to figure it out. Anyone have any experience with this brand?
My package of goodies from Amazon was "delivered." However, it was not. Amazon is going to send a replacement package. Was planning on diving into that fertility book. What was it about things not going as planned : )
Me: 36 DH:35
Married: 7/10/2016
TTC#1 - May 2016
BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016
BFP 5/5/2017 - CP
IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161
Adam Born on 3/18/18
You went off the pill almost 6 months ago so there is no reason you can't make the appointment now just to get the testing started. In my opinion, you want to eliminate any possible issues now rather than find out in 6 months that you have an issue that could have been treated. I don't want to freak you out and make you think they will find something in the testing because they probably won't - 35 is just on the cusp of AMA and you just started trying. That being said, I felt much more in control once my testing got done.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog