Hi all, I'm 33 y.o. who tried our first Clomid cylce and Ovidrel trigger shot in early July (I have history of one chemical pregnancy, then after HSG discovered my right tube is closed off from past appendectomy and I surge really late every month in general). Unfortunately, we didn't get a BFP that first try. I was disappointed, then tried to remain positive ready to try again the next cycle. However, when AF started that next time, i went in for my ultrasound on day 3 before starting the next round of Clomid and they found two big cysts (which they said can happen and is common from the clomid). Because labwork confirmed that the cysts were producing high levels of estradiol, they cancelled that cycle all together and said we would do another ultrasound next month when AF starts again (and hopefully the cysts will resolve on their own). Again, I was disappointed but have tried not to think about it the last two weeks. Then Thursday night (Cycle Day 19) I woke up to horrible cramps that came in cycles, nausea and heavy bleeding. The bleeding continued (and is still here now) so yesterday the Dr said it could be bleeding from my cysts, my period or breakthrough bleeding, and he sent me for labs to check my estradiol and progesterone levels, but I won't know results until Monday. I'm pretty sure it's AF, but don't get why she came to town 2 weeks early?! It's extremely frustrating to say the least. Anyone else ever had any experience with functional cysts and bleeding OR your cycles being super early after starting Clomid or ovidrel?
Re: Early cycle or bleeding from cysts after Clomid & Ovidrel? (loss mentioned)