HI all so i thought id start a thread for these months going through ivf it would be nice to chat to people going through the same time we can encourge and support each other through a all of it
a lil about me im 30 history of fibroids and minimal endometriosis removed in 2013 i have a low egg reserve and i have had a 3 year journey to conceive with no luck i have done 2 iuis the first was back in 2015 with clomid only the second was a bit more aggressive clomid,gonal f trigger and progesterone both BFN I have decided to do ivf i will start with bcp as soon as i get my period than a few weeks after not sure 2-3 weeks i will began stim my protocol is i will be on follistim, menupur ganarelix and pregnyl trigger as well as a zpak once i start bcp i believe and folgard i would lovee to hear everyones stories
Please click the link below to add your data and join us
Re: September/October IVF
TTC: April 2013
DOR: AMH .3 - 1.31 (it varies); FSH: 5.1
Clinic NMCSD
IUI #1 July/Aug 2016
IVF #1 Sep/Oct Microdose Lupron Protocol - IVF cancelled only 1 follicle
IVF #2 Feb/Mar Antagonist protocol w/estrogen priming - 0 eggs retrieved (empty follicle syndrome)
Donor Egg Cycle as soon as we find a match
afm - started out hoping to do an april/may cycle, but now it will look like a sept/oct stim cycle and fet. I am a carrier for a single gene disorder so we have to do ivf to be sure we don't pass along the mutation. we are currently waiting for the genetic test probe set up to be completed since we have to do pgd (as well as pgs) on any embryos we get from the stim cycle. cannot wait to get started...FX that it's sooner rather than later!
So I am not excited at all for this FET bc the last one was so brutal. Hoping for a different outcome this time and looking forward to getting to know you ladies
Jk I was just in the the Aug/Sept group
IVF ER 5/5/2016
23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6
Transfer canceled OHSS
FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos
Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN
FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw)
Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN
IVF #2: Started stims 12/2
ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6
Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX
FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred
2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP
Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right!
3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy
3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry
6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL!
10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
I'll be doing Lupron and taking dexamethasone 8/26-9/5. I'll continue with Lupron & dexamethasone throughout the cycle but Lupron will be at a lower dose. Stims start 9/6 with 225 iu Follistim, 1 mg Folic acid through retrieval and after. I'll also add in .5 ml of Menopur starting on 9/9.
Am I the only one hesitant about getting excited about this cycle. I'm so scared of not getting enough follicles that I can't seem to get excited about anything. I'm more anxious and scared than anything else. I'm trying to stay positive but it's just so hard. Any tips for trying to relax? I'm thinking about trying acupuncture and I've been doing some floating sessions. I'll be scheduling a pedicure and a facial but I'm open to any other activities that could promote some positive energy!
Good luck ladies!!!
I start Stims for my first round of IVF in about 10 days due to tubal issues. I'm doing Testosterone priming then Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide for stimming.
This is our only shot since we can't afford multiple rounds. I'm hoping for enough eggs to do a fresh transfer and a couple to freeze.
I'm excited and nervous. We've been working on this since May and I know it's not that long, but dang the waiting really gets old.
Good luck to all of us!
We will be transferring a PGS tested 5AA boy!
Me: 1, possibly 2, blocked tubes
DH: severe MFI
Married and TTC since 2/15
Started stims 7/21/16, ER 8/2 --> 17 eggs, 5 blasts after PGS testing.
Fresh transfer 8/8/16: Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1 9/13: PGS tested 5AA, BFN
Endometrial biopsy 10/18/16: normal result
ERA test 10/18/16: "receptive" result
FET #2 1/3/17: natural cycle, BFP!!! TWINS!! EDD: 9/21 (8/31 with twin adjustment)
I thought I'd join as well. I'm just coming out of our first IVF cycle with a CP. I am awaiting AF to begin BCPs for our first FET. I hope this is it for us... and for all of you!
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Me: 1, possibly 2, blocked tubes
DH: severe MFI
Married and TTC since 2/15
Started stims 7/21/16, ER 8/2 --> 17 eggs, 5 blasts after PGS testing.
Fresh transfer 8/8/16: Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1 9/13: PGS tested 5AA, BFN
Endometrial biopsy 10/18/16: normal result
ERA test 10/18/16: "receptive" result
FET #2 1/3/17: natural cycle, BFP!!! TWINS!! EDD: 9/21 (8/31 with twin adjustment)
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Normally I am pretty regular when stopping bcp and I was the same after my fresh cycle after stopping the crinone she arrive on day 3. I have been feeling slight twinges of her for a couple days so I was really expecting her. Hope she comes soon for all of us.
TTC: April 2013
DOR: AMH .3 - 1.31 (it varies); FSH: 5.1
Clinic NMCSD
IUI #1 July/Aug 2016
IVF #1 Sep/Oct Microdose Lupron Protocol - IVF cancelled only 1 follicle
IVF #2 Feb/Mar Antagonist protocol w/estrogen priming - 0 eggs retrieved (empty follicle syndrome)
Donor Egg Cycle as soon as we find a match
I'm jumping right on in as I just got back from my u/s for my very FIRST IVF cycle - I'm really nervous. Did 4 rounds of clomid and 3 IUI all BFN. I have a low egg reserve as well (@hoping4success I'm with you for LOW AMH
With that being said they dont do bcp on low egg reserve, so since I went to my IVF orientation as a just in case I"m able to jump right in when AF arrived...and here i am.
SO I don't know about the rest of you but I am a bit overwhelmed but all the injections and the times that i need to take them. OH is always traveling so this is more of a one man show. First night i took my 300 gonal F and 2menipur and thought i was all set until the next night when i looked at my gonal f pen and it still looked full. Come to learn in malfunctioned so already i'm screwing it up
Had my first u/s today and My question to the group is what are the expectations. I had 5 follies on the left but only 1 on the right, think the right side has been sleeping WHICH makes sense as the past few months on clomid the left side has been on vacation. Nervous my count is so low right now, I know its quality over quantity, just not sure if I need to be as concerned as i am right now. Thoughts?
@mandasand 3 folliles is great! i got that once with clomid and then just one each time after
Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN
IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle
IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP
IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal
IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!!
IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!!
IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!
Me: 1, possibly 2, blocked tubes
DH: severe MFI
Married and TTC since 2/15
Started stims 7/21/16, ER 8/2 --> 17 eggs, 5 blasts after PGS testing.
Fresh transfer 8/8/16: Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1 9/13: PGS tested 5AA, BFN
Endometrial biopsy 10/18/16: normal result
ERA test 10/18/16: "receptive" result
FET #2 1/3/17: natural cycle, BFP!!! TWINS!! EDD: 9/21 (8/31 with twin adjustment)
Me: 1, possibly 2, blocked tubes
DH: severe MFI
Married and TTC since 2/15
Started stims 7/21/16, ER 8/2 --> 17 eggs, 5 blasts after PGS testing.
Fresh transfer 8/8/16: Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1 9/13: PGS tested 5AA, BFN
Endometrial biopsy 10/18/16: normal result
ERA test 10/18/16: "receptive" result
FET #2 1/3/17: natural cycle, BFP!!! TWINS!! EDD: 9/21 (8/31 with twin adjustment)
Me: 1, possibly 2, blocked tubes
DH: severe MFI
Married and TTC since 2/15
Started stims 7/21/16, ER 8/2 --> 17 eggs, 5 blasts after PGS testing.
Fresh transfer 8/8/16: Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1 9/13: PGS tested 5AA, BFN
Endometrial biopsy 10/18/16: normal result
ERA test 10/18/16: "receptive" result
FET #2 1/3/17: natural cycle, BFP!!! TWINS!! EDD: 9/21 (8/31 with twin adjustment)
Does anyone find that these meds give you headaches?
Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN
IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle
IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP
IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal
IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!!
IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!!
IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!
@Hoping4Success I don't know my protocol yet. I'll call on the first day of next period and they will schedule my Saline Sonogram. I'll start birth control day 2 because my clinic is military and they don't always have immediate appointments. They will also schedule me to go the the civilian private clinic to get my calendar and med plan. NMCSD works directly with SD Fertility clinic, so appointments are at Balboa Navy Hospital and the procedures and Embrologist work is done at SD Fertility. My original RE is at SD Fertility and I was about to give them $30k for IVF and then I was accepted into the military program and the cost is $3950. Insane!
TTC: April 2013
DOR: AMH .3 - 1.31 (it varies); FSH: 5.1
Clinic NMCSD
IUI #1 July/Aug 2016
IVF #1 Sep/Oct Microdose Lupron Protocol - IVF cancelled only 1 follicle
IVF #2 Feb/Mar Antagonist protocol w/estrogen priming - 0 eggs retrieved (empty follicle syndrome)
Donor Egg Cycle as soon as we find a match
Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN
IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle
IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP
IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal
IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!!
IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!!
IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!
Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN
IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle
IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP
IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal
IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!!
IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!!
IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!
IVF ER 5/5/2016
23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6
Transfer canceled OHSS
FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos
Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN
FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw)
Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN
IVF #2: Started stims 12/2
ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6
Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX
FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred
2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP
Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right!
3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy
3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry
6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL!
10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
Here's to more waiting and anxiety...
IVF ER 5/5/2016
23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6
Transfer canceled OHSS
FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos
Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN
FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw)
Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN
IVF #2: Started stims 12/2
ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6
Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX
FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred
2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP
Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right!
3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy
3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry
6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL!
10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
anyone go through this before that can share some light? Thanks!!
I had a sono something to make sure I have no blockage for transfer so at least that is promising as it seems all clear. Since I saw my dr. So far 2 are growing with potential of 4. I think she said only one is on the right, which I can't understand why it's still sleeping and 3 or 4 on the left. The other smaller one on the left they saw the day before seems to not be catching up. To go through all this and really not have a good amount to retrieve is scary. I'm only on day 5 so can I still have hope or will this be about it??
Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN
IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle
IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP
IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal
IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!!
IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!!
IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!
I realize I may be in the wrong convo, as this is IVF and I'm doing an FET. But whatevs. U/S to check lining is booked for the 31st. I am about 0% excited. More like dreading this FET. I've finally rebounded from my July cp and I really don't want to go through that again. The things we do for a baby
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
FatPony caseyw8784 joneser1281
hi ladies - to the ones doing FET best of luck, just wondering if you can share how many eggs and such that made it through your first cycle. Since this is my first cycle i'm just trying to get an idea on it. thanks!
Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN
IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle
IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP
IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal
IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!!
IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!!
IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!