Hi everyone,
I am new to the board and found out today that I am due on April 4th!
Today we had our first ultrasound after our first round on femara. The ultrasound showed 4 babies. 2 measured 6wks and 2 days (right on track) with both heart beats at 107 bmp. The other two babies were measuring about 5wks and did not have a confirmed heartbeats. We go back on next week for another ultrasound to see if they have grown. They believe they may have implanted later than the other two. Also if there is no growth next week they believe they will not develop further.
The dr stated that he had never seen quads as a result from femara and that twins are rare.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? My husband and I are shocked as we did not expect to hear them say that there where 2, let alone potentially 4 and can not wrap our heads around this news. We also have a 2 1/2 year old son!
Re: Might be quads
Good luck on your multiples, I hope all are sticky babies!
This board is not very active and does not have a lot of HOM moms. I would recommend joining Facebook groups. There are groups for triplets and quads +. I did not find them until after my pregnancy and I wished I had that support during. High order multiple pregnancy is very taxing, and just plain scary.
If you need help locating these groups, send me a PM and I'd be happy to help
Two years, two losses and three IUIs...
We are having TRIPLETS!
EDD 1/26/16
GGB born November 2015!
at 5w6d I had three sacs and two visible babies with heartbeats. The third sac appeared empty. My doctor told us he did not expect baby C to do develop. At 6w6d they were all there, perfect little heartbeats.
Two years, two losses and three IUIs...
We are having TRIPLETS!
EDD 1/26/16
GGB born November 2015!
Zombie thread is a zombie. And the OP hasn't been active since Dec 2016 so I doubt you'll be getting an update @kat029