Soooo I spoke too soon. Although my insurance company said my copay would be $24, the pharmacy just called and said...just kidding, it is actually $78. Long story short, our budget just can'take stretch that far, at least not now.
So should I call and cancel the IUI? Can I do the IUI without the trigger? I am also on Clomid and I do ovulate on my own every month but it is a late ovulation around cd 19-21. My RE said the clomid will help me ovulate sooner.
So I just need some advice and encouragement because I am really down right now.
Re: Talk to me about IUI without a trigger shot
I dont know if this will help, but there is a company that provides financial assistance for Fertility medications. Here's the link.
I am sure they can figure out a way to do it without the trigger shot. If you are worried about the outcome without trigger shot, perhaps you should wait until you have money put aside for the trigger shot. Infertility us stressful enough without having more stress about paying for it.
I am always stressed about finances and waited until we could afford all 3 IUI cycles until we started treatment with our RE. I knew it would stress me out each cycle figuring out how to pay for it. Most people would find that excessive but it kept me less stressed so it was worth it to wait a few months.
Good luck with whatever path you choose.
Me: 35 DH: 41, Married since 2009
TTC since June 2012
Aug. 2012: CP
2013 Several cycles of TI with Clomid = BFN
Feb. 2014: IUI = BFN
June 2014: IUI w/Clomid = BFN
Jul. 2014: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Apr. 2016: Consult to begin IVF
May 2016 TI w/Follistim and Ovidrel = BFN
Jul. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Vitamin D, COQ10, DHEA, Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Novarel, Leuprolide Acetate: 21 eggs retrieved, (10 w/ ICSI, 11 w/conv. IVF) 13 fertilized
Jul. 2016: Endometrin, Fresh Transfer 2AB = CP
7 frozen
Oct. 2016: BCPs, baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA = CP
6 frozen
Nov. 2016: Hospitalized for small bowel obstruction
Mar. 2017: Diagnostic Laparoscopy = Twist found in intestine - part of small intestine, part of colon, and appendix removed, bowel resection - caused by Endometriosis
May 2017: 3.75 Lupron Depot
June 2017: FET postponed due to complex cysts in breasts
June 2017: Endometrial scratch
Jul. 2017: Baby aspirin, Estradiol, PIO, FET 4AA (lost 1 4AA in thaw) = CP
4 frozen
Sept. 2017: ERA testing
Oct. 2017: Breast cysts biopsied
Dec. 2017: FET
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz