September 2016 Moms

Book Recs - easy reads?

I know there was a post about what are you reading a couple months back but as I get ready to pack my hospital bag, I'm wondering what are you reading?   When I did my glucose screening I read "The Walk" and it was perfect 2-5 page chapters and was easy to put down and pick back up. Knowing myself, I won't be super focused on a book but would like to have one with me to pass the time when DH won't be at the hospital with me.

Any recommendations? 
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Re: Book Recs - easy reads?

  • My light reading favorites are by these authors:
    - Mary Kay Andrews (my favorites are Savannah Blues, Savannah Breeze and Deep Dish)
    - Heather Webber (the Lucy Valentine series)
    - Mindy Klasky (the Jane Madison series)
    - James Patterson (he pumps so many out a year now that they're not stellar in quality; but they're fast chapters and easy reading to pass time)
    Piper, 4/10/10
    Connor, 3/16/15
    Morgan, EDD 9/22/16

  • Not fiction, but I really enjoyed Mindy Kaling's "Is everyone hanging out without me?" It was funny and lighthearted and since it is really a collection of essays, it was easy to put down and pick up without losing your place. I haven't read her newer book, but I imagine it's the same!
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  • I am reading The Year of Living Biblically right now.  It really isn't a straight story, so I can pick it up and put it down as needed.  I find it very sarcastically funny. 
  • It might be a little too involved, but I really like the Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman.
    Or, you could do anything Steve Berry (similar style and concepts to the Da Vinci Code)
  • I highly recommend anything by Jasper Fforde, but they are a bit weird!
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  • I absolutely love Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. I think there's 22 books now, first one is called One For The Money. Absolutely hysterical, good easy read. 
    Also loved Tina Fey's autobiography. 
    I'm also a total loser who loves teen fiction. The Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare is a great read to get sucked into. A friend of mine started the first book when she was in early labour, and finished it by the time she was going into transition, said she barely noticed active labour because she was so into the book!
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  • @Jabreen I second the Jasper Fforde recommendation! He's not super well known but such a great and original author. 
  • Any and all of the Percy Jackson series. There are 10 all together. Super easy read
  • I just finished Heaven is for Real and it was so heartwarming :) Its short, easy to follow and very sentimental.  *Forewarning* I cried like 6 times  :'(:D:'(

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  • @Yellowrose314 Nothing wrong with adults reading YA. :wink:   I read a ton of YA and Middlegrade fiction. If I'm not reading that then I'm reading genre fiction (Fantasy, Mystery, Romance).

    I also read graphic novels. I'm totally not ashamed! YA and MG fiction are unfairly categorized as "sub-literature" and there are lots of meaty reads in those categories!

    I second the recommendation for Percy Jackson. Rick Riordan's stuff is fun and intelligent. I recommend Charlaine Harris too. Probably not her earlier works because their topics are VERY unsettling but anything from the Aurora Teagarden mysteries onward is fair game (Southern Vampire Mysteries and Midnight Texas series).

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  • Emily Giffin's stuff is super easy to read and never disappoint....think beach read. I haven't read her latest one, but bought it for the hospital. 
  • Thank you so much for all of the recommendations! 
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  • Anything by Kristen Ashley. I believe she has a few books on sale right now too in promotion of a new release next week. 
  • I love Jodi Piccoult.  What not to read: Plain Truth.  My best friend asked me to bring her a good book while she labored and I took her Plain Truth.  Afterwards she was like....weird book choice btw.  I didn't get it then.  It was a book about an Amish girl who secretly has a baby out of wedlock in a barn.  Woops.  

    Currently reading What Alice Forgot, it's an easy read.  
  • Oh yes! " What Alice Forgot" or any of Moriarty's books would be fantastic page turners. "The Husband's secret" or "Big Little Lies"
  • @RN1stBae I second Jodie Picoult for quick reads. I used to be obsessed with her but I got a bit burnt out on her books. They can get a bit repetitive If you read them all, but my favorite was Tenth Circle. 

    Also, I loved Big Little Lies @Smallinetta :) definitely a page turner!! 
    Me: 26 DH: 33
    Married: 6/14/14
    TTC immediately
    BFP: 11/19/14 MC:12/3/14
    BFP:  2/27/15 Blighted Ovum: 4/10/15, D&C 4/13/15- Trisomy16
    BFP: 12/29/15 EDD: 9/15/16!!  Please be our miracle baby!

  • I love the Moriarty books also! I just finished reading The Assistants. It was an easy read that was prefect for hanging out at the beach. 
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  • Oh yes! " What Alice Forgot" or any of Moriarty's books would be fantastic page turners. "The Husband's secret" or "Big Little Lies"
    I second "Big Little Lies". It took me a minute to get into it, but once I got into it, I was hooked!!
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