TTC After a Loss

Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

Did any of you who have experienced an ectopic have left or right side pain in the TWW or very early after getting a BFP?
**TW - Loss & Child mentioned**
Me: 40  DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.

Re: Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

  • I did not in the TWW, but I didn't turn a test until 2 weeks after I had what I thought was a period. Since you have had an ectopic before I would just make sure your dr takes you seriously with beta draws and an U/S as soon as your levels are high enough for something to show on there.
    Me: 32 DH: 36
    Married 5/08
    BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13
    BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16
    Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube
    TTCAL 3/16
    BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17
    DS #2 born 12/11/17

  • I never had much pain, I remember two instances of having a very short intense pain in my ovary but it was well into my pregnancy, it was discovered at 8 weeks. last month I had a lot of ovary/tube area pain in my TWW and I was freaking out but it turned out to be nothing. Ectopics are so scary :( i agree with @Taggarab that you should ask for early betas and scans. My dr told me to call him the minute I get a positive so I can come in for betas.
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
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  • @Taggarab thanks for the information. I was not trying the first time, so it was huge a surprise. I had severe lower back pain weeks 5-7 and spotting, but I have no idea about earlier symptoms since we were planning on having any. 
    **TW - Loss & Child mentioned**
    Me: 40  DH: 47
    Married: 10/2015
    DSD: 17
    BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
    BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
    BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
    BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
    Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.

  • @brooklyngirl18 - maybe I need to find a new OB. Mine said that she would see me at 5 or 6 weeks, but didn't say anything about being overly concerned with another ectopic. I have been seeing my OB for over 10 years and have really liked her before. She found late stage pre-cancer in my cervix and was very aggressive with treatment and follow-up care, but with pregnancy doesn't seem all that concerned.
    **TW - Loss & Child mentioned**
    Me: 40  DH: 47
    Married: 10/2015
    DSD: 17
    BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
    BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
    BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
    BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
    Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.

  • @NewMommyCoop I changed dr's after my ectopic because I was very dissatisfied with the care I received. The new Dr took it much more seriously due to the risks involved. The first dr actually told me I had a 30% chance of having another ectopic but the 2nd dr seemed to disagree and felt I had a good shot at a healthy pregnancy and chalked it up to a fluke thing since I don't have any of the typical risk factors. the 30% really scared me but that's also the same dr that said to me and dh as we were upset and crying 'congrats, well not really' about having a non viable pregnancy. great, thanks doc. 

    Personally I think waiting 5-6 weeks is a little risky given your history with an ectopic but you need to do whatever you are comfortable with. Maybe instead of finding a new dr you can request early betas?
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • @brooklyngirl18 I called my primary care because she was much more open to ordering labs EOD to ease my mind (my hcg was low), but she is on vacation until Tuesday. I called my OB's office and left a message with her nurse. They said it could take up to 48 business hours before I might hear back. Ugh!!! I of course want to know now, but I am worried that the OB will not order them because technically I have not missed AF until Tuesday.
    **TW - Loss & Child mentioned**
    Me: 40  DH: 47
    Married: 10/2015
    DSD: 17
    BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
    BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
    BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
    BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
    Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.

  • @NewMommyCoop 48 hours to hear back? thats crap! hopefully they get back to you today.
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • Congratulations @NewMommyCoop! I just wanted to second everyone's comments about corpus luteal cyst. I had left side pain during the TWW and until week 8 or 9 of my last pregnancy. The ultrasound showed an obvious CL cyst at 6 weeks. I also wanted to pass along the great advice that I heard on these boards at that time- which is you wouldn't be able to feel it right now if it was ectopic. Usually the pain would start closer to week 5.

    FX for a happy healthy pregnancy!
  • @chloe97 Thank you so much. That is very reassuring. There were some comments I read on a board that talked about it being a shame that we can't enjoy just being PG, and it is so true. I so want to be happy and excited, but I am so worried about another loss and the pain and grief. It really is unfair. 

    @brooklyngirl18 Dr's office called and ordered labs, so I am going this afternoon.

    Thank you all for the advice and wisdom.
    **TW - Loss & Child mentioned**
    Me: 40  DH: 47
    Married: 10/2015
    DSD: 17
    BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
    BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
    BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
    BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
    Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.

  • Sorry that you are going through this.  I hope it is not ectopic. With my ectopic I had slight cramping right I found out I was pregnant and. Couple weeks later instituted having pains on my right side (my pregnany was in my right ovary). I had a lot of lower back pain throughout
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