February 2017 Moms

UO Thursday 8/04

Married 2/12/2015
PCOS Dx June 2016
BFP #1 8/4/2015, MMC 9/24/2015
 DD 2/13/2017 
BFP #3 8/24/2017, MC 9/20/2017
BFP #4 11/14/2017, CP
BFP #5 1/5/2018, MC/BO 2/17/2018
BFP #6 7/15/2018, CP
BFP #7 12/15/2018, EDD 8/28/2019
Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker


Re: UO Thursday 8/04

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    @fourPsinapod What?  How did I miss a co-sleeping debate?!
    Ask a STM+. It escalated quickly. 
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    I'm so sleepy today I can barely form an opinion

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    my UO is that I hate the terms DS, DD, and DH. It sounds so saccharine when I say it in my head! I love my Hubs but calling him "dear husband" drives me crazy. ;-)
    In my head I say "designated Husband" 
    or "damn husband"
    omg I love "Damn Husband" -- adopting this!
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    HAHA I like damn husband. I could think of a few others too ;) I started writing just H instead.
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    I just write H too.

    Mine: I hate the expression "love tits." Just seems gratuitous and grammatically incorrect (when used as a verb)
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    MommaBean said:
    I just write H too.

    Mine: I hate the expression "love tits." Just seems gratuitous and grammatically incorrect (when used as a verb)
    I'm a bit slow at getting things sometimes. I'm the worst person to tell a joke to because you actually have to explain it to me more often than not, So the first several times I read "love tits" I was completely baffled. I was like "what is that?" Lol  I finally got it though.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    kirstynikolekirstynikole member
    edited August 2016
    I don't always trust doctors.

    I've worked in the medical field and know they're only human. I know various doctors research and flock to certain research/practices more than others. I've been misdiagnosed during pregnancy on two separate occasions from two separate doctors about major problems. So yea I often Dr.Google my heart out and then obviously follow up with a doctor. 

    If if I hadn't googled last pregnancy, I wouldn't have known I had cholestasis and demanded the proper bloodwork to diagnose and be induced at 38 weeks. 

    If i hadn't googled this pregnancy and gotten a second opinion, I would've taken pills to lose my baby, because a doctor didn't do a full medical work up and follow up like she should have. 

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    my UO is that I hate the terms DS, DD, and DH. It sounds so saccharine when I say it in my head! I love my Hubs but calling him "dear husband" drives me crazy. ;-)
    I hate the terms, too, and I refuse to ever use them.  You'll never even hear me say "my H."  I thought about trying it and just couldn't bring myself to do it.

    I'll take you one further, though: the terms "hubs" and "hubby" gross me out.  He is my husband.  Sometimes I call him My Human.  That's about as sappy as you'll ever see me get.
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    my other UO is that I hate the Olympics. They are ridiculous, outdated, expensive and dangerous. Especially with the allegations of sexual abuse on coaches from athletes, the fact that it is always a shit show and bankrupts whatever city in which it takes place, the fact that the athletes often start training VERY young and are denied a proper education and sometimes deform their bodies... I can't get behind the Olympics. #endrant
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    @MonaLisaRalphio this made me lol 

    My human. Yes. Yes that will do. 
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    UO: I think if your company provides you with paid leave, it's shitty to go on leave knowing that you don't plan to go back to work and not give them proper notice.  It's fine if you know ahead of time that you don't want to return but at least let them know before you go on leave.
    All of the yes. It hurts all of us who legitimately want to stay at our jobs and exacerbates pregnancy discrimination. 
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    I hate play dates. I do tons of stuff with my kids and sometimes my girlfriends and their kids join us, but planned out "play dates" with a bunch of people I don't know and have to pretend to like, nah, not for me.
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    In my last BMB, I was upset with H One night while reading posts and designated it as "dick head"..... It stuck, I can't help it. ;)
    When i first started lurking on the boards anytime i saw dh i automatically thought dickhead too and  call my husband dickhead a lot (jokingly though sometimes not so jokingly).
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    UO: I think if your company provides you with paid leave, it's shitty to go on leave knowing that you don't plan to go back to work and not give them proper notice.  It's fine if you know ahead of time that you don't want to return but at least let them know before you go on leave.
    We have a ton of women that do this where I work. They will come back from maternity leave for a week and then say this is too hard and decide to be stay at home moms.  I am not saying that after a month of being back to work that some people might realize it, but making that decision a week after being back was in my mind pre determined and you knew all along.

    It makes it less likely for those of us who can't stay home to get better maternity benefits. 

    We have two sleeping beauties in heaven.
    Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. 
    Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
    They will be forever missed. <3
       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    So a couple of weeks ago my husband came home from work with a pure bred German Shepard puppy (mind you we already have two dogs). Of course the kids saw it first so I couldn't tell him to take it back. Now I'm stuck taking care of a herd of animals and children while my husband is on his night shift rotation. I don't even think I like the dog!
    That was more of a rant but in my house it's a UO because everyone loves this freaking dog!
    Married 5/29/09
    DS 8/10/2010 8lbs 6oz
    DD 11/28/2012 8lbs 7oz
    It's a Girl! Due 2/5/2017
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    My UO: anytime a nice lady tells me not to lift anything heavy, I imagine fireman squatting them with dark glee. I mean, one metal folding chair? I'm not lifting it with my uturus. 
    Me: 31  H: 32
    Married: 10/10
    EDD: 8/27/16  MMC 1/16
    Rainbow Boy: 2/04/17
    TTC: 4/18 BFP: 1/2/19
    EDD: 9/6/19
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @fourPsinapod This is all I can think of.

    My UO is that I like my bacon soft, not crunchy. We went to Ireland a few years back, and I was in hog heaven with their streaky bacon!
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    Mine is that I'm not going to miss my kids when they go back to school. Granted, I know mine have some differences that make raising them especially challenging sometimes, maybe that's why, don't know? I love them more than anything but I'm probably going to be singing that song, "celebrate good times, come on!" Once school starts up in a few weeks. There's good and bad to school vs summer of course and believe me, there's nights I sit and cry about how fast they're growing up but... Yeah lol
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    Again on the Zika topic, I'm really annoyed by the people I hear saying "well I don't plan on getting pregnant so it's fine", then travel to an affected country, come home and don't take any precautions (simply applying bug spray!) that would prevent it from spreading here. If you don't about getting Zika, that's your choice and that's fine. But don't be careless to potentially endanger those of us here who can't help it. 
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    I hate cards against humanity. 

    It was fun ten years ago but if I have to play one more time I may cry. 
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    Sorry mine gets political cause it is on my mind with the election coming up and there are so many pregency issues in politics right now. 

    I am sick of maternity leave or the lack there of it in USA. I am dealing with it at work right now.  And I am sick of woman voting against themselves, they say they would like better maternity leave but then they vote for people who specifically say they will do nothing about maternity leave in this country. It is driving me nuts. I am sorry but the only way we are going to get this is if we all rise up and demand regulations on business to say yes we get paid maternity leave. I know it is a dirty word to some people but really, when is enough, enough. Every other 1st world country can do it, why can't we? 

    Also I am sick of congress not working. How can we not even get basic funding for Zika?!! Apparently funding will start running out at the end of this month. I am just sick of this and most of these clowns will get re-elected again, because reelection rates are really high in this country. Bah....

    EVERYTHING she just said.  Literally.  I ain't even got nothin to add. Shoo!

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    I hate cards against humanity. 

    It was fun ten years ago but if I have to play one more time I may cry. 
    This. My older sister is still all about this game and now it just gets obnoxious to me. I still like me some apples to apples though. Lol so maybe I'm just a lame mom now. 
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    UO: I think if your company provides you with paid leave, it's shitty to go on leave knowing that you don't plan to go back to work and not give them proper notice.  It's fine if you know ahead of time that you don't want to return but at least let them know before you go on leave.
    Yesssss. I've seen some people mention this on here and I give them major side eye to the extreme. 
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    @fourPsinapod  Someone in the FFFC had mentioned it last week so that's what made me think of it. 

    Big Bro 7/14/13
    Little Bro 2/6/17

                                                                  Pregnancy Ticker   
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    @fourPsinapod  Someone in the FFFC had mentioned it last week so that's what made me think of it. 
    Meanwhile I'm just hoping to take 3 weeks off and hope I don't get nonrenewed (teacher contract) for "other" reasons. And here people are like "I can't wait to deceive my employer for my own personal gain!" Lol.
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    Jab3 said:
    Mine is that I'm not going to miss my kids when they go back to school. Granted, I know mine have some differences that make raising them especially challenging sometimes, maybe that's why, don't know? I love them more than anything but I'm probably going to be singing that song, "celebrate good times, come on!" Once school starts up in a few weeks. There's good and bad to school vs summer of course and believe me, there's nights I sit and cry about how fast they're growing up but... Yeah lol
    I am so with you! My oldest daughter is on the spectrum and really does not do well with changes in routine. The first month of break was pure hell and meltdown galore. Finally after that she seemed great but now that we're shifting back to school mode and I'm adjusting our schedules back it's God awful again and I just want to drop her at school, where she acts like an angel. 3 more weeks!
    Rachel, mama to Ava (6), Olivia (4), Nora (2), and baby#4 on the way.

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