March 2017 Moms

Paranoid Mama-to-be

Ok so this is probably going to sound ridiculous but I am having a lot of major freakouts lately. My hcg was thought to be low and now it's fine. My progesterone is "low" but it's only a 9.5 and an 11 is considered normal and I am now on medicine for that. I have had no spotting, no major cramping, and I feel EXTREMELY pregnant (emotional, nauseous, exhausted, the whole nine yards). Yet I am still seeing all theses posts on these boards and even one from my close friend who just had twins and lost one and it's making me freak out about my own baby. I don't want to loose it and I have no reason to believe that I am going to lose it but I am still terrified! Help!

Re: Paranoid Mama-to-be

  • Hate to say it...but the worry starts here and NEVER ends. Welcome to bring a mommy. Try to relax and believe everything is fine. Stress isn't good on the baby. Good thoughts your way. 
  • Seriously how do people enjoy their pregnancy?

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  • Im pretty much the overreacting, freak out drama queen... Anything that could possibly happen between trying to get pregnant up until birth I have either dreamt or stressed about it. At any given point im convinced that something could go wrong. But what I've been trying do was think about the positive part of statistics. So instead of saying there's a 10% chance of miscarriage I say there's a 90% chance of a healthy baby. IN weather 90% chance of rain  means pretty much certain i spin it that way... Another thing I do is I've started an Amazon registry. Its private and no one can search for it (so they won't think I'm crazy for doing it so early), and it puts my mind on the positive track. Hope this helps u
  • @allie92089  I just read a couple of the loss posts and it made me freak out a little too. It seems like they're showing up at the 9 week appointments. My first ultrasound is at 9 weeks so it worries me but I am going to think positively! Being pregnant for the first time (and i'm sure every time) is TERRIFYING. Like a couple of the ladies have said here, this is just the beginning of our worries. Moms will always worry about everything involving their children. So until we are told otherwise, we have happy healthy babies getting comfortable in there! 
    Me: 24 DH: 27
    High School Sweethearts: 10/13/06
    Married: 10/13/13
    Baby #1 EDD: 3/20/17

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm with you ladies. I've always been pretty relaxed, but since finding out I'm pregnant, I'm anxious about EVERYTHING. I'm anxious when I feel symptoms like cramping, then I'm anxious when I'm not feeling cramping. I'll also admit that the loss threads have sent my anxiety skyrocketing. Not sure why I keep reading them when I know they cause me anxiety. I actually decided this morning I'm no longer looking at ANY TW post, and I'm going to stop googling symptoms. 

    Just going to keep trying to focus on the positive each day. I really like the thankful thread for this reason. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I am the same. I feel like a crazy woman, I worry all the time. and I feel antsy all the time. Reading doesn't help. I have nightmares almost every night. I try to focus on the positives and talk to the little nuggets and give them encouragements and just do everything I can possibly do for them right now, by eating enough and not throwing it back. so on so on. First time mom here too, and blessed and overjoy, and in shock still they are identical twins. Just want happy and healthy babies for All of us here <3 *grow grow babies grow grow* I am really thankful to have found a group of awesome ladies here as well. This forum has really been keeping me sane and away from googeling my brains out.

    I think I should stay away from TW posts too. it doesn't make it feel any better. I get so worried.

  • Thanks ladies. I feel better knowing I'm not the only one!

  • Lurking from April '17. I feel the same way as you ladies. The loss posts really freak me out (not at all saying people shouldn't post about their losses if they want to). The statistics thing doesn't help me too much because I got pregnant in my first month trying, so if I was in that low statistical group I could be in another, you know?

    I'm trying to remind myself that every child I see is the product of a successful pregnancy, and that I'm doing everything I can, anything else is not up to me. 
    DD #1: April 2017
    DD #2: May 2020
    Baby #3: EDD May 2023; MC October 2022

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