July 2016 Moms

Week of 8/1 PGAL Check In

Making sure we don't fall completely behind this week!!!!

Status Update:

What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)?

Rants/ Raves/Symptoms:

GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping
Pregnancy Ticker

July16 JULY siggy challenge

Re: Week of 8/1 PGAL Check In

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  • Lynna813Lynna813 member
    edited August 2016

    Status Update:

    What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? 6 days old

    Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: Tons of pain, swelling and not having gone to the bathroom in a week! After going in on the 27th to be induced they sent me home 36 hours later to get down rest in my own bed.::: after cytotec, cervadil and pitocin didn't work. Came back on Sunday as they told us to at 5pm to do it all over again..: instead this time we did 4 rounds of cytotec instead of 3 and then we started pitocin no cervadil. They decided to break my water.... My water bag had been broken for 18 hours and I had been pushing for about 5 they finally decided to do the c-section. There's so many other things that went wrong and happened but I am just so glad she is finally here and safe. 

    My RAVE almost forgot! Huge shout out to DH he has been amazing through this whole thing! Couldn't have done it without him. I'm so helpless at home with not being able to do much and he is just so amazing. 

    Im so in love with our baby girl almost a week old and she amazes me everyday! 

    GTKY - I don't really have one just yet.  

    Ava born 8.2.16 9lb 2oz 20.5 inches at 11:05am via C-section.

    Me: 31 & Husband: 40                                                       
    Married: November 2014

    M/C: 8/27/2012 - EDD: 3/22/13
    BFP:11/19/15 (4 days after our 1yr wedding anniversary!)
    Our rainbow baby will be here 7/27/2016 (Arrived 8/2/2016)

    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Baby Names"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d5eba" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
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