What's up next? Weigh in on Friday as well as our first family photos
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Mentally I am doing so much better since my doctor, nurse and LC all agreed my milk is just not going to come in and we need to formula feed. I'm still comfort nursing so he gets a little bit and we have that bonding time but there's no pressure anymore and I can see how much he is eating. Duncan has been waking up more in the night but it's easier to get him fed and settled so it's a decent trade off. I am looking forward to the day I don't have to wake him to eat. My rave and biggest surprise is how much I'm enjoying this newborn stage, especially now the feeding stress is dealt with. I didn't think I would. Maybe because of how long it took to get here but I adore that the thing he wants most is to be with me and all our cuddle time. I'm glad you can't spoil a newborn or I'd be ruining him right now.
GTKY: Carrots and trisket crackers with hummus and these banana and oat breakfast cookies I found
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? M had his one month weight check today, which went well. He's still in the 15-20th percentile for weight and 50th for length and the pediatrician said that's great. He's up to 8lb, 12 oz! I also had a chiro appt because my hips and back have been a wreck since I gave birth and I had a massage and adjustment which was amazing.
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: I just love this guy so much. And he's smiling all the time these days which just melts my heart.
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping Fruit snacks, sweet and salty granola bars, trail mix, anything I can get my hands on because I am always starving.
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? I have to see my OB on Wednesday and Mikey has his one month appointment in two weeks. At his two week appointment he still was not at his birth weight but I'm hoping he will gain a bunch in these two weeks.
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: I feel like I'm a hot ass mess today. I had a call with my health insurance nurse and she made me do a PPD survey and I'm "at risk". Wtf! I've been really stressed out about the feeding situation- breastfeeding, pumping, hurt nipples and I've been annoyed with my overbearing family but I never even considered PPD. when we aren't dealing with my family, I feel so happy with my husband and with Mikey. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be anything serious. I'm trying to make peace with the pumping schedule and the difficulties of breastfeeding.
I'll admit, I'm not crazy about the newborn stage. I can't wait until Mikey is old enough to play and of course sleep through the night.
GTKY- favorite snack: I just discovered those chobani smoothies they're so good and filling!
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? One month check up next Monday. Thought it was supposed to be this week so that threw me all off!
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: As far as little man goes, I have no complaints, he's a pretty easy baby! Although today he started these piercing screams instead of just crying so that was a bit discomforting, but I think he's just been testing the limits of his voice this week so maybe that was part of it! PP hormones are really my main annoyance right now, and continued drama within my family has just made it hard to not want to just be a hermit with my baby and DH and not talk to anyone outside my house! DH went back to work this week though so it's harder to hermit! I loved having the three of us home together all the time.
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping I don't really have a go-to, just whatever I can manage to grab! Lately it's been yogurt. I do always have water bottles and a cup of something like coffee or juice nearby at all times though.
Married 6/1/13
BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
BFP #4 4/2015 MC 7/1/15
BFP #5 10/21/15 EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow!
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? Next week our little man turns a month old! He also has his one month check up!
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: He gained a pound at his 2 week weight check. His latch is doing better. And he makes the most awesome little sounds and expressions! When he has a dirty diaper, he does this hilariously adorable little squirm dance until he is changed.
My nipples hurt! When he is fighting sleep, or waiting for the next let down, he has a fun new tendency to latch hard on to my nipple and pull back as far as humanly possible before letting it violently snap out of his mouth. I'm not a fan... I really thought I was better at doing things one handed lol
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping Kellogg's makes these things called pastry crisps (I believe) and the strawberry and blueberry ones are amazing!!! (And I don't even usually like blueberry stuff) Also carrots, cauliflower, broccoli (and other vegtables) with ranch dip. Yogurt. Cheese crackers, chocolate covered peanuts, raisins
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? Heading home from the hospital tomorrow to meet her furry brother and sister so hoping that goes well.
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: Rants: Tired obviously and trying to figure out when this LO is hungry and when she's looking to be soothed because she roots nonstop (even while sleeping!). Raves: My birth experience and my husband. He can already soothe her really well and watching him with her melts my heart.
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping: TBD! Tonight I ate stir fry over her head while nursing haha.
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? 6 days old
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: Tons of pain, swelling and not having gone to the bathroom in a week! After going in on the 27th to be induced they sent me home 36 hours later to get down rest in my own bed.::: after cytotec, cervadil and pitocin didn't work. Came back on Sunday as they told us to at 5pm to do it all over again..: instead this time we did 4 rounds of cytotec instead of 3 and then we started pitocin no cervadil. They decided to break my water.... My water bag had been broken for 18 hours and I had been pushing for about 5 they finally decided to do the c-section. There's so many other things that went wrong and happened but I am just so glad she is finally here and safe.
My RAVE almost forgot! Huge shout out to DH he has been amazing through this whole thing! Couldn't have done it without him. I'm so helpless at home with not being able to do much and he is just so amazing.
Im so in love with our baby girl almost a week old and she amazes me everyday!
GTKY - I don't really have one just yet.
Ava born 8.2.16 9lb 2oz 20.5 inches at 11:05am via C-section.
Re: Week of 8/1 PGAL Check In
What's up next? Weigh in on Friday as well as our first family photos
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Mentally I am doing so much better since my doctor, nurse and LC all agreed my milk is just not going to come in and we need to formula feed. I'm still comfort nursing so he gets a little bit and we have that bonding time but there's no pressure anymore and I can see how much he is eating. Duncan has been waking up more in the night but it's easier to get him fed and settled so it's a decent trade off. I am looking forward to the day I don't have to wake him to eat. My rave and biggest surprise is how much I'm enjoying this newborn stage, especially now the feeding stress is dealt with. I didn't think I would. Maybe because of how long it took to get here but I adore that the thing he wants most is to be with me and all our cuddle time. I'm glad you can't spoil a newborn or I'd be ruining him right now.
Carrots and trisket crackers with hummus and these banana and oat breakfast cookies I found
Status Update: 4 weeks, 4 days
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? M had his one month weight check today, which went well. He's still in the 15-20th percentile for weight and 50th for length and the pediatrician said that's great. He's up to 8lb, 12 oz! I also had a chiro appt because my hips and back have been a wreck since I gave birth and I had a massage and adjustment which was amazing.
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: I just love this guy so much. And he's smiling all the time these days which just melts my heart.
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping
Fruit snacks, sweet and salty granola bars, trail mix, anything I can get my hands on because I am always starving.
Status Update: 15 days
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? I have to see my OB on Wednesday and Mikey has his one month appointment in two weeks. At his two week appointment he still was not at his birth weight but I'm hoping he will gain a bunch in these two weeks.
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: I feel like I'm a hot ass mess today. I had a call with my health insurance nurse and she made me do a PPD survey and I'm "at risk". Wtf! I've been really stressed out about the feeding situation- breastfeeding, pumping, hurt nipples and I've been annoyed with my overbearing family but I never even considered PPD. when we aren't dealing with my family, I feel so happy with my husband and with Mikey. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be anything serious. I'm trying to make peace with the pumping schedule and the difficulties of breastfeeding.
I'll admit, I'm not crazy about the newborn stage. I can't wait until Mikey is old enough to play and of course sleep through the night.
GTKY- favorite snack: I just discovered those chobani smoothies they're so good and filling!
July16 JULY siggy challenge
One month old
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)?
One month check up next Monday. Thought it was supposed to be this week so that threw me all off!
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms:
As far as little man goes, I have no complaints, he's a pretty easy baby! Although today he started these piercing screams instead of just crying so that was a bit discomforting, but I think he's just been testing the limits of his voice this week so maybe that was part of it! PP hormones are really my main annoyance right now, and continued drama within my family has just made it hard to not want to just be a hermit with my baby and DH and not talk to anyone outside my house! DH went back to work this week though so it's harder to hermit! I loved having the three of us home together all the time.
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping
I don't really have a go-to, just whatever I can manage to grab! Lately it's been yogurt. I do always have water bottles and a cup of something like coffee or juice nearby at all times though.
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)?
Next week our little man turns a month old! He also has his one month check up!
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms:
He gained a pound at his 2 week weight check. His latch is doing better. And he makes the most awesome little sounds and expressions! When he has a dirty diaper, he does this hilariously adorable little squirm dance until he is changed.
My nipples hurt! When he is fighting sleep, or waiting for the next let down, he has a fun new tendency to latch hard on to my nipple and pull back as far as humanly possible before letting it violently snap out of his mouth. I'm not a fan...
I really thought I was better at doing things one handed lol
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping
Kellogg's makes these things called pastry crisps (I believe) and the strawberry and blueberry ones are amazing!!! (And I don't even usually like blueberry stuff)
Also carrots, cauliflower, broccoli (and other vegtables) with ranch dip. Yogurt. Cheese crackers, chocolate covered peanuts, raisins
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)?
Heading home from the hospital tomorrow to meet her furry brother and sister so hoping that goes well.
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms:
Rants: Tired obviously and trying to figure out when this LO is hungry and when she's looking to be soothed because she roots nonstop (even while sleeping!).
Raves: My birth experience and my husband. He can already soothe her really well and watching him with her melts my heart.
GTKY - favorite snack on the go while nursing/pumping: TBD! Tonight I ate stir fry over her head while nursing haha.
Status Update:
What's up next (appointments/ milestones/ anniversaries)? 6 days old
Rants/ Raves/Symptoms: Tons of pain, swelling and not having gone to the bathroom in a week! After going in on the 27th to be induced they sent me home 36 hours later to get down rest in my own bed.::: after cytotec, cervadil and pitocin didn't work. Came back on Sunday as they told us to at 5pm to do it all over again..: instead this time we did 4 rounds of cytotec instead of 3 and then we started pitocin no cervadil. They decided to break my water.... My water bag had been broken for 18 hours and I had been pushing for about 5 they finally decided to do the c-section. There's so many other things that went wrong and happened but I am just so glad she is finally here and safe.
My RAVE almost forgot! Huge shout out to DH he has been amazing through this whole thing! Couldn't have done it without him. I'm so helpless at home with not being able to do much and he is just so amazing.
Im so in love with our baby girl almost a week old and she amazes me everyday!
GTKY - I don't really have one just yet.
Ava born 8.2.16 9lb 2oz 20.5 inches at 11:05am via C-section.
Me: 31 & Husband: 40
Married: November 2014