Hello ladies,
I'm new here and looking for any advice you may have. I had a miscarriage in April/early May with lots of physical complications. After a D&C, 7 weeks of bleeding, and a cycle, we are just starting to try again. We had genetic testing after our loss as the fetal tissue chromosomes showed both trisomy 16 and an unusual pattern on chromosome 14. They did blood tests/chromosomal analysis on both my husband and me and my husband has the unusual pattern on chromosome 14 which they say is benign/normal chromosomal variant. Needless to say, it's been a workout as it is for all of us.
We were fortunate to get pregnant on our 5th month trying over the course of a year (we took some breaks). Getting pregnant is crazy enough without all of this baggage/fear/uncertainty. I'm also SO type A so I don't breeze through the two week wait well.
I'd love to hear your experiences. Thanks so much.
Re: Love greater than the fear
The fear is paralyzing, but the hopeful reward at the end is so good. I just keep reminding myself of the ultimate end goal.