March 2017 Moms

Saturday/Sunday Ticker Change - 7/30-31

Hi weekend ladies. 

Any upcoming appointments this week?
GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? 
Me: 35      Hubs: 27
Married: 07/04/13
BFP #1: 8/14/14, Baby Girl born 4/16/15
BFP #2: 6/21/16, Baby Girl born 2/11/17
BFP #3: 1/26/19, EDD 10/8/19
Fur Babies: 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (Piper and Mia)

Re: Saturday/Sunday Ticker Change - 7/30-31

  • Weeks/Size? 9 weeks blue tailed butterfly
    Any upcoming appointments this week? Second ultrasound on Wednesday. So excited to see little one again. 
    Rants/Raves/Randoms?  it sure would nice if the heat let up for a bit
    Questions? Nope 
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? Our first looks primarily like hubby but all my personality. For the second it would be fun to have the opposite.  But my freckles lol that has to be passed on. 
    Me: 35      Hubs: 27
    Married: 07/04/13
    BFP #1: 8/14/14, Baby Girl born 4/16/15
    BFP #2: 6/21/16, Baby Girl born 2/11/17
    BFP #3: 1/26/19, EDD 10/8/19
    Fur Babies: 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (Piper and Mia)
  • wintersongwintersong member
    edited August 2016
    Weeks/Size? 7 / playing die (edd March 19th)

    Any upcoming appointments this week? confirmation appt on tuesday! I'll do all the blood tests and intake and make an appt for my heartbeat/dating scan! Finally!

    Rants/Raves/Randoms? I made my husband take the baby to church today while I lay in bed. Sorrynotsorry! 

    Questions? Can sunshine explain to me the prohibition against runny yolks to me? It doesn't make sense to me how salmonella could be inside of the yolk. 

    GTKY: meh. My son personality wise is exactly like his aunt (so trouble, lol). If this next one is like my hubby I am in for one helluvah easy ride. I guess if I pick traits it would be straight feet. Mostly I just find myself hoping that this baby is not born with a clubbed foot like my first son. I feel guilty even thinking that, but it is truth. The treatment for clubfoot is definitely manageable and not the end of the world, but I am looking forward to an infancy without that particular set of challenges. I especially look forward to being able to give a newborn baths (couldn't before because of casts) and cosleeping without managing a hard cast or brace. And seeing my baby's feet every day <3
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Weeks/Size? 7 weeks! EDD March 19

    Any upcoming appointments this week? Nope!

    Rants/Raves/Randoms? We went on an overnight getaway last night and it was so fun! Waiting on DH to wake up so we can get some brunch!


    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? 
    I hope they get their height from DH. I like being short, but if it's a boy is want them to be taller than 5'3" :smile:
  • Weeks/Size? 6 weeks - ladybug

    Any upcoming appointments this week? None until August 31!

    Rants/Raves/Randoms? Woke up at 2:30 this morning in a puddle of sweat. Went and laid on the couch watching tv because I couldn't fall back asleep. Now I feel awful and lazy.


    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? Sense of humor and his work ethic. DH can't half ass anything.
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

  • Jen524Jen524 member
    Weeks/size? 6 weeks (EDD March 25th) Sweet pea

    Any upcoming appointments this week? None.  Don't have my first nurses appt until 8/25 when I'll be 9.5 weeks for blood.

    Rants/Raves/Randoms? Food aversions and feeling sick after I eat are starting to kick in.  Plus the nausea.  I thought maybe I'd get lucky with #4 and not feel as sick.  No such luck :(


    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? Hope baby hubby's patience and hope baby has my passion for learning.  
    BFP #1 7/1/2009 ~ EDD 3/9/2010 ~ Ella Adeline (7lbs 4 oz, 19.5 inches) 3/5/2010 csection (39w3d)
    BFP #2 7/13/2011 ~ EDD 3/16/2012 ~Aubree Olivia (9lbs 1oz, 21 inches) 3/15/2012 VBAC (39w6d)
    BFP #3 5/15/2014 ~ EDD 1/16/2015~Addison Isabelle (9lbs, 0oz, 21 inches) 1/25/2015 2VBAC (41w2d)
    BFP #4 7/20/2016 ~ EDD 3/25/2017 ~ Malachi Mathew (10lbs 0oz, 22 inches) 4/4/2017 emergency csection (41w3d)

  • Weeks/Size? 9+3 weeks a jack.
    Any upcoming appointments this week? Nope
    Rants/Raves/Randoms?  I am itching to announce it but know I need to wait until first trimester is over.   I'm just too excited to post.  
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? Hopefully he/she gets my calmness and my husband's determination.  
    Jennifer Rose due 6/27/14 <3
  • Weeks/Size? 9 weeks size of a southern pecan! :smiley:
    Any upcoming appointments this week? None this week
    Rants/Raves/Randoms? MILs. Man. I've been thinking about starting a thread for a safe place to vent about them...
    Questions? None
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ?
    My husband's patience and my drive
  • Weeks/Size? 9+1, size of a cherry
    Any upcoming appointments this week? First ultrasound is on Wednesday!  Can't wait.  It'll feel so much more real once we see a heartbeat.
    Rants/Raves/Randoms? after this appointment we'll organize our plans for telling our families.  Can't wait!
    Questions? nope
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? DH's ability to tan, my patience, DH's sense of humor.
    Me: 35 | DH: 38
    Met: 2007
    Married: 2013

    BFP #1: 06/21/16                MMC: 08/04/16
    BFP #2: 01/08/17             DD: 09/23/17 <3
    BFP #3: 06/10/20             EDD: 02/11/2021

  • Weeks/Size? 9/cherry
    Any upcoming appointments this week? Yes, finally! Friday! But no ultrasound, sadly. Gotta wait at least 9 weeks for that. 
    Rants/Raves/Randoms? I'm sad my doc doesn't do ultrasounds at the beginning! I also am really over the first tri symptoms and am getting really excited to come out the other side.
    Questions? Nope.
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH? I would like them to be brave like my DH. 

    Me: 36;  DH: 38
    DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
    MMC & D&C Aug 2016
  • Weeks/Size? 8 weeks, raspberry  
    Any upcoming appointments this week? Nope. 
    Rants/Raves/Randoms? My symptoms are THE WORST. I feel like every possible one I'm getting x100 all day and night. I can't wait for second trimester when they hopefully go away and I tell all my friends. 
    Questions? Does anyone have a natural/organic/eco-friendly/baby-friendly brand of cleaning supplies they love? 
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH? My relaxed attitude and DH's strong work ethic. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @vino831 Sounds like you really need a Monday bitchfest thread tomorrow to vent about your mil! Let's make one!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @sunshine507 I clean almost everything with vinegar. I even use it as fabric softener! 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @vino831 Sounds like you really need a Monday bitchfest thread tomorrow to vent about your mil! Let's make one!
    Yes!!!!!!! I'm gonna need one all week tho... going on a big family vacation. Sure I thought... I can handle her for I week I said....
    I will clearly never learn. 
  • Super late to the party since I was out of town with no service this weekend! Hope everyone had a great one :)

    Weeks/Size? 7! Blueberry or micro chameleon

    Any upcoming appointments this week? YES! I'm so excited! Thursday :) and DH gets to come. I'm really really hoping they do a dating ultrasound so I can have a little bit of reassurance that everything is going well. 

    Rants/Raves/Randoms? felt super nauseous all week last week, but the weekend I felt pretty decent. Peeing so much in the middle of the night, but I also already drink so much water every day so that probably doesn't help. I keep having dreams about having twins, and all these multiples in this group have it on my mind! I was supposed to be a twin, but it did not make it very far into my moms pregnancy and the same thing happened with DH's younger sister, so it makes me wonder if that ups my chances? We shall find out!

    Questions? Not this week I don't think!

    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? 

    Oh my gosh so many. His ability to remain calm under all situations, not let things get to him, getting along with everyone and being a great friend, his sense of humor. Everything I hate about myself, he has the opposite in a positive way, I want our children to take a lot after him and less after me lol! 
  • Weeks/Size? 7 weeks/blueberry 
    Any upcoming appointments this week? unfortunately no
    Rants/Raves/Randoms? I just want wine :(
    Questions? nope
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? I hope baby will get my husbands intelligence and commitment and my easy going nature and blonde hair :)
  • Weeks/Size? 9w, green olive 
    Any upcoming appointments this week? Not this week.
    Rants/Raves/Randoms? We were away on a little weekend vacation with my husband's family this weekend. It was a lot of fun, but I am exhausted. We did A LOT of walking. And the 5 hour drive wasn't great for the nausea.  
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH? My husband is super easy-going. I hope our little one takes after him that way. I kind of hope that we have a kiddo with my red hair. :smile:
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Baby Boy: coming March 2017

  • @shumerator I love what you said about your lo's traits. Life will be so much easier if my lo is 100x more like my hubs vs me!!
  • @sunshine507 Have you ever heard of Norwex??  I love it so much (they have a replacement for every cleaning product you use in your home), everything I have used so far works soooo well, and there are no chemicals involved whatsoever!

    Me: 36;  DH: 38
    DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
    MMC & D&C Aug 2016
  • Sorry I'm late! We were camping last weekend :)
    Weeks/Size? 9w+2 days today/cherry
    Any upcoming appointments this week? Nope.
    Rants/Raves/Randoms? Check my bitchfest post lol
    Questions? Wait- did I see someone write that we can't have dippy eggs? I've been eating like 3 per week. I never ate breakfast pre-preg and now it's my favorite thing on earth.
    GTKY: What traits are you hoping baby will get from you or DH ? I hope baby gets H's laid back personality, observational/listening skills, and athleticism. We are both extremely competitive, so I fear that baby has a good chance of being over the top too, but I also fear that we will get the opposite and H and I will have to exercise a form of patience that we have both never experienced before! I hope baby gets my love for learning.

  • @Bradleerick It's true, you aren't "supposed" to eat dippy eggs (love that you call them that) due to potential salmonella poisoning, but that risk is so low, much like a lot of other food contamination, so it's really up to you :) I have not given up my dippy eggs personally lol
  • @Bradleerick It's true, you aren't "supposed" to eat dippy eggs (love that you call them that) due to potential salmonella poisoning, but that risk is so low, much like a lot of other food contamination, so it's really up to you :) I have not given up my dippy eggs personally lol
    I didn't know this either and I ate them all through my first pregnancy.  LO will be 1 at the end of the month 
  • I'm so late to this party! Glad to see everyone is doing so well. 

    week/size: 7+3 size of a blueberry. (EDD 3/18) 

    appointments: none until September 12th. But I did get to see the baby's heartbeat on Sunday!! 

    rants/raves/randoms: told my parents over the weekend about the pregnancy, which was lovely. I'm itching to announce to everyone else. I wish the second tri would hurry up and get here!

    GTKY: I really hope our baby gets my husbands intelligence. He's like legit a genius, and has a passion for knowledge. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Mack2342 said:
    I didn't know this either and I ate them all through my first pregnancy.  LO will be 1 at the end of the month 
    I've already eaten dippy eggs twice in the last week. And a lunchmeat sandwich. I just asked out of curiosity, lol.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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