So, I just couldn'the wait anymore and took a hpt this morning. Of course, it was negative, again. So now we have to do a blood test on Monday and once we get the official results I will ask the RE to schedule us for an IUI.
I am curious what the exact process is. Could anyone explain it? Thank you ladies. This definitely wasn'the what I wanted but I am happy we are moving forward.
Re: Looks like it is IUI for us
Also, I know this sounds really silly but I am really nervous about the trigger shot. Was it painful??
I am trying to stay positive and just think this is just the little boost we need, but at the same time, I know we have agreed to only 3 times and then that's it
The ladies above explained it very well. The only thing I would add is that you should lay there for 10 minutes after the procedure. It literally only takes like a minute (literally 60 seconds) for the procedure. It's very similar to a pap, only shorter, except for the laying still for 10 minutes part. I was honestly really surprised at what NOT a big deal it was. It was over and I was like "Is that it?" Big, bang, done!
The trigger shot is no big deal at all. The needle is really skinny and pretty short. The worst part for me was knowing HOW to do it. I didnt want to mess it up. There are great videos online to show you exactly what to do. I asked my hubby to do it to get him involved. It was his little part in the process and he really seemed to start enjoying them....maybe a little too much. LOL!
Please let us know what a the beta on Monday shows. FX!
I hope we are one of the lucky ones like you Bai-by2016 and it takes on the first try!
Have you ever tried acupuncture? I used to but the cost was just too much and I had to stop, but it really helped me. I started having periods on my own and everything. If I have another loss (I pray I don't) I will go back to it and just put it on my credit card if I have to. (It was costing me about $400 a month but I know I can find someone cheaper). It's supposed to really help make the uterus a nice, happy home. If you haven't done it, it could help.
Also, why did they limit you to 3 IUIs? I think most REs will give you a choice to do more if you want to, but I know they are all different. If we end up having to do 3, I don't know if we'd do IVF or try again. I think the RE recommended only 3 for us mostly because of my age (I'm 36) so he's being aggressive. Idk. If you ask about the option to do more (if needed) that might take some of the pressure off. That's the last thing you need.
I know a lot of the gals on here have temp'd and done OPKs so hopefully they can help.
I have both tempted and used opk sticks before but have not recently with all the monitoring my RE does (plus progesterone raises Temps anyways).
I have not tried acupuncture yet. I don'the think our insurance covers it and we just can'take afford it.
The trigger shot is not awful. It is a small gauge needle that isn't too long. Make sure a nurse at your clinic does a demo for you, and then you can also find videos online. Don't be afraid to ask for another demo or if you have questions. If you're feeling a little squeamish, you can have your DH do the shot. Sometimes I find it's easier for my DH to do a fast & steady shot than me trying to give it to myself.
We were always told to BD the night I took the trigger shot and the night after the IUI, but abstain the day before IUI. I typically went in for baseline u/s and bloodwork, and then u/s and bloodwork a few days after finishing Clomid, and then the IUI itself, then progesterone bw 7dpiui, then beta. My clinic has not mentioned the option of sample collection at home--DH will go in at 7:30 the morning we are doing the IUI, then we'll go back at 9:30 for the IUI after they've prepped it.
/loss mentioned/
TTC#1 July 2014
dx: MFI (morphology)
IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w
d&c, followed by cytotec
TTCAL April 2016
IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
At least you'll have a buddy who knows how you feel!
Charlotte, NC
Jwg9101: Glad there are others that can understand! I want to feel like this will be the magic bullet but I am afraid to get my hopes up. We will have to keep each other updated
All my meds were out of pocket so I didn't do a trigger shot. I used opks to detect my LH surge and had my IUIthe day after a positive. My DH has low morph so we were advised to abstain from when I got my positive opk until after the IUI.
My clinic has the man collect his specimen onsite. They scheduled DH for one appointment and then me for an appointment 2 hours later. The IUI felt similar to a pap. I had some cramping when they put the sperm in. I would recommend bringing a panty liner in case you have some spotting (I did) and some Tylenol in case you have some cramping.
My RE schedules a a blood pregnancy test 16 days post-IUI.
Me: 31, DH:33
TTC since October 2015: MFI
Summer 2016: 3 IUI's: BFN
October 2016: Switched RE's and began IVF cycle
December 2016: Retrieved 13 eggs, 12 mature, 9 fertilized with ICSI. 5 day ET of 2 blasts with 4 frosites left. BFP!!!! EDD: 8/30/2017
August 25, 2017: It's a Girl!!
April 12, 2019: FET, BFP!!! Baby BOY EDD: 12/29/2019