
Coming back after a break

Hi ladies! So I took a break after the last bfn. This month has been very relaxed. No temping, no worrying. I am continuing the progesterone  (just in case). 

Next cycle, however, we start our first IUI. DH has finally agreed that it isn'the looking good trying by ourselves. I am excited but also really nervous. 

Anyways, just wanted to give an update! 

Re: Coming back after a break

  • Hi, hun! You've did a nice thing - took the needed break. I believe it's really helpful not to hurry before another step and heal both emotionally and physically. :) I also took a looong break after 2 miscarriages in a row 6 years ago. Then our journey started. I was diagnosed on endo and PCOS, passed unsuccessful surgery. I cannot imagine how I would survive it all without my super supportive dh by my side. Now after years of struggling I'm a new mom of a wonderful boy. Finally we used donor egg with ivf in Ukrainian Biotexcom. I'd like to say that keeping on moving whatever happens to us is just vital. They say God blesses us for long waiting, so I strongly believe one day cherished dreams of lovely ladies here will come true. I also feel absolutely open as for the donor egg conception and will undoubtedly tell my boy (when it's time) about the lady involved into the process.
    Just wanted to share my story and say I'll be thinking of your success with IUI.
    Good luck, hun, and baby dust to you <3

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