July 2016 Moms

TMI- graphic photo- c/section recovery

my c-section was Tuesday night. Got home Friday night. And was just trying to look at my wound with camera since I can't see it yet... And wtf happened? It's like the biggest bruise I've ever seen! Anyone else feel like post surgery that things were messed up? At least it does not hurt, hopefully I'm not bleeding internally or something. 
Married - 4/7/07
Son #1- 2/15/08
Son #2- 8/18/10
Baby 3 due 8/8/16

Re: TMI- graphic photo- c/section recovery

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    This seems like a question for your dr at least about the bleeding internally part.
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    This seems like a question for your dr at least about the bleeding internally part.
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    As an ICU nurse I can tell you internal bleeding can show up like a bruise.. often it does. I am gonna say call or get checked sooner rather than later, bc if you are bleeding that could be an emergency. Not to freak you out but better to be safe. Especially if it hasn't been there the whole time. It could also be from a lot of pulling and tugging but why chance it IMO. Good luck and keep us posted. 
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    Obviously everyone is different, but I had a c-section and it didn't look anything like this. Definitely go see a doc. 
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    June lurker..
    I had a c section and had some bruising after, though maybe not this bad. They checked it everyday and said it would disappear with time. What did the medical personnel at the hospital say?

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    The bruise was not there when I was in the hospital (that I know of). Just had a friend who is a nurse practitioner look at it and they don't think I should worry as its turning yellow around the edges so an older bruise working its way to the surface. Glad my follow up appoint was scheduled for earlier than normal though- will see OB on Tuesday. OB had said it was hard to get my boy out. He kept digging his head further in and I guess they had to use a vacuum to get him out. So maybe the bruising is from all the extra tugging trying to get him out??
    Married - 4/7/07
    Son #1- 2/15/08
    Son #2- 8/18/10
    Baby 3 due 8/8/16
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    Glad someone looked at it. Just be sure to take note if it gets darker or bigger. Good luck!
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    I was very bruised but mine was a emergent C/S and it was to be expected. I was warned after my surgery that they were 'rough'.

    I am glad you spoke with your provider.
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    I had a c-section and I did not have any bruising. I'm glad you spoke with your provider, definitely keep an eye on it and let them know if it gets worse. I hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly.
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