August 2016 Moms

FFFC 7.22.16

edited July 2016 in August 2016 Moms

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Re: FFFC 7.22.16

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  • I'm all for inductions after your EDD.  

    Ive had two that went really well. Apparently my body doesn't like to let the babies go, so induction it is.  I'm not waiting around wishing for it to happen for another week if I can go ahead and schedule it.  

  • @cm716 You're good. We're in the same boat.  Nothing prepared.  We took a few things out of storage and moved them to my parents storage room but haven't washed anything or really prepared at all...
  • @Car0liiine omg that's exactly what we did last night! Just had a couple of friends stop by with pizza to meet the baby but it really got us cleaning the house and putting things away (we left our living room full of stuff we got from hospital, suitcases that were still packed, etc.)!

    Hoping to maintain our place this way or else another pizza night is in order.
  • I can't be alert enough to feed baby A during the night! After 2 AM, DH takes over until I wake up at 7 or 8 AM. I really want to be able to take over night duty too so DH isn't burnt out. Makes me feel really guilty. Baby A grunts more so than cries so maybe that's why I am sleeping through the night but that's still not okay! 
  • My FFFC (maybe this also could have been an UO) is that I freaking love those Dr Pimple videos. They are so gross and so satisfying all at the same time. I honestly can't believe people can walk around with these masses on them for 20+ years! It's insane! 
    Baby #1: Palmer Olivia - October 2014
    Baby #2: Emmeline Grey - August 2016
    Baby #3: BFP 9/7/18  |  EDD 05/24/19
  • @AliKay20 when we had DD, DH and I would alternate nights. So one night I would have baby duty and the next night he would. That really helped with my(and his) sanity until she started sleeping for longer cycles. But, we also formula fed so that made it easier to be able to alternate like that. 
  • @Lynnlove28 that's a good idea. Tried my first night duty today. Holy cow I barely made it through. There were lots of, "baby are you serious right now/WTF/is this even possible?" moments. I am going to pass out all day...if that's even possible. 

    How do people do this and still be sane/alert enough to be productive at their day jobs?!
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