Anyone else's pregnancy hormones raging?? Who's your fantasy poll...
Do you have a Celeb list (like Ross and Rachel from Friend's)? If so who's on it?
Hottest singer:
Hottest sports figure:
Hottest actor (TV and/or Movies):
Hottest other/random:
Re: Fun GTKY...let's talk about the hotties...
Do you have a Celeb list (like Ross and Rachel from Friend's)? If so who's on it? YES! Hubby knows If I ever get alone with any member of NKOTB it's ON!!!
Hottest singer: Luke Bryan
Hottest sports figure: Derek Jeter has always been my #1
Hottest actor (TV and/or Movies): Ian Somerhalder
Hottest other/random: I also have a major old man crush on Al Pacino...don't know what it is LOL
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Random: That guy who just one Dancing with the Stars- Nyle Demarco. Yum!
@Dubcompanion Hecks yes Eddie Redmayne- hes like a hot little nerd ginger, love him. Can't wait for Fantastic Beasts and where to Find Them to come out!!
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Anyone watch Once Upon A Time? Colin O'Donoghue who plays Hook is a babe as well. Totally forgot about him, he is totes on my TV hottie list.
Colin Firth
Cillian Murphy
@Spartanrd4 I've never watched Once Upon A Time so I looked up your chap.... Helllllloooo sailor!
Channing Tatum is my go to hottie
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
I have a ton of "old man" crushes. Y'all know I love Alan Rickman, may he rest in peace, but also Sean Connery, Liam Neeson, and Harrison Ford. When I was younger I had a thing for Mr. Feeny, but in his role as John Adams in 1776. And fictional characters -- Snape, of course, and Rhett Butler, and Colonel Brandon.
Like dub said though, my list is nowhere near comprehensive either.
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Me: 37, DH: 36
Started TTC #1: 9/2015
Preliminary labs/testing @ 6 months: TSH, A1c, progesterone, prolactin, SA, HSG all normal
BFP: 5/19/2016, M/C: 5/29/2016
BFP: 6/22/2016 EDD 3//6/2017
i fell in love with him in the BBC adaptation of "Tess of the d'Urbervilles"
Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16
BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17
My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast:
Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
1/12/16 6.7%
5/25/16 6.0%
11/2/16 6.1%
3/22/16 5.8%
4/27/17 5.4%
6/13/17 5.3%
"Sugar Fancy Tutu"
No sex for us until 8-10weeks per RE instructions, idk why, but DH is on my nerves asking how many more weeks and I'm over here thanking the sweet baby Jesus...Bc who has the energy?
March 2017 August Siggy Challenge- Summer Fails
Married to DH since May 2009
FET#1 Transfer: 6/30/16
7/7/16 BFP
Initial Beta 396!
Beta 2- 1007
Beta 3- 2952
Official Due Date 3/18/17!
Edit to add: also, Liam Hemsworth. I don't usually have a thing for famous guys closer to my age, but he's so pretty.
March 2017 August Siggy Challenge- Summer Fails
Married to DH since May 2009
FET#1 Transfer: 6/30/16
7/7/16 BFP
Initial Beta 396!
Beta 2- 1007
Beta 3- 2952
Official Due Date 3/18/17!
On TV, I would say Joseph Morgan from The Originals and Colin O'Donoghue (although he isn't nearly as attractive to me without the guyliner). For movies, I would ordinarily say Tom Hiddleston, but this T.Swift thing is a huge turn off. I'll go with Liam Hemsworth and Chris Pratt. I also have a weird crush on Adam Driver.
Me: 39 DH: 40
Married: 12/6/2014
BFP#2: 10/28/15 MC: 11/24/15
BFP#3: 3/20/16 MC: 4/26/16
BFP#4: 7/15/16 DD: 3/18/17
BFP#5: 5/1/18 EDD: 1/12/19
Steve Carell. Come. On. The stubble, the glasses, the gray. And he's funny as hell.
Baby Boy: coming March 2017
Fun fact: I was in 6th grade when Titanic came out, and I saw it in the theater 11 times. My mom even pulled me out of school early the day it was released (December 19th, 1997 - yes, I remember the date) so I could see the first showing.
Leo is also at the top of my list for potential boy names. DH will need quite a bit of convincing on that one, though.
Me: 29, DH: 34
I don't think I have ever met anyone who agrees with me... but Alexander Ovechkin. He may look part cave man, and be missing teeth.... but there is just something about him.
No joke.