September 2015 Moms

Daycare Vent... Again

From a diaper being too tight at day care. There is a cut just like this on his other thigh. This was taken after we cleaned up the blood and soaked him in his bath. 

I picked him up yesterday and immediately saw his poor thighs bleeding. The diaper lined up perfectly with each cut and was so tight on him. I confronted the teacher and then became that crazy mom in the lobby yelling "abuse" and "negligence". 

We're obviously pulling him from their facility immediately. It just breaks my heart because you trust these people. You always hear horror stories but you never ever think one will be yours.

Re: Daycare Vent... Again

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    This made me tear up. I'm so sorry he had this happen to him. Your doing the right thing and have every right to be that mom. I can't even imagine how tight that diaper had to have been:(

    i am also pulling my son from his sitter but we have such a long wait list at all of our local facilities that I'm stuck til we get a call from one of the 4 wait lists we are on. October at the soonest so far. She said she had a max of 8 kids and that's if all her part timers were there at once when we started in November. She actually has close to 20 now. And keeps lying about it when I call her out on it. Good luck finding a good safe place for your LO. I wish it wasn't so damn hard. 
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    OP...Oh no...I'm so sorry. I would be screaming in the lobby also. Nothing crazy about that. Report it to the state(or however you do that, not sure)!!!! I can't imagine how tight that diaper must have been....I'm so sorry. I was a nanny for years over summers and in college....I can say I have never seen anything like that with a diaper?! 

    I would report that also...that's DANGEROUS and illegal as hell. @dmbfan46835
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    We just moved my son from a horrible place to an amazing place and now they are closing. I visited 6 daycare places the day before I had my gallbladder out because I was so concerned with hoe he was being treated. This new daycare he's only been going to for 3 weeks! Some sort of high lease agreement. They told us Monday they are closing but then had such an uproar from parents the company closing them might change their minds. But now I've gone and had to find a replacement and they require 2 weeks deposit. We can't eat that money if this new daycare I love stays open. The drama supposedly will be over monday. I'm just daycare stress worn out. I just did all this visited tons of scarey places. 
    Op sorry to high jack post. I'm soo sorry about the issues at your daycare and I hope you can find a new one very fast!
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    I'm fortunate enough to not have to use daycare because my MIL and mom. 

    I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I couldn't imagine seeing that on my child. When you search and put him where you think he'd be safe when not in your care. I'm so sorry!
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    LoveLee85 said:

    I would report that also...that's DANGEROUS and illegal as hell. @dmbfan46835
    Totally! I plan to call the IRS too. She's making $2400 a week and doesn't claim a dime of it so we obviously can't claim it either. She used to when we started. So she is now unlicensed in 2016, has like a million kids and now won't let you claim it on your taxes. We live in an area where the cost of living is very low so she is BANKING. All the changes make me think there is something really bad going on there. But all the licensed centers are full for months so we are stuck. I don't know what to do. It's so frustrating. 
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    LoveLee85 said:

    I would report that also...that's DANGEROUS and illegal as hell. @dmbfan46835
    Totally! I plan to call the IRS too. She's making $2400 a week and doesn't claim a dime of it so we obviously can't claim it either. She used to when we started. So she is now unlicensed in 2016, has like a million kids and now won't let you claim it on your taxes. We live in an area where the cost of living is very low so she is BANKING. All the changes make me think there is something really bad going on there. But all the licensed centers are full for months so we are stuck. I don't know what to do. It's so frustrating. 
    I'm so sorry! That is so, so frustrating. I was always so high in demand as a come to your home and care for your baby type nanny...I was always told trustworthy help is so difficult to find. :( That lady is very selfish and blinded by dollar signs. I hate that you are stuck for now. Daycare in my town is super competitive, also. Expensive and YEAR long

    I know this sounds ridiculous but can you put some sort of tiny camera or voice recording divide on the diaper bag you send with your LO?? That way you could get an audio of the day or video?? I don't think anyone is too crazy when it comes to the safety @dmbfan46835  
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    I am so sorry, that picture breaks my heart. I have been home with LO and working on the weekends and I did a tour of a daycare the other day and the infant room had three college interns and no certified teachers in sight and it wasn't well frustrating. He's not going there.
    I would definitely report the abuse I am so sorry. What did they say to you?
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    @lovelee85 yeah, we have def talked about looking into a way to see what's going on over there during the day.  DS is happy when I drop off and pick up but has cry eyes and full diapers. Which he never had in the beginning. You can just tell she's got too many kids to give the young ones the care and attention they need.  My girlfriend sends her daughter there as well. I don't think I would know as much about the weird stuff going on if I didn't have another friend there too. We started sharing stories and concerns and then it hit me, what the hell am I doing? So we both started looking for a new spot. I cannot believe how hard it is to find a good place. I don't even care about price anymore. I just have to get him on someplace. And all the lists are like October to March regarding waits. It's nuts.
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    @dmbfan46835 I know you feel stuck because there are no spots, but you need to pull LO before something bad happens. If there was a fire tomorrow would she be able to get all the kids out safely in time? Are there any other options for care around you? Licensed in home, SAHMs, sitters? I pulled DD1 from an amazing montessori preschool because she had 9 children one day. I ignored it when I saw 7 or 8, thinking it was an overlap of part timers or siblings (our province has a max of 6 per address for in-home, regardless of helpers). I finally realized it just wasn't safe (or legal), and it wasn't going to change.
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    cmac99cmac99 member
    Thanks for your support everyone! It's been a long weekend of meetings with their executive program directors. The Y runs 2 day cares on the property of my work. This happened at one of them. I felt safe knowing it was a Y. We're reporting them to our state (florida). And doing everything possible to help prevent any other parent from
    going there... Especially since it's so popular with all of our employees. They've been very apologetic, of course. They can't pinpoint which of the 2 teachers did it... Both deny ever seeing it until I pointed it out to them. Their team feels it was an "accident" that should have been immediately reported to me right when it happened... That's about as far as we've gotten to them accepting responsibility. But it's obviously not enough.

    It's so awful.

    The positive is that my sweet boy seems unphased. He's the happiest, sweetest, silliest little boy and his perfect smile has made this whole ordeal bearable.
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    @forevereverafter I have been calling and touring everywhere! I have paid to be on 7 wait lists now. Nobody at work has an in home they are willing to refer because we are in the middle of a baby boom and all my friends that have kids at an in home all have another kid on the way or a friend with one and they don't want to lose the space. And all the infant rooms every place I have called are packed. he won't qualify for a toddler room until he is 1, 100% on table foods, walking steadily and completely on a sippy and holding it himself. So the toddler option is still a ways away. I feel trapped! My MIL is gonna watch him next week for us in hopes that we can find something temporary until one of our factories have an opening. But that may be March! But I just can't send him back there. I hate all of this!
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    How about local churches @dmbfan46835
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    ItsmeR30 said:
    How about local churches @dmbfan46835
    One of my favorites is a church:( 

    we we aren't religious AT ALL but I know it would give him a great base as far as basic morals, etc. I sent them a picture after our tour with a note about how bad he wants to go there in hopes that they may bump us up the list. Lol
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