May 2016 Moms

3TT 7/12

3 things (or more) Tuesday.  Whatcha got?

1. A new outdoor shopping mall is opening dangerously close to my house. There will be a Target (bad news), Nordstrom rack, Whole Foods, Cosco, and more. I'm SO excited but nervous at the same time. My self restraint is going to be tested a lot! 

2. My sister in law is due next week. They're having a girl and I'm so excited for them! They had a hard time conceiving, and this baby is their dream. I can't wait to meet her! 

3. My DD is sick and we have been watching Finding Nemo at least 4 times a day for the past 7 days. I can recite almost every line. If there was a stage production of finding nemo, I'd be ready to audition for a part in the play. 

Re: 3TT 7/12

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  • yogahhyogahh member
    tgortney said:

    3. How is 12 weeks going so quick?!?
    This  :'(  :'(  :'(

    cat fail animated GIF

  • 1. I'm in the waiting room of my doctor's office because I'm about to get an IUD. All the horror stories I've heard about how painful it is to get one are at the front of my mind right now. Thankfully, I had some leftover pain meds from my c-section recovery...really hope the 800mg pill of ibuprofen was enough prep! 

    2. DH is asleep at home because he has to work tonight, so my mom is watching Em. This is the first time I've had anyone besides my husband or I watch her...I know my mom will do fine, but I can't help but be a little nervous!

    3. Em slept for five straight hours last night. I only got a couple hours during that time because I was wide awake and nervous about today. I just keep trying to remind myself that I survived 24 hours of labor and a csection...surely I can handle this! 

    4. Adding a is it that I can go five or six hours at night while Em is sleeping before I start to feel painfully engorged, but the same thing happens within an hour or two of being out and about without her, regardless of whether I pump beforehand or not? It's like my body is punishing me for daring to not bring her with me on whatever errand I'm on. 
    I got one at my six week... Absolutely zero pain. I wouldn't worry too much... Though you are probably done now :-)
  • @aliciad39 Thank you! The doc decided that because of some lingering issues I've been battling, to put it off for another couple of weeks. :P 
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @amberraysofdawn - I'm not getting one, but everyone I talked to (including my midwife) said that IUDs are generally a lot less painful to have put in if you've had a kid, so we all have that going for us! I'm sure you'll be fine.
  • 1.  Now that there are so many of us on FB I haven't checked back on here much recently because the app sucks.  I'll try to do better guys!
    2.  Yesterday my community made national news for a shooting in our courthouse...two baliffs were killed and another officer and civillian wounded.  It's so tragic for our community that is normally very safe, and makes me terrified for the world that our children will grow up in.  
    3.  Harper is definitely going through a growth spurt (possibly the 2nd wonder week?) and just found her hands today.  She's been spitting out her paci in favor of her hands.
  • kbrands7kbrands7 member
    edited July 2016
    @amberraysofdawn Boobs have a sort of internal clock like that! When I pumped at work, I always got screwed up supply-wise initially at the start of a new quarter when my classes/prep-schedule changed and on Wednesdays because lunch was earlier  (screwy school schedules). I'd have less milk at one pump, then be uncomfortably engorged by the next for a week while my body got the memo. Well, except the Wednesdays. They always sucked. 

    1. @AliciaD39 I got sucked into Prime Day too! I'm pumped though because they actually have things thus year that I've been waiting to buy (micro SD card), or buy regularly (diapers, freeze dried fruit pouches). Last year was a sad garage sale;  this year is pretty good. 
    2. I was able to get DS2 laughing on video today. Melts my mama heart.
    3. DS1 is cracking me up with this latest language explosion. I didn't think he could get more animated, boy was I wrong! Lots of cuteness around here lately when I'm not taking care of poop, messes, or tantrums. :)

    Eta 4. Anyone else still having crazy nesting inspiration? I don't have much time for it, but I've managed to reorganize the kitchen and assemble a cube storage shelf with baskets for the dining room this week. I'm going to do this project at some point soon too so our kitchen stool looks prettier:
    I think having things well organized just helps the house to run more I've crossed into the tired territory where I need to have the promise of a clean room to happily be in. Even if it's only one room at a time :)
  • 1. My stepmom and 14 year old sister are coming tomorrow for a few days. I am so excited!!! 

    2. We finally have things hung on the walls in the nursery!!!!! I still have to do something crafty for the remaining wall and I think I'll take advantage of my visitors next week and get some crafting done ;-)

    3. I've got a cat on either side of me :-) they always snuggle when LO is sleeping and I take full advantage of it!! love my kitties :-)

  •  4. Adding a is it that I can go five or six hours at night while Em is sleeping before I start to feel painfully engorged, but the same thing happens within an hour or two of being out and about without her, regardless of whether I pump beforehand or not? It's like my body is punishing me for daring to not bring her with me on whatever errand I'm on. 

    Because we are that tired!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • @valerie4786 DH has family in that area and actually has a relative that works in the courthouse. So scary!
  • @amberraysofdawn I had an iud for 5 years before getting pregnant. It hurt like a mother getting it inserted. I got another iud a few weeks ago, and I was so nervous about it hurting again. But I felt nothing,  absolutely nothing!! I guess the cervix is a bit looser after you've had a baby. Lol! You'll be fine, Im sure you wont feel a thing.  :)
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