3 things (or more) Tuesday. Whatcha got?
1. A new outdoor shopping mall is opening dangerously close to my house. There will be a Target (bad news), Nordstrom rack, Whole Foods, Cosco, and more. I'm SO excited but nervous at the same time. My self restraint is going to be tested a lot!
2. My sister in law is due next week. They're having a girl and I'm so excited for them! They had a hard time conceiving, and this baby is their dream. I can't wait to meet her!
3. My DD is sick and we have been watching Finding Nemo at least 4 times a day for the past 7 days. I can recite almost every line. If there was a stage production of finding nemo, I'd be ready to audition for a part in the play.
Re: 3TT 7/12
2. Spending a day just me and the baby with no guilt! This is new for me as I usually feel I 'should' be doing something. Today I am just happy playing and cuddling the baby.
3. Just feeling in general that things are getting more comfortable now, better in my own skin as a parent. Nothing or no one is perfect and trying to learn to accept that!
A good day ;-)
2. Why does billy Joel always have to play at the dentist? I love him and don't want to associate him with this.
3. @Jenly17 day 3 of sickness and inside out is on repeat.
2) Got our 2 month shots yesterday and she was fine until bedtime, at which point she just was screaming whenever I tried to put her down. I was desperate and I needed to brush my son's teeth, get him into his crib, etc so I asked my 22 year old brother (who had stopped by to pick up some mail) to walk her around while I finished bedtime. She proceeded to cry for the next 15 min while I put my son down and when I came back downstairs my poor brother looked like he was about to cry too! But she crashed out at like 7:15 and stayed asleep til 5:30 so no harm done.
3) We are moving cross country next month and I'm unreasonably overwhelmed by the thought of having to find a new pedi, gynecologist, dentist, pediatric dentist, hairstylist, gp for me, and so on. It's just so much work!
2. Yesterday was my husband's bday so we went out to dinner. We've only taken baby to restaurants in the morning (where she usually sleeps the whole time) so we were trying something new...and baby didn't like it at all. Screamed and fussed until she finally zonked out in my arms. But I managed to eat half my meal so, somewhat successful.
3. Today I'm going to attempt pumping in the car while driving for the first time. Should be interesting!
2. FMLA is confusing. I wish my HR lady would call me back ugh.
3. How is 12 weeks going so quick?!?
2. We bought a new sectional couch and was suppose to be delivered last Friday. Well the delivery men show up with half of it and tell me the other half is on back order. Um excuse me? You just delivered half a couch and can't tell me when we are getting the other half. Totally unacceptable!
3. Jacqueline turned 2mo yesterday!
2. DH is asleep at home because he has to work tonight, so my mom is watching Em. This is the first time I've had anyone besides my husband or I watch her...I know my mom will do fine, but I can't help but be a little nervous!
3. Em slept for five straight hours last night. I only got a couple hours during that time because I was wide awake and nervous about today. I just keep trying to remind myself that I survived 24 hours of labor and a csection...surely I can handle this!
4. Adding a fourth...how is it that I can go five or six hours at night while Em is sleeping before I start to feel painfully engorged, but the same thing happens within an hour or two of being out and about without her, regardless of whether I pump beforehand or not? It's like my body is punishing me for daring to not bring her with me on whatever errand I'm on.
ETA: IUD got cancelled because of lingering issues - doc wants to wait two more weeks. Simultaneously grateful and annoyed that I have two more weeks of nervous anticipation to build up over it.
2. Had my checkup the other day and my doctor said, "It doesn't even look like you had a baby!" He wasn't talking about my stomach...he was talking about my vagina. I thought it was a very odd thing to say.
3. We don't have sickness here thankfully...but Despicable Me 2 has been playing quite a bit. He calls the minions "gillies". Took me a while to figure out what he wanted to watch lol
2. I've been good about making a healthy lunch and bringing it to work. The only problem is I want to eat all of my food by 9am.
3. I hope DH realizes how easy he has it. I get myself and 2 girls ready, lunches made, and are out the door before he even wake up to go to work. But he is a huge help in the evenings when I need help the most.
2. I am the sucker being pulled into Amazon prime day. Sigh.
3. I did order a Sarah Wells bag 20% off though!
2. I'm starting to plan for our vacation to myrtle beach toward in end of the month. We are driving from Illinois because flying is way to expensive with 3 kids (yes, I know I'm crazy). It's going to be a great week on the beach with family, just hope I can get there and back while staying sane.
3. Anna is finally letting us set her down while awake for more than 3 minutes. She loves watching the mobile on her swing and sitting the bumbo seat.
1) I went to a new moms group this morning through my neighborhood parents association this morning. Some of the babies are two weeks old and so tiny, it's crazy to remember how tiny Kasper was a few weeks ago.
2) I'm finding being a second time mom so much easier than a first time mom. I feel more confident and comfortable than ever.
3) Our guests are finally leaving town tomorrow! I can't wait to spend all weekend doing nothing.
2. This week is our busiest since baby was born. Good busy overall but I am looking forward to laid back next week already. All toddler activities but we will also be going out to eat at our favorite place two towns away. Excited about it but also nostalgic since I feel it was just yesterday I took my toddler there as a newborn. Last time we were there I saw a new mom wearing her baby and trying to eat with food being dropped on baby's head. Brought back the memories...how goes time go this fast?
3. Baby smiles are now happening reliably everyday! Best thing ever!
2. My second day back to work has been worse than the first. I had a breakdown at my desk a bit ago and let me tell you, I am NOT a pretty or discreet crier. The bathroom situation is not ideal (single stall) and we have no conference room or private area (my office has a door, but I work for a glass company, so my walls and door are, you guessed it...glass), so I retreat to my Jeep 3 times during the day to pump. I just want to be at home with my beautiful girl pumping without having to worry about someone knocking on my window wondering what I'm doing. Every hour is fuck-this-shit-o-clock for me.
3. I have been enjoying the "you don't look like you just had a baby" compliments the past couple days though. Hey, they don't need to know that she shirt I'm wearing today hides my remaining squishiness really well. AND, someone sent me a bouquet yesterday with a card that said, "just an admirer that's happy you're back!" Just trying to add a bit of positivity since #2 was a tad negative.
2. Yesterday my community made national news for a shooting in our courthouse...two baliffs were killed and another officer and civillian wounded. It's so tragic for our community that is normally very safe, and makes me terrified for the world that our children will grow up in.
3. Harper is definitely going through a growth spurt (possibly the 2nd wonder week?) and just found her hands today. She's been spitting out her paci in favor of her hands.
1. @AliciaD39 I got sucked into Prime Day too! I'm pumped though because they actually have things thus year that I've been waiting to buy (micro SD card), or buy regularly (diapers, freeze dried fruit pouches). Last year was a sad garage sale; this year is pretty good.
2. I was able to get DS2 laughing on video today. Melts my mama heart.
3. DS1 is cracking me up with this latest language explosion. I didn't think he could get more animated, boy was I wrong! Lots of cuteness around here lately when I'm not taking care of poop, messes, or tantrums.
Eta 4. Anyone else still having crazy nesting inspiration? I don't have much time for it, but I've managed to reorganize the kitchen and assemble a cube storage shelf with baskets for the dining room this week. I'm going to do this project at some point soon too so our kitchen stool looks prettier: https://www.thislittlestreet.com/blog/2014/05/13/diy-wallpaper-stools/
I think having things well organized just helps the house to run more smoothly...plus I've crossed into the tired territory where I need to have the promise of a clean room to happily be in. Even if it's only one room at a time
2. We finally have things hung on the walls in the nursery!!!!! I still have to do something crafty for the remaining wall and I think I'll take advantage of my visitors next week and get some crafting done ;-)
3. I've got a cat on either side of me :-) they always snuggle when LO is sleeping and I take full advantage of it!! love my kitties :-)
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!