March 2017 Moms

Morning sickness?

Since just before getting my BFP, my appetite hasn't been as voracious as it usually is. In fact, it's mostly absent and then all of a sudden my tummy growls, so I feed, but even when I am eating, it's significantly smaller amounts. I've had bouts of feeling queasy too, not the worst nauseousness I've ever felt, but not a great feeling. I always thought morning sickness would be much more dramatic, so I don't know whether what I am experiencing is actually morning sickness. If it is, I'll gladly take it over the alternative!

What has "morning sickness" been like for you so far?

TTC#1 - 6.3.16
BFP#1 - 7.1.16, (mo-di twins + singleton) due 3.15.17
MC singleton - 7.13.16 - 5w
MMC identical twins - 8.5.16 - 8w+2d
Misoprostol 4x
D&C - 9.12.16
Hysteroscopy - 11.21.16 - Retained tissue filling half of uterus removed, blocked left tube, benched for 2 cycles, on estrogen/progesterone for 30 days
HSG - 2.7.17 - Asherman's Syndrome. Both tubes open.
Hysteroscopy 2.13.17 - Incomplete adhesiolysis for Asherman's, benched & on estrogen/progesterone for 30 days. At least two more surgeries needed...
Hysteroscopy 3.21.17 - Adhesiolysis for Asherman's, benched & on estrogen/progesterone for 30 days.
TTCAL #1: 4.24.17
Hysteroscopy 5.23.17 - Scars reformed. Adhesiolysis. Unsure what to do next...
Fertility acupuncture - started 6.13.17

Re: Morning sickness?

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    Right now I'm in the same boat. The next week or so (6-7 weeks) will be when I start getting morning sickness. Assuming my last pregnancy is any indication.  
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    I've had one day of nausea,  but I'm only 4 wks 3 days. My last pregnancy I had horrible MS starting at 7 weeks I think,  I'm taking a prenatal with ginger so I'm hoping that helps stop any horrible MS. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I wake up nauseous every morning.  Usually it's gone by mid morning.  I can get waves of it throughout the day though
    Married: 7/9/15
    Me: 37, DH: 36
    Started TTC #1: 9/2015
    Preliminary labs/testing @ 6 months: TSH, A1c, progesterone, prolactin, SA, HSG all normal
    BFP: 5/19/2016, M/C: 5/29/2016
    BFP: 6/22/2016  EDD 3//6/2017

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    This is pretty much how I'm feeling today @weareturtles. A general queasy feeling. im grateful it's so far stayed like this and I haven't actually thrown up. I've felt like this a couple times last week but today is the worst it's been. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I've had all day MS for two weeks now. Here are some tips that have helped: saltines and other small snacks almost every hour, wearing acupressure sea bands on my wrists, lots of water, and my doctor prescribed me FDA approved Diclegis, which has been amazing. I take two at night and it knocks me out. I'm a little foggy in the morning, but it wears off by 10 am. 
    Also, the appetite suppression is normal. Just try and get good, nutritious foods in. My small meals have been fruits and veggies mostly. 
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