June 2016 Moms

Sacral dimple

I know I've been posting a lot of FTM questions but I think this might be the last one for the time being.
LO has a sacral dimple and from what I read, his is not concerning but just curious if any of you have experience with this and just...whatever you an tell me, lol!  I'm able to clean it out/see the bottom and it's not real deep I just never knew this was a thing!

Re: Sacral dimple

  • This is on the butt right?  If yes then my son had one too, as do I and one of my sister's... Nothing really to worry about just another spot to keep clean... Lol.

    Of course I just googled it and it sounds awful... but seriously I feel normal enough.
  • Oh and from the sound of it... Pretty common.
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  • My daughter has one, too.  Has your pediatrician seen it and/or expressed concern?  Because it can (can, but rarely!)  be an indication of issues with the spine, my ped did an ultrasound of her spine before we left the hospital.  It was scary for a moment, and I do think it's common and usually not a problem, but I'm glad we looked into it for that peace of mind.  My daughter's ended up being nothing but another crevice to keep clean ;).
  • Thanks!  I think his will be just "another crevice".  He was a c section and on iv antibiotics. I would have assumed they would have mentioned anything concerning but will definitely be asking doc too
  • KaylaR628 said:
    My daughter has one, too.  Has your pediatrician seen it and/or expressed concern?  Because it can (can, but rarely!)  be an indication of issues with the spine, my ped did an ultrasound of her spine before we left the hospital.  It was scary for a moment, and I do think it's common and usually not a problem, but I'm glad we looked into it for that peace of mind.  My daughter's ended up being nothing but another crevice to keep clean ;).
    Ditto this. My son has one and the pediatricians have said the same thing- normally not a problem but it can be. My son has an ultrasound in the beginning of August to check it out. He is also getting his hips checked at the same appointment since he was breech.

  • WepploWepplo member
    FTM here, and my daughter has a sacral dimple as well. We showed her pediatrician, and he seemed unconcerned because it wasn't deep at all. In fact, he told us that he is usually fairly quick to do ultrasounds, but he really felt in the case of a shallow sacral dimple, it was nothing to worry about. Gave us peace of mind. Now it's just another spot to clean during diaper changes! :)
  • My 3 year old DS has one and nobody ever gave it a second thought he's healthy as a horse. 
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