3rd Trimester

Pediatrician reviews from kids POV?

I'm an expectant father (Nov 2016). I'm on the hunt for our pediatrician. You can find lots of sites that give reviews about doctors from an adult point of view. And I know we can look around the offices and see what they have (tvs, games, refreshments), But I'm wondering if there has ever been anywhere that does reviews from the kids perspective. Maybe Healthgrades can add a "What my child says".

Re: Pediatrician reviews from kids POV?

  • No offense, but I am the parent.  I think most younger kids would say they "hate" their pediatrician because they are "mean".  So not really going to take my young child's opinion to heart (sure when they are older and can articulate better)
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  • I like the other posters think you should be far more concerned with the level of care they provide and I'm sorry but kids don't need tv's and snacks at the dr's office it isn't what they are their for and I highly doubt the infant you are expecting will care either. Do your research to find the one that fits your medical needs and can provide the best medical care not the foo foo crap 
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  • My kid loves Applebee's and would give it rave reviews (at the age of four), even though I know they have crappy food. So would I trust her judgement when it came to her doctor? Nope. I picked her doctor, there are no toys in the waiting room, in fact....the place looks pretty dang boring: cream walls, tan carpet, no pictures on the wall, etc. It isn't focused towards children at all. But her doctor is amazing, he doesn't treat us like we are beneath him or our worries are invalid, and we haven't had anything but the best care for her since fall of 2011. I take recommendations from adults, who actually deal with what I am looking for....not children.....
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  • I hated my Pediatrician growing up. He was the worst biggest  A-hole. 

    I recently asked my mom if she liked him, she said no, he was a jerk. But his office was great, the nurses were amazing, quick to respond and the fact they had a RX in the buidling.  Blah blah.... 

    My 'wants' did not equal my needs. 
  • While I agree with the whole "I'm the parent so it's my choice", I also think that the child's opinion should matter, once they're old enough to really understand that the dr isn't really an asshole, they're just doing their job. When I was a kid, I loved my pedi. My sister on the other hand, hated her so she had a different dr because she was uncomfortable communicating what was wrong without feeling like the dr was just shrugging off her concerns. I had a great relationship with her, and she is now my daughters pediatrician because of it. So I think that taking your child's opinion into consideration when they're older could benefit greatly.

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  • I made this post cause I remember from my own experience. When a child begins to ask questions, they might want answers, instead of just sitting there and listening to the adults talk.  I assume it is like most questions kids ask their parents.  The doctor should have the foresight from the parents on how to proceed. Truthful answers, skipping around the subject, or just outright ignoring an inquisitive child.
    Yes I'm going to look for the best doctor for my child. It will be my choice, but that won't stop me from listening to them.
  • @ tonyluzzi - I understand your reasoning, but I think it's premature to worry about your kid's opinion of his doctor when you're only expecting your first newborn.  For now, go with your needs.  When your child is a little older (like 2-3) go with your gut...  If you see a pedi who clearly freaks your child out, then re-evaluate and either ask for another doctor at the practice or seek a new provider.  When your kid is old enough to have a conversation with you, ask him how he feels and go from there.
    Piper, 4/10/10
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  • Flowr4246 said:
    @ tonyluzzi - I understand your reasoning, but I think it's premature to worry about your kid's opinion of his doctor when you're only expecting your first newborn.  For now, go with your needs.  When your child is a little older (like 2-3) go with your gut...  If you see a pedi who clearly freaks your child out, then re-evaluate and either ask for another doctor at the practice or seek a new provider.  When your kid is old enough to have a conversation with you, ask him how he feels and go from there.
    Totally agree with this. Although my child is four, the only thing she currently doesn't like about her doctor, is that he gives her shots. However, as much as I love him as a doctor and we have always gotten great care, there most likely will come a time when she might want to switch to a female doctor, and I will help her in finding one that we both agree with. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I am expecting my 4th child. Although I'm not aware of any sites that do this type of review I do think it would be a good addition. Children understand more than you think & going to the doctor is stressful enough. If there's a pediatrition that helps ease some of that anxiety for them. I would definitely take that into consideration. 
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  • If what you're worried about is how comfortable your older child feels with his/her pedi, then simply ask the child when they are older. Don't feel pressure to find your child's lifelong pedi right now. Since I started having kids, we've had 4 pedis, due to moving twice, changing insurance providers once, and not liking one of our pedis. Just find someone YOU like for now and be open to shifting things around in the future if need be. 
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