June 2016 Moms

When to be concerned about lack of pees or poos

LO is 3 1/2 days old.  Had lots of poo diapers first 24hours.  Only 1 or 2 since.  Pee diapers had been on target with days old.  Got home from hospital yesterday around 4.  Had a pee diaper around 6:30 and 9:30pm.  He has had nothing since.  He's eaten well, breastfed, every 3 hours and they have me also giving 1syringe of pumped milk with each feeding.  I'm hoping he makes me a good one while I'm typing this but if not, I'll call the doc when they open.  He's not fussy, burping well and not fussy.  Has had some gas.  I'm not too concerned about the poos as much as no pee yet today

Re: When to be concerned about lack of pees or poos

  • AmberLiz99AmberLiz99 member
    edited July 2016
    My doctor always asks how many diapers over a 24 hour period. So if over one day they are getting fewer wet diapers than they should, that's when I would call. 

    Dd started out having 4 poop diapers a day, but by 5 days old she was having only 1-2 a day. Every now and then she will go several hours without peeing, but she always still has 6-8 wet diapers a day. 
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  • My midwives said there should be a diaper for how many days old they are every 24 hours until they hit 6+7 days. 2 wet diapers on 2 days old, 4 wet diapers on day 4 ect. Less than that I would call.  Also make note of color the next time you get one.  Oh and how often do you check the diaper?  
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  • LO is 3 1/2 days old.  Had lots of poo diapers first 24hours.  Only 1 or 2 since.  Pee diapers had been on target with days old.  Got home from hospital yesterday around 4.  Had a pee diaper around 6:30 and 9:30pm.  He has had nothing since.  He's eaten well, breastfed, every 3 hours and they have me also giving 1syringe of pumped milk with each feeding.  I'm hoping he makes me a good one while I'm typing this but if not, I'll call the doc when they open.  He's not fussy, burping well and not fussy.  Has had some gas.  I'm not too concerned about the poos as much as no pee yet today

    Stupid box

    What was the reason behind having you give a syringe of pumped milk? Were they concerned baby wasn't getting enough in at the feedings?

    If you have access to a lactation consultant give them a call as well. And if you could do a weighed feed, that would be awesome. 

    If you are breastfeeding and giving a syringe of expressed, I would assume that means you have also been pumping and have a small supply going? Or do you pump right before latching her on? Has your mature milk come in yet?
  • LO is 3 1/2 days old.  Had lots of poo diapers first 24hours.  Only 1 or 2 since.  Pee diapers had been on target with days old.  Got home from hospital yesterday around 4.  Had a pee diaper around 6:30 and 9:30pm.  He has had nothing since.  He's eaten well, breastfed, every 3 hours and they have me also giving 1syringe of pumped milk with each feeding.  I'm hoping he makes me a good one while I'm typing this but if not, I'll call the doc when they open.  He's not fussy, burping well and not fussy.  Has had some gas.  I'm not too concerned about the poos as much as no pee yet today

    Stupid box

    What was the reason behind having you give a syringe of pumped milk? Were they concerned baby wasn't getting enough in at the feedings?

    If you have access to a lactation consultant give them a call as well. And if you could do a weighed feed, that would be awesome. 

    If you are breastfeeding and giving a syringe of expressed, I would assume that means you have also been pumping and have a small supply going? Or do you pump right before latching her on? Has your mature milk come in yet?

    Ah good point!  Of your milk hasn't fully come in yet hen you wouldn't have a lot of pee diapers.  Mine took about 5-6 days to fully come in after about 3 days it's started the transition from thick colostrum to something more watery but still not milk.
  • Syringing per Dr and lactation consultant at hosp.  He had fever when born and was on antibiotics.  We were having latch issues.  He has a recessed chin and mild tongue tie.  Nipple shield came into play yesterday with much success.  Milk is in/coming in since yesterday.
    Talked to pediatrician and we have a plan.
  • Syringing per Dr and lactation consultant at hosp.  He had fever when born and was on antibiotics.  We were having latch issues.  He has a recessed chin and mild tongue tie.  Nipple shield came into play yesterday with much success.  Milk is in/coming in since yesterday.
    Talked to pediatrician and we have a plan.
    Love it! I love my nipple shield and I love seeing the weight pack on her now. You are doing such a great job! 
  • edited July 2016
    Got some formula bc Dr. Concerned about possibly being a little dehydrated.  Wants me to up to 2, maybe 3 syringes with every feeding.  And with him maybe starting to cluster, or just eating a little more frequent bc of the issues, I dont think I can keep up with that yet.  He's had two nasty poops since I started this post but still no pee, although hard to know for sure there wasnt some mixed in with all the poo.  Didn't change the diaper line color though.  Calling the Dr back at 5:30 if still no pee but....never thought I'd be so encouraged by poo!  

  • I feel you completely. Mine started just peeing orange spots (concentrated urine) after we got home from the hospital from dehydration. And she only pooed at the pediatrician when the doc did anal stimulation. Even once we got her latched (nipple sandwich. So not fun and not sustainable) she still wasn't urinating right. Once we got the nipple shield (and supplemented a couple of expressed bottles) things started quickly improving. It is super overwhelming at first and doesn't ever feel like you can catch up. With the nipple shield I started feeding on demand then pumping for 15 minutes after every feeding and it felt so overwhelming. Felt like all I was doing was feeding. 

    As soon as yours starts to show a healthy weight gain pattern, it will get easier. And the formula will definitely help start to bulk him up. And I almost cried when we started getting seedy poos. Then I knew things were working and baby wasn't starving any more!!

    You are doing such a great job, especially with how overwhelming this can all seem. Fatten that baby up!
  • Good luck! We had a similar issue around day 3, with LO not producing any wet diapers. We added an extra 30 mls via bottle to every feeding, and it eventually did the trick. Also, sprinkling a little warm water on him may encourage him to pee if he hasn't gone in awhile. 
  • Thanks guys!  While I was pumping a minute ago DH came in and said Pee!  I'm recovering from c section as well (which they didn't decide to do until after 2 hours pushing) so I'm making DH do some of the "stuff getting" I normally would do.  Walking does help but I'm up and down so much with him already.  But he's worth it!
  • Congrats!!  I know the feeling of getting a good poo or pee out of your little one...i took a picture and texted it to my hubby when it happened for us...i may have cried too..lol
  • Congrats, I know what a good feeling that must have been!
  • Congrats! Glad it's going better! :)
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • Thanks he is definitely making up for lost time.
  • I called it the poopapocalypse when she finally started going. Cause then it didn't stop. But I still love every toot and poop she makes because I know things are working!
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