Hello! I just got home with my new little guy. The poor thing had to be turned with forceps as he was posterior..had the cord around his neck...a high heart rate..fever and also some meconium. He was all good a few hours after birth but it was a little scary! He had not had a bowel movement by the time I left the hospital around 36 hrs after birth (aside from the meconium when he was born). I was told.by nurses if nothing in 24 hrs.to stimulate his bum with a qtip. He pooped around 8pm tonight and I was so busy being happy he went that I didn't notice it wasn't as a first meconium poop is described. It was dark brown and i would say the consistency of Nutella or something and there was lots of it. He has been breast feeding okay...usually every three hours but sometimes only for a few mind and other times for 30 to 60 mins. Do you think it was just a lot of meconium or were sounding for a first poop? Thanks and hope everyone is having fun with their babes.
Re: babies first poop not meconium?
When she finally did go it was copious amounts and it resembled soft serve ice cream to me. Once my milk started coming in it switched to the seedy yellow. As long as your little one is pooping regularly now and it is not bloody or hard my understanding is it is OK.