June 2016 Moms

Breast milk question.

today I asked my husband to get us a bottle ready while I changed the baby. I'm not exactly sure why, but he spaced and put the breast milk I pumped in the microwave. I know I have read it breaks down the nutrients and I know you shouldn't do it, it was an honest mistake on his part. It is frustrating to me because I am really struggling with breastfeeding and my milk supply. He doesn't latch and I exclusively pump. It is hard work for me to do so and I seriously almost cried when I heard the microwave. (Lovely horomones) anyway, Should I just get rid of the milk, or is one bottle ok!? 

Re: Breast milk question.

  • I guess one bottle should be ok because if you get donated milk the pasturize it anyway.  It just won't be as good as the live stuff.
  • I feel your pain. I'm lucky if I get 8oz a day for my LO and the first week when he was in the NICU my husband accidently left the tiny bit I was able to pump out all night on the counter because he spaced and forgot to fridge it. Seriously cried the whole way to the hospital
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  • @nightwitch I am pretty sure he thinks I am crazy for it, but I seriously work so hard for the breast milk he gets. Stopping everything and pumping every 3 hours, plus two power pumps every day. It really sucks, but I am powering through! Hopefully it's getting better for you! I am taking fenugreek and the power pumps really seem to be helping 
  • Haven't tried power pumping yet,  it's been crazy hard to even pump 8 times a day, most times I fail at that. Made some steel cut oats, been drinking mother's milk tea,  and was actually planning on getting some fenugreek tonight. But, bottom line,  I need to figure out how to make time to pump more! Good luck to you as well
  • @nightwitch it's so hard and some days I miss some. The power pumping will usually give me 5/6 oz from one pump. I usually get about 2.5/3 each time. It takes a full hour though. Pump 20, break 10, pump 10, break 10, pump 10.  I'll usually do one mid afternoon, one before bed. 
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