I want to be team green, but at the same time, I really want to know! My husband really wants a boy but me and all of our immediate family members want it to be a girl. Plus, my mom is already looking forward to throwing the gender reveal party for me, so I figure we can try to be team green next time around. I'm wanting pretty gender neutral things this time around anyways, so I think it'll work.
@lindsey61811 I'm a super type A person and I always said I would never want to be team green! But something changed in my brain a few months back and I realized it's really the only true surprise in your adult life, as previous posters have said. I just want to experience that one time, and if we love it we may do it again
We found out with our first, but the more and more I think about team green, the more I want to wait. I keep thinking back to that moment I grabbed that slippery little baby when DS was born, and can't help think how amazing it would be to have this huge surprise.
This will be our last baby, and I feel like less of a control freak at this point in my life lol. So we're going Team Green!
We did Team Green with our first and I think that surprise is what really kept me strong during my C/S. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. Definitely looking for that again!
Resurrecting... I was so set on being Team Green, but I find myself wondering every. single. day. what this baby is! Is that how it was for you guys who have done it before? Or did you eventually chill out lol
Resurrecting... I was so set on being Team Green, but I find myself wondering every. single. day. what this baby is! Is that how it was for you guys who have done it before? Or did you eventually chill out lol
I definitely wondered almost every minute of every day with DS before we found out, and never had any gut instinct about what he was. With this baby I already have a sense that it's another boy, but my intuition is generally wrong, so maybe I'll have a girl this time.
Either way I feel much calmer and not wondering nearly as much, although I am very excited to find out as soon as possible!
I was set on finding out this time since we were team green last time, but now I find myself leaning towards green again. The surprise is fun!
I definitely have a strong boy vibe, but I was wrong last time so who knows.
I get a kick out of people who say "I'm a planner" rather than "I'm impatient". You can plan a lot without knowing the gender, but impatience is much harder to control.
I would really like to be surprised this time. However, can't believe I'm even typing this, I'm afraid DH is going to be a little disappointed if it's another girl. I know he really wants one of each (and we are most definitely not having any more).
Which do you think is better if one parent has a preference: finding out in advance and having time for it to sink in, or finding out at the birth and maybe being so excited about the new baby the sex won't matter as much?
@ladameperdue I think there's less risk of disappointment if you find out the gender when the baby is born. Because how can you be disappointed when you're meeting your baby?? It could still happen, I just think it's a little less likely.
My mother told me "there are so few surprises in life...and really you just want a healthy child"
So true, yes I'd prefer gender neutral toys and decor but more than that...I want to focus on a healthy baby and savor what true surprises the Lord provides. And that's how they use to do it! No fancy gadgets lol
Even if you decide to find out, you can make it a nice surprise. Last time my husband asked the sonographer to put the gender picture in a sealed envelope. We opened it Christmas morning, 2 months before C was born.
Ha yeah it's still less special when your ultrasound sex prediction is wrong... Then you prepare for a girl but it's a boy (we love Ezra regardless of his genitals of course, but it threw me off because I'm a planner). The opposite happened to a friend. She was told she was having a baby boy, we gave her our boy clothes and then it was a girl... (We got our boy clothes back). GENDER NEUTRAL EVERYTHING!!!
We will be team green again. I loved not finding out. We tried to find out with #1 and she want very cooperative and we would have had to pay more to go in again so we had an uncertain guess and I hated that. I loved finding out in the delivery room with 2 and 3!
Team Green here. I'm a type B personality who's big on spontaneity and surprises rather than having everything planned to a T. Since it's my first and I would like to eventually have one of each, there's no possible way I can be disappointed. Also, there's definitely a benefit of not receiving all pink or all blue at a baby shower. Gender neutral for me, please.
I do, however, want to find out the sex in advance the next time around. We plan to stop at two and I would like to prepare myself beforehand for having all boys/all girls, or one of each.
Thanks guys! You have renewed my faith that I can do this lol. And having all gender neutral stuff starting out for baby will be super helpful for number two. And @ihateusernames* I forgot about your horror story lol that would definitely be much worse for that to happen! We went to buy buy baby just to look around yesterday and there were lots of gender neutral things like rock and plays and such so I think it made DH feel a bit better about waiting. But the adorable nurseries made it harder for me! But the ones I liked most were gender neutral anyways. I'm just nervous the day that I go in for my anatomy scan and they ask me if I want to find out I will crack lol!
Kudos to all of you! I thought I wanted to be on team green this time around... but I'm actually finding it's harder than with the first. I have one little girl, and no gender neutrals supplies since everything people bought for me is pink, pink, pink! I'd rather know it's a girl and not need to buy a single thing-or find out I do need some things. I'm hoping for another girl so my wallet can take a break but it would be nice to have a boy--then I would definitely go team green with the third.
@Schumerator that's exactly it! If you can make it through the anatomy scan, walk out still not knowing... You can do the full term. It's that scan that was KILLER on my resolve!
Trying hard to be team green! SO is not really on board, so like you @Bluebird2318 if he doesn't agree by the anatomy scan, if the tech is generous enough to check and write it down for us, that may be a good compromise.
My sister has been team green with her LO's and it's just that surprise factor that I want to experience, we all know a baby is coming but there's so little real true surprises in life and whether you're having a baby girl or boy is a happy one whichever way it goes.
Also! BIL, was told throughout their entire pregnancy that they were having a boy, and Voila! A baby girl. They were stuck trying to trade all their baby items/clothes throughout the first few weeks. This has happened to another friend of mine too. So 20 weeks of preparing, could very well mean nothing.
ETA: I did find out for LO#1, and it was fantastic knowing, I am hoping for another little girl but would be happy with a boy as well of course.. We will see!
@ladameperdue my BIL wanted a boy SO bad, they already had a girl, but they were team green. Anyways fast forward to the birth, he's full out crying when they say it's a girl, he calls his grandmother crying while telling her and she replies "It's okay you'll love her anyways" he says "No I'm crying because I love her and she's beautiful"
The amazement of birth and meeting his daughter didn't have anything on preference of gender. The surprise got the best of him, it was so sweet.. There was no moment to actually be disappointed with the surprise.
I found out with DD and loved having everything planned out. But this time I'm ready to spice it up and go team green. Looking forward to this ultiment surprise!
We're thinking team green. DH prefers team green and I don't have a strong preference either way (meaning finding out or not). Since I'm planning on getting my way for most stuff, I can let him have this one.
Totally team green! We were team green with my daughter. We had a lot of trouble getting a sticky baby, so as long as he or she is healthy ... We won't care... So let's be surprised !
We didn't find out with our first and will not be finding out with this one.. It was the best surprise ever!! There really isn't too many actual surprises in life anymore which is why we chose not to find out with the first or this one! I know it's not for everyone though.. My sister found out with her first and will find out with this one too! LOL it all depends on preference
Even if you decide to find out, you can make it a nice surprise. Last time my husband asked the sonographer to put the gender picture in a sealed envelope. We opened it Christmas morning, 2 months before C was born.
I LOVE this idea. It's thr only thing I might consider doing vs being team green. My husband REALLY wants to find out and I dont. What a cool Christmas present to give to him! :-)
I've also considered the Christmas announcement. But for now still sticking with Team Green! For some reason up until my ultra sound today I kept thinking "this is a boy" and then after seeing it on the screen I told DH "now I think it's a girl". Literally no reason it would make me think that and I'm sure I'll go back and forth a million more times lol! But after seeing it on the screen, I actually care less about knowing the sex and am just thrilled everything is going well! I don't feel a big urge to know what it is at this moment
We didn't find out with DS and it was a nice surprise. We both guessed girl for whatever reason but had no preference. It was funny when he was born because the Dr pulled him out and said "here's your baby" but his arm was blocking our view. Both of us said at the same time "what is it?!" and were so happy to meet him once we could see he was a boy.
We are Team Green! We found out with DS and I would honestly be happy with either Boy or Girl ! I never seen myself not finding out but I am really excited for the excitement at the end
@ladameperdue I'm probably not supposed to admit this BUT part of the reason I want to be Team Green again (we were for our DS as well) is because I thought I would have at least a second of disappointment if our first was a boy because I wanted it to be a girl -- but I didn't even have half a second of disappointment once he was here. I wouldn't trade him for any little girl in the world either. Now I really want this baby to be a girl haha -- I know if we wait and it's a boy, I'll be 100% happy with him though. Whereas if we find out before the baby is born, and it's a boy, I'll have to take some time to 'get over it'. As awful as that might sound, it's the truth. Plus, finding out early isn't 100% accurate which really bothers me so.. Team Green over here!
We were team green with our daughter and we are team green again. We loved it so much with her and even though I'm already so excited to know, I know it'll be fun again this time around.
Re: Anyone else thinking Team Green?
This will be our last baby, and I feel like less of a control freak at this point in my life lol. So we're going Team Green!
Either way I feel much calmer and not wondering nearly as much, although I am very excited to find out as soon as possible!
I definitely have a strong boy vibe, but I was wrong last time so who knows.
I get a kick out of people who say "I'm a planner" rather than "I'm impatient". You can plan a lot without knowing the gender, but impatience is much harder to control.
Which do you think is better if one parent has a preference: finding out in advance and having time for it to sink in, or finding out at the birth and maybe being so excited about the new baby the sex won't matter as much?
So true, yes I'd prefer gender neutral toys and decor but more than that...I want to focus on a healthy baby and savor what true surprises the Lord provides. And that's how they use to do it! No fancy gadgets lol
The opposite happened to a friend. She was told she was having a baby boy, we gave her our boy clothes and then it was a girl...
(We got our boy clothes back).
BFP #2 7/13/2011 ~ EDD 3/16/2012 ~Aubree Olivia (9lbs 1oz, 21 inches) 3/15/2012 VBAC (39w6d)
BFP #3 5/15/2014 ~ EDD 1/16/2015~Addison Isabelle (9lbs, 0oz, 21 inches) 1/25/2015 2VBAC (41w2d)
BFP #4 7/20/2016 ~ EDD 3/25/2017 ~ Malachi Mathew (10lbs 0oz, 22 inches) 4/4/2017 emergency csection (41w3d)
I do, however, want to find out the sex in advance the next time around. We plan to stop at two and I would like to prepare myself beforehand for having all boys/all girls, or one of each.
Me: 29, DH: 34
My sister has been team green with her LO's and it's just that surprise factor that I want to experience, we all know a baby is coming but there's so little real true surprises in life and whether you're having a baby girl or boy is a happy one whichever way it goes.
Also! BIL, was told throughout their entire pregnancy that they were having a boy, and Voila! A baby girl. They were stuck trying to trade all their baby items/clothes throughout the first few weeks. This has happened to another friend of mine too. So 20 weeks of preparing, could very well mean nothing.
ETA: I did find out for LO#1, and it was fantastic knowing, I am hoping for another little girl but would be happy with a boy as well of course.. We will see!
The amazement of birth and meeting his daughter didn't have anything on preference of gender. The surprise got the best of him, it was so sweet.. There was no moment to actually be disappointed with the surprise.
Samantha - 4/5/2017
I don't have a preference for either, but my gut instinct (mother's intuition) is telling me boy. We'll see if I'm right in ~34 weeks.
Samantha - 4/5/2017